Saturday, January 28, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: As workers take down the facade of the building on the corner of 10th and Elizabeth streets downtown, its original design – called old Spanish colonial revival style or Spanish Mediterranean – is emerging. An despite the fact that new owner Benito Garcia has told everybody within earshot that he intends to demolish the building, the building complex is located in the city's heritage district and can't be demolished or its exterior destroyed as per district restrictions. Garcia, who owns the old HEB building and other real estate downtown, found this out when he tried to demolish the old Sinclair Gas Station at the corner of 10th and Levee streets across Levee from City Plaza. 

The building at the corner of 10th and Elizabeth has seen many uses, including housing the old Fisher's Cafe, Texas State Optical and lately, some discount stores. According to some sources, Garcia, who has opted to make a commercial parking lot of the property on which the old HEB building is located, also wants to include the space of the buildings pictured above. 

Old time historians like Gene Fernandez says that numerous historical personages like Frederick Hicks, Enrique Manautou, among others, once occupied the buildings and ran various commercial enterprises. Fernandez says he was assured by Brownsville's Historic Preservation Manager Juan M. Velez that the commission was closely monitoring the work being done on the building and would not permit its alteration or destruction. If you pas by the corner as the facade and metal bracing is removed, you will once again see a part of Brownsville history resurface.)


Anonymous said...

“The definition of excessive force”: Policing experts assessed the beating of Tyre Nichols.
Really? He dies and they are looking for a definition of excessive force? Man they should come down here and look for the answer. If its not death its NOT excessive force according to LOS RINCHES...
Up to today they HAVE NEVER found a cop guilty of any thing.

Anonymous said...

How a Drug Company Made $114 Billion by Gaming the U.S. Patent System
Join BPUB and make 44 million in a hurry. RATAS galore

Anonymous said...

MAMONES if they want it preserved buy it pinches gueyes...

Anonymous said...

New is good. Old structures are a safety hazard. I just saw an old house demolished and a new home is being built.

Anonymous said...

Grito Especial: Charro Days
let a meskin do the grito not a fake one nor a coco...
It'll be the first time since charro days was started 300 years ago...

Anonymous said...

No wonder downtown stinks when you listen to a bunch of idiota know nothings and own nothing. WHEN IS THIS BULLSHIT GOING TO STOP.

Anonymous said...

They should take off the sheet medals facade on the building on 13th & Elizabeth St. It would reveal a 3 or 4 stories brick building, which would look nicer than those long dilapidated sheet metals covering the building.

Anonymous said...

Interesting story. Juan, do some research on the building at 1242 E. Washington (La Tienda Amigo). The building is a couple of stores from Church's Fried Chicken. This building was the home of Porfirio Diaz, the Dictator President of Mexico when he lived in Brownsville. The building is currently for sale. Behind the front walls of the present structure is a historical building.

Anonymous said...

That's why downtown looks like such a shit hole. The owners can't demolish or make exterior renovations. Let's re-use all these old buildings with faulty wiring, mold, bad foundation, structural damage, etc..

City Hall is a prime example of a building that has a plenty of structural damage and will collapse on itself in time. It's bad enough the basement floods with inches of rain (no matter the weather when it rains) and damages the foundation.

I'd rather these old buildings get demolished and something new gets built.

Anonymous said...

didn't the streets in the downtown area were brick covered at one time? who covered the streets with stupid asphalt and why were they NOT protected? because a city commissioner owned the asphalt company????
PURAS PINCHES RATAS...typical browntown raqueta

Anonymous said...

Make that asphalt company remove the asphalt free of course IF THE BRICKS ARE STILL THERE or they took all of them to sell. INVESTIGATE!
