Tuesday, January 24, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

As an educator at Lopez High School, these past couple of years have been the most frustrating and things are not improving. If you ask students, faculty, staff, or parents why, it all comes down to one person, our principal. Our students are out of control and unfortunately, we do not have the support needed to do what is right.

Students show up to school/class late wearing pjs or something extremely revealing and inappropriate.

Students can be seen casually roaming the hallways during instructional time, as if they are at La Pulga. No one wears their school ID, which is a safety concern.

When students are referred to the office because of skipping, vaping, dress code violation, or behavioral concerns it’s brushed under the rug. Students know they get the last laugh because there are no consequences.

Administration fears are that sending students to ISS or BAC looks bad on the campus so instead, they just send them back to class.

We keep losing essential personnel due to this toxic environment created by the school principal. I have worked with numerous principals while at Lopez and never have I felt so hopeless, unsupported, and trapped.

If she did not apply for this principal position, then why was she placed here? Why did staff not have a say so when hiring?

Think what you may of the previous principal but she knew how to run a school. She would not tolerate any of the issues mentioned above and would immediately put a stop to them. The school has gone downhill since her retirement and the entrance of the new principal.

I will be honest, Mrs. Garza Limon is a friendly person and I actually like her, but she is not fit for any administrative positions at Lopez High School.


Anonymous said...

A classroom teacher bitching about the principal? How rare! ha ha ha ha. But we all know that's very much like the Walmart "associate" bitching about his supervisor, or the HEB cashier complaining about the work of cashing out a line of 50-60-70 customers day after day after day after day.

If you don't like the job, leave it.

But you won't, "teacher".

Anonymous said...

The problems mentioned does not only effect Lopez High School or its principal but the educational system in general. Most K-12 public schools in this country are funded based on daily enrollment and attendance figures. Forget about a child’s educational achievement. So in essence if a child is disciplined and sent home the district loses funding. Our current educational system needs to be restructured. We need to look at a two tier system. One for those children who are truly interested in learning and another for those that might benefit more from vocational studies. Everyone needs to understand and admit that education is not for everyone. Discipline needs to be brought back to the forefront. Those youth that are destructive need to be sent home. Maybe its time for the parents to start doing their job. Instructors are paid to teach not be overpaid babysitters.

Anonymous said...

Just teach.

Anonymous said...

Identify yourself, teacher!

be a MAN.

Anonymous said...

Are our teachers this naive?

worries me.

Anonymous said...

Lopez High School has always been a shithole. Remember when Bertha Pena was the principal it was a disaster. Violence, drugs, assaults, teachers choking students, she would give her daughter first dibs on substitute openings and more. Nothing seems to have changed.

Anonymous said...

Lopez ECHS has always been bad. Mrs. Garza is bad because she likes for her soap opera life/tele novela to be on display. The combination of both can go from bad to shithole.

Principals are transitory.

In the case of Mrs. Garza she is also vindictive. She will not take your suggestions as constructive criticism. So, no don't post your name. She already has a lot of baggage and people who know her know when people are not lying about about her.

Anonymous said...

Lopez High School:
Students are polite, respectful and hardworking.
The faculty and staff are exemplary. They arrive at 4:00 am, 5:00 am , 6:00 am, 7:00 am.

The principal : Aguilar was the best. Nobody can take her place.
The new principal: Garza Limon is the best. She is working with BISD, with faculty, with parents, and with students.

These issues need to be solved by faculty, staff, and students.
Some parents wake up late and take the kids late to school.
Some parents are free, independent, and rebels....they teach their sons and daughters to be free, independent, and rebels in school.
Some parents are leaders, enjoy learning and are into academics and push their children to excel in school and have fun in the process.

We need to help and support teachers, staff and the principal. Help teachers keep their cool when working with students that need more discipline.

Some principals are like army generals, other principals lead from behind their desk, others are working and moving with the students: hallways, stairs, cafeteria, gyms, entrances, exits..... Garza Limon and Aguilar are like this...they rule by example, by walking all over the school and keeping an eye on the students. (When students enter the school, the first person they see is the principal that welcomes them with a "GOOD MORNING". The students are asleep.) (When the school day is over, the Principal is right there on the hallway, checking to see that students exit the building orderly).

I do not know Mrs. Garza Limon but I have seen her at work and I have asked students about their principal and they approve of her. Touch base with Garza Limon and tell her what you all need from her. She will meet your needs.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry as an educator the last couple of years have been the worst we've ever had we have corruption in the main office money missing overpaid deputies are district is going downhill are board members look the other way their answers is if you're tired retire it really sucks for the new generation that's growing up I mean the students Dr Canto think she's doing a great job she wants to be superintendent she is in charge of operations look at the maintenance and facility Department the worst we've ever had we need a good maintenance director why are they waiting so long to hire one help help

Anonymous said...

He/she has tres three months to recoup with pay plus 2 weeks vacation plus one month off during xmas, a week off during charro days, martin luther king, easter, washington's birthday, memorial day, juneteenth, independence day and labor day.


Anonymous said...

He/she has tres three months to recoup with pay plus 2 weeks vacation plus one month off during xmas, a week off during charro days, martin luther king, easter, washington's birthday, memorial day, juneteenth, independence day and labor day.


Anonymous said...

surprise fullmonty did not make any stupid remarks on this one. Open your blog idiota...

Anonymous said...

925am. Dr. Cantu is the worst. She surrounds herself with the most dumbos in BISD all because she wants to be Superintendent. Remember, the dumbos fall for anything. As for Lopez Principal, its a mess over there right now. Aguilar and the Dean are no longer there. These two ladies had a grip on the school and there was respect. Now Aimee Limon is just trying to please Eddie Garcia the board member because she wants AA position. Also, when Berta Pena was there, it was far worse than Aimee. Berta was like Trump, she needed praise and adoration every second. Berta used her power to put her cunado and family in high positions. El Grigo Papayo Fisher y El Rasca Patas Gerry M , Fishers Bff, are all Bertas doing. When Berta was in BISD, era puro mugrero, vendors, Sylvia and every one got money. Now, its Cantu and her Boys and El Rasca Patas Gerry M.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Classified docs found at Pence's Indiana home
El pendejo de el fullmonty complainer called the fbi to no avail. fbi don't answer calls from payasos, pendejo go open your own blog and you can complain every day estupido.

Anonymous said...

‘Decisions are imminent’ on charges in Trump’s effort to overturn 2020 election in Georgia, Fulton County DA says

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice if your boss all of a sudden told you, "I will give you three tres months off with pay and insurance". Would you complain about the water fountain, or any other minor incidents??? of course not.
Remember idiotas who pays your salaries hint TAYPAYERS GUEY...

Anonymous said...

Our district administration is hiring people then hiring Within we've been getting all the scrap from the city of Brownsville and Outsiders from other towns when we have good workers but there's so much haters here we've got good people but it's not managed correctly. Denise I voted for you you kick some ass make a difference help our people that been here for years it cannot get promoted cuz they want us to kiss ass

Anonymous said...

Either you Lead, follow, or get the Hell out of the way!

Anonymous said...

Leave Amy alone she's probably burned out like the rest of us concentrate on all the corruption with Dr Cantu and her buddies at maintenance facilities no project has been finished. They have Jerry Martinez the biggest kiss Asser c********* we have for years. Make a difference in clean house lit qualified people come in this is b******* at the La Vista Bola de pendejos.

Anonymous said...

There will always be people who talk out of their butt when the dislike the way someone else does things. This is human nature, to tear each other down and blame. Mrs. Garza Limon is a wonderful person and her goodness seeps into her work. She devotes her time to her students and to her profession. Everyone knows that Lopez high school has always had problems with their students. The area around there isn’t the greatest. There’s so much crime and drug related crimes in that area that it’s only natural that it would end up in that school. Some students are just rotten because of the influences that they have at home or through other people that they know out in the street. It’s much easier to criticize than to be part of the solution. Those that talk should self reflect and look upon your own sins before you pass judgment. I can guarantee that won’t happen because your selfishness won’t allow you to do that. God bless you and God help those of us that have the internal issues with ourselves that we feel we need to be unkind to others.

Anonymous said...

This principle thought she was the next big thing. She was mediocre at BECHS. The school was already a success when she was assigned , but wants to make it seem as if she changed the school. She thought she could change Lopez. It takes a true leader to truly make LHS succeed. Hope BISD makes a change at principal if not then LHS and the Southmost community will once again lose out on a generation of students!

Anonymous said...

To fix BISD you need to cut the snakes heads off starts with our school board and goes down to our superintendent and it's two deputies get rid of this old Administration that is worthless for years but there are some good administrators but the top is worthless

Anonymous said...

To all the people in the community we need to make a difference at BISD and our city and our County we need people that are going to be leaders not followers too much corruption starting at the very top too much money is missing and BISD or city has been run by cartels our County Sheriff no experience doesn't know what to do we need leaders again like back in the old days this new generation I'm sorry to tell you not good

Anonymous said...

Thank you Juan Montoya from El run run for writing about BISD we are tired with this Administration that we have no support and overloads us with a lot of work teachers don't have time to teach they have so much s*** to do it is ridiculous this school board doesn't do nothing they just kiss ass to the superintendent it's time for a change I hope t e a gets involved and puts a stop to this s*** again I'm an administrator and I'm tired of it poor teachers for a professionals and staff let's make BISD great again.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Bertha Pena would drool for Wally Jackson? Bertha Pena was the worse piece of shit. She knew of all the wrongdoings at Lopez High during her time and nothing was done. She would shit on the poor and praise the corruption. What Lopez High is going through right now sounds the same or not as bad when Bertha was there as principal. And no one has mentioned Bertha Penas sidekick Lopez principal Dawn Hall. Another shithole.

Anonymous said...

If you believe that Mrs. Chile Garza Limon will work with you, you are only screwing yourself.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Limon is an educated and professional Principal. Everyone in the School Dustrict knows it. Montoya you should concentrate on the newly elected Trustees. Especially the pending legal criminal cases on Elizondo. Do your job and stop attacking the professionals that are actually working.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 6:46 AM
BULL SHIT, they all need to work 12 months JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE IN THIS PLANET....

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 5:08 PM
Idiota the city of brownsville pay your salary pendejo. bad mouth your boss has never been a good practice.


Anonymous said...

WHAT? Ya al' want more days off? You already have three months and a ton of fed holidays. WHAT MORE DO YOU HUEVONES WANT? PONGANSE A TRABAJAR HUEVONES.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow when you huevones (educators ha)go to work count your days off, maybe just maybe, it will encourage your ass to work.


Anonymous said...

During my days at Lopez with the Principal Berta Pena it was crazy. She was no principal but a wannabe cop full of shit and always wanted to be near the main office. She drooled over Wally Jackson and years later Berta had fallen for Bret Springsteen. Berta put the cunado as admin, mary tolman, the Ayala daughters, JJ, Petra Torres, Dawn Hall, Javier Garza, etc. It was a big clan and all got their positions with Berta and her buddy at HR Susan Fox. It was a crazy corrupt world and these same people are still running BISD and its a dump and now the Berta Pena of BISD is a Admin Dr. Cantu. Dr. Cantu has so much corruption going on and some even say her husband lives in BISD and take her calls. Jerry M told his guys that Cantus husband needs this and that and then Jerry send the guys over to help him. Talk about open door policy at BISD. Cantu and Pena are the same.

Anonymous said...

Aguilar ran Lopez with respect. Aimee Limon is running it down, she will leave it worse than how bertha pena left it. Aimee is ready to pack her bags and go to the main office and retire. The main office is a retirement retreat. You go there to sit around and give orders to the secretaries. The secretaries are all fighting with each other to see who goes to the Sups office for breakfast. Las bosses are just planning lunch. The sups office needs an overhaul, those secres are horrible to the workers. Olalia needs to be transferred to Jerrys office. Ollalia anda con Jerry. Jerry comes to main office for Ollalia.

. said...

Rick Lepre
Any asshole that posts shit like this anonymously, is a fkn coward. I am an employee at LHS and everybody is entitled to their own opinion, even anonymous moronic assholes. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. Oh, by the way, my name is proudly attached to this post. So go back to whatever fkn shithole you crawled out of. If you don’t like your job, or your boss, go find another one moron. Another parting shot, I bet you like your fkn paycheck every 25th

Anonymous said...

3 reasons I teach

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when administration spends all the money on administration on price road, and doesn’t provide high schools and middle schools with the hall monitors and support they need to operate efficiently.


Anonymous said...

Did you know that Bertha Pena is now a member of the Brownsville public library board thanks to the help of her longtime corrupt comadre Rachel ayala? They just can't stay away from screwing and taking advantage of the poor of southmost.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we love our pay days and bust our asses for them but that does not mean we are lying. As far as posting anonymous some would rather be cowards than Pendejos, there is nothing wrong with that either.

Y todos sabemos de la reputacion de Aimee. Lepre a retired and rehired coach. Cha Ching he is making the bucks. To defend Garza and posting his name is a way for him and his wife to kiss ass. They both work at LHS

Jesus martinez said...

I'm a taxpayer I know who the next CFO will be for the school district she does all the dirty work for the superintendent and his deputies. Welcome aboard Mary Garza I hope you guys don't end up in prison like Dr A

Anonymous said...

January 25, 2023 at 2:55 PM
we know that and every january 31st.

Anonymous said...

BISD is like a Jail, you have to be part of the right "Gang" to survive if not you are in serious trouble. Whistleblowers are dead meat by the way. And don't trust anyone not even friends or co-workers inside and outside the organization cuz the word will be spread. Good luck... and go to work with blinders and DO NOT GIVE OPINIONS....JUST TOIL. Remember what the last sentence of your job description says: must do and not say no to any other duty as assigned, hahahahaha...."Palos en la caveza", and just say "Si SeΓ±or"...

Anonymous said...

OK so who's next the city ooooh fire department. Haven't hoid from those fat folks for sometime now. Must be at lunch...
Next da puerto oooops they are still constructing da bridge, they are busy.
Ok what about BPD. They seem to take a lot of coffee breaks and where is the motorcycle gang? I saw them crusing around the mall the other day and eating an ice cream cone.

Anonymous said...

Human Resources at BISD is a Joke. The Department exists but it is only a name and to say that the organization has one because they are all worthless and THEY ARE NOT THERE TO HELP OR BE YOUR FRIEND OR ADVOCATE FOR YOU.

Anonymous said...

BISD Building on 1900 E. Price road is a retirement palace and soft jail. Everyone that plans to retire will apply to get a cushy job to have 2 hour lunches, endless meetings for other people to do the work, secretaries etc. If you get in trouble, like Oscar Cantu Jr and others like him, you get sent to Main Building on Price and its a soft jail with all the perks. Oscar Jr even had more time in his private life and got re-married. Many retirees that were once at main office say that they also met their second wife or husband there or sugar baby. Lots of divorcees and single secretaries ready to hook up some retirement money. Also some retirees came out and are happy with JJ. There are many JJs in Price Road waiting for their match. JJ is not a good catch as he is bien corriente and cheap. Many sugar babies too are ready and boy do they get $$$ from soon to retire Admins. The gringos pay a lot of $$$, just ask TC. Just know tax payers that the BISD Board Members are in it too for themselves. No accountability, BISD Price Rd Palace is where corruption rises to the top. Had I known this 5 years ago, I would of not retired but asked to be transferred to main price building.

Juan garcia said...

Anybody out there reading these comments do you guys have an idea what this superintendent has done for BISD

. said...

Fuck off Mr. Anonymous at least I have the fkn balls to own what I have to say. I don’t kiss anybody’s ass, if you think I do then you don’t know me very well. As for my wife, keep her out of what I say, she works extremely hard and has nothing to do with anything pendejo. Anything that any mthrfkr writes and doesn’t own just makes them a FUCKING COWARD. Nobody pays any attention to Mr. Anonymous puto! Own it and come tell it to me mthrfkr, you know where to find me. I’ll be working hard for fkn peanuts

Anonymous said...

Exactly right.

. said...

Anonymous said...

Yes, we love our pay days and bust our asses for them but that does not mean we are lying. As far as posting anonymous some would rather be cowards than Pendejos, there is nothing wrong with that either.

Y todos sabemos de la reputacion de Aimee. Lepre a retired and rehired coach. Cha Ching he is making the bucks. To defend Garza and posting his name is a way for him and his wife to kiss ass. They both work at LHS

Oh yeah, I'm making the BIG fkn bucks. I make $3000 for working from 1/13 to the middle of May. I don't do it for the $$$ pendejo, I do it for the KIDS.I work about 15 hours a week moron, whats that come out to? ChaChing you fkn moron, when was the last time you did something for our kids,PENDEJO!You know where to find me if you would like to speak about this further That,s right PENDEJO, out on the softball field working for peanuts

Anonymous said...

HR is there to protect BISD. It is the same at any business.

Anonymous said...

The truth hurts. Better to be a coward and survive the day to fight the war another day.

Anonymous said...

The shitty thing about being the principal is that they don't get 3 months off.

Anonymous said...

Notice, if people are free to have an express their opinions why insult them with bad words? Can you imagine working with a hot head like Lepre or trying to talk with him in a normal conversational tone and then him responding the way he writes?

Only another crazy like him would want to discuss something with him. Ya, you have been fed to the lobos. Mejor we do like we have always done and speak with whispers and looks because at the end of the day Mrs. A. G. Lemon is not worth it. Just do your job, get paid, pay the bills, provide for your loved ones, and move along.

In the end life deals with us all.

Anonymous said...

10:53 post, who is TC at BISD? Anyone have any tips on going to main office. I am divorced but don't want toxicas. Who are the gringos I can ask?

Anonymous said...

Teaching is a difficult job. If you teach and like your job it is hard because the work is never ending. If you teach and don't like your job it is hard because it takes to much energy to do whatever you get done.

Now if you are retired and get rehired the money you earn is worth busting your chops. Starting pay for a first year teacher in BISD is $53,000. If you are getting $3,000 a month as a retired teacher that is $36,000 a year. Now, $53,000 + 36,000= $89,000. Five years ago the stipend for coaching was $9,000. If you add that to the $89,000 that = to $98,000.

$89,000 is a nice chunk of change. I have a friend who is a retired teacher he's told me that he get $52,000 a year.

So, yes I can conclude that being a retired and rehired teacher is worth the effort for anyone to try to make brownie points.

Teaching is difficult so before the "pinches teachers huevones" starts complaining he/she should seriously consider going into teaching. A ver si aguantas la vara.

. said...

I’m not a pinche hotheadπŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‡

Anonymous said...

Lepre is a 5 foot 3 inch midget that weighs 130 soaking wet with a big mouth. He wouldn’t be able to hurt a fly. He thinks he’s a badass cuz he’s from NY. But then again, he’s 5’3” LOL

Anonymous said...

Juan, can you please ask your BISD sources who TC is from the posts, many teachers like me want to know. Everyone checking BISD email lists but that TC person is not at the main office. The BISD Main Office environment is not a myth, it is a reality. Anyone who who TC is post it, food and eggs real expensive and need money.

. said...

I know but I’m not saying. TC will remain Anonymous πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€·‍♂️🀷‍♂️🀷‍♂️🀷‍♂️

Anonymous said...

I do not know who TC is but it sounds like she is a woman. Is she posting her services over the internet too?

As far as the other post go, it seems we have found the male version of a Karen, a psycho, and a chihuahua all rolled into one. πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

The only TC I can recall is Tim Cuff and he just won a grievance against the district. 4:02 post, is it a boy or a girl? Is it a degreed person or a paraprofessional?

Oh, and where is the stupid superintendent if and when all this is going on?
Hiding under the skirts of his two viejas mensas y rete feas!

. said...

Look,I'm 70 years old and love the game, I love the kids, they keep me young. Anybody that wants to trash me for doing what I love, take your shots.I continue to give back, athletics is all that I really know. Most 70 year olds are sitting on their asses waiting for death to knock on their door, not me. I will continue to offer what I know to kids, so take your shots. I'm not in this for the $$$$$

. said...


. said...


Anonymous said...

Orale, Tim Cuff won his grievance $$$$, 11:57am. How many pinche grievances have all those Admins that were moved won $$$$. Shit, HR admin Carmelita Rodriguez should be let go. I guess there is a lot of money in the pot for grievances for Admins like Jimm Hsynes, Sandra Lopez, Rose Longoria, etc. Tim Cuff is earning like 3 salaries, retired and rehired and been a divorcee, remarried and I guess he may be BISD most eligible gringo? Back in the day when he was at Garza, Tim was in love with Zendejas and years later she hired him back and Tim was always with her. The Superintendent Rene Gutierrez got so jealous of Tim Cuff he moved him out. Tim was getting so much action the Sup could not stand it and almost punched him in a board meeting. Pinche Tim, that gringo is banking bisd dough. Lepre loves Tim too!

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that TC will be the next Superintendent of BISD school district. Jessica Gonzalez wants Rene out bad and put in Timmy. People be nice to Timmy because he is ready to move on in. Jessica has a thing for older guys and has said she had gone out to eat with him and he paid. Plus he drove her in his green Camaro a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Okay, ya we need to let Lepre be. He already played the old timer card and made me feel sorry for him. . .his are the rants of an old man who refuses to throw in the towel. "Cut me Mickey."

Mr. Lepre, we can agree to disagree agree Aimee Garza Limon is an outstanding hard working principal to you but to some of us she is not cut out or better yet does not put in the effort to be the savior of LHS.

Joe tax payer said...

No Vale verga at Bisd

. said...

Thank you for the respect 😎

Anonymous said...

Hey, could TC be Terry Capistran? Tim is not strong enough to run a school district unless he hires a bunch of deputies to do the work for him like this Gutierrez idiot has done. I have yet to see Gutierrez anywhere in the community or involved within it. He is here for the money and once the board wakes up, he will retire and live on his fat ass out of the nest BISD built for him.

Anonymous said...

So much going on Juan at the school district. Can you do a Part II on this story about Lopez high school principal, Coach Lepre and Tim Cuff? Is Tim Cuff the next Superintendent of the district? Also, Lepre is a way better than Tito Mata as a coach. Tito apesta a arm pits gacho. You have the whole district checking in on this post for the comments and we need more. Dale Juan, keep it coming, next episode.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment about writing about the school district keep it coming good job

Anonymous said...

Terry Capistran would be a great choice to lead BISD in the right direction fast. Rene Gutierrez has yet to do anything in the community, but go eat at La Pampa and Calacas Tacos and Beer weekly. Lepre needs to retire. He is way to pissed that the Cowboys lost. Timothy Cuff needs to retire ya! If he's not on the phone with Mary he is on the phone with Gonzales member of the board. Timothy Cuff has so much baggage and lady drama that he will need like 5 Deputies. He is going through his mid life crisis and is a regular at Garcia's pharmacy in Mata. Juan, keep this story going. It's the most commented one and we are here to read it and going viral at Lopez.

Anonymous said...

People Aime Limon was placed at Lopez as a favor to Ayala mother to have her daughter placed at BECHs. Little Rachel Ayala was put there thanks to Carmelita who goes way back to the favors owed to Carmelitas husband TK by the mother Rachel Ayala. Aimee did not even interview it was all a show.

Anonymous said...

Taking into account the number of comments under this expose, it is no doubt that the people of BISD are tired of having to bow over to idiots like the administrators we now have. Ha! Administrators? More proper would be "dictators." Juanio, you should run a daily overview of all the shenenigans going on at BISD, just like you do about Cheno Cortinas, because people want to keep up with those that are making idiots out of us for putting up with so much disarray. We are not the proud educational system that we were in the 90's to the beginning 0f 2020, when we were proud to be a part of a family
working together for our students. Then here comes SA on the board and to hell with educating our students. What a shame!

Anonymous said...

The ones that need to write are those of you that are wading through the cess pool. You are the ones with the facts.

Anonymous said...

Good job Juan continue writing on BISD we need to vent out this is what are Community needs to know about the true stuff that happens at BISD they always sugarcoat everything I'm an employee and I'm tired of this but I won't give up until this Administration gets out wake up bored make the decision for the students and community

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how much the grants guy Edwin Barrera got in pay for being put on leave. He was put on Administrative Leave and he is about to cash out with a big lump sum of money. Several special board meetings have been going on negotiating. One was this week and many want to know how much $$ he will get. Keep the information coming guys, so much going on with Dr. Cantu and maintenance it's a big scandal brewing.

Anonymous said...

Please no Capistran back to BISD. She messed with Hanna so bad and followed atkinson to the point that coaches were fired because of her weakness in standin up to atkinson.

Anonymous said...

The person in charge of operations and maintenance department need to be investigated there's too much corruption in that department projects are not being finished and some they're saying they are finished vendors have been paid off and jobs have not been finished she's just buying time please look into this this is taxpayers money

Anonymous said...

Y los Atkinson's que componen? They are white trash who managed to pull themselves out of the jaiba barrel and now they want to control everything.
I wonder how it is going on for baby daughter Silvia locked up in a glorified jail full of gals. Y la pobre de Sherry, que?

La Frances is no saint herself! Remember the Hanna fiasco? Se cree bien
chingona and there are many of us who remember her shenenigans at Hanna.

de tal palo, tal estilla!
