Saturday, January 28, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Let me point out the problems with Eric Garza's administration. 

1.You have Rick Cornejo who has absolutely NO...and I mean NO business getting involved with jail matters and making decisions about jail matters. 

2. Eric got rid of Commander Leal, Jorge Hernandez, Joe Elizardi, Sam Sanchez, and Delgado. Although, Delgado was not as experienced as the rest of this bunch, he was trying and he was slowly making progress. 

3. Eric hires Luis Mendieta who has no real jail administrative experience. Mendieta worked in the jail for a short time before he was hired as a deputy. that does not qualify him to run the jail facility. 

4. Eric has serious issues with staffing. WHY?? Because he keeps going public with it because he has no clue on how to run a jail facility. The U.S. Marshals will not bring back the federal inmates because the jail is unsafe. Why is it unsafe? Because Eric has pushed out all the experienced personnel that knew how to run both facilities and has hired his compadres and comadres to run the Sheriff's department. 

5. Good people leave the Sheriff Department because Eric has his cheerleading crew that he hired by disposing of 5 jail positions and turning jailer positions to fund the hiring of his cheerleading crew. The cheerleaders are the same girls that gave thousands of dollars to Eric when he was campaigning. This was nothing but money laundering Eric did to clean up dirty money and used his cheerleaders names for the finance reports and then promised him jobs in which he did ended up hiring them. 

6. People leave because his cheerleaders are getting paid more than the deputies. The Cheerleaders are driving unmarked vehicles that are supposed to be used for law enforcement officers. The Cheerleaders and the head Cheerleader Rick Cornejo clock in and out from their phones and are cheating the time clock. They also depleted the Stone Garden overtime fund and milked those funds for their pockets. Bad administration decisions, short staff, lack of real supervisors is why people are killing themselves and dying in the jail cells. 
The jailers are tired, overworked, underpaid and most importantly UPSET that they work 12 hour shifts and the Cheerleaders and a few jailers that hang out with Eric Garza at the main office that are Eric's new hires work 8 hour shifts and drive police cars. 

There will be more deaths and nothing is going to be done about it. The county will keep getting sued because of poor leadership at the Sheriff Department and because of those thing I just mentioned.

Aside from all of that........Jorge Hernandez...was not fired he quit and regardless he was probably the first one (ON ERIC'S BLACKLIST OF RETALIATION FOR OMAR LUCIOS ADIMINISTRATION) There was a safety net system for all mental health clients while he was in charge. 

Upon intake they were screened and jail staff informed medical if there was concerns and they were then seen my the Mental Health Counselor. Those that reported drug use were monitored on a daily basis for 10-14 days to make sure there was no withdrawals. 

Whoever is there has no idea how to run the jail. They do know how to go to the commissioners court to ask for PICKUP TRUCKS to patrol the streets. 

The other problem is that Tropical Texas stopped seeing inmates. The infirmary does not have the support they need to offer mental health services to inmates especially when they have over 1,000 to take care of. It is so unfortunate that all of this is happening and all because prior to 01/01/2021 Eric Garza and his followers met to formulate their blacklist of those that he was going to fire just for being part of Omar Lucio's Administration. 

I know that I was on that list and I am okay with it because exactly on 01/01/2021 (I was out on Covid leave and still not cleared) they called to give me ridiculous orders that I was not going to follow especially from individual's that don't even come close to the level of education that I have (not even Eric does). 

Anyone can get a peace officer license (even I can but I am not interested). It doesn't take much to go through the Academy but what you really need and will not get in the Academy is EXPERIENCE. EXPERIENCE DOES MATTER especially when you are going to not only run a Sheriff's Department but a jail. 

A jail that is in charge of over 1,000 lives and YES they are in custody for breaking the law but it still is a pre-trial facility and they are all innocent until proven guilty.


Anonymous said...

Grito Especial: Charro Days’ Chickie Samano dies at 85
They should have a grito contest before charro days begins. Not have the gringos gritar only. RACIST!

Anonymous said...

What is this - The Disgruntled Deputies blog?

Enough from the hoi polloi, Monty. This reads as if nothing more than a World Series of whining. Do your jobs, vatos pansones. Either get on the frontlines or get the fuck gone! Eric Garza, right or wrong, is the elected sheriff and he will make the decision, not you goddamned grunts. Tired of these mensos analyzing the workings of the sheriff's office.

Get some real shit on him, something that will bring him down to your gang laughter, and then we'll talk.

Until then, ya aburrieron, jotos!!!

he dicho.

Anonymous said...


He died while in county jail five years ago and was replaced by a Mexican national lookalike. His blog has been written by El Jerry McHale, who tries to be Mexican by mangling the English language on Juan's blog.


Anonymous said...

Samano sold pet fish once....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1 year away from election

Anonymous said...

Power went over the head of this puñetas

Anonymous said...

Emotional criticism coming from inside the sheriff's department should be weighed as if a mound of snot. Not-quite-there employees are everywhere in the Rio Grande Valley. Something must be going right, 'cause the deputies haven't exactly rioted. And they won't. These substandard workers are lucky to have a job....and they know it.

That's why they won't post their names in their cowardly comments.


Anonymous said...

How many in custody deads did Omar Lucio had in 20 years and how many Eric Garza in only 2 years? Fucking insane!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aside from all of that........Jorge Hernandez...was not fired he quit and regardless he was probably the first one (ON ERIC'S BLACKLIST OF RETALIATION FOR OMAR LUCIOS ADIMINISTRATION)
There was a safety net system for all mental health clients while he was in charge. Upon intake they were screened and jail staff informed medical if there was concerns and they were then seen my the Mental Health Counselor. Those that reported drug use were monitored on a daily basis for 10-14 days to make sure there was no withdrawals.
Whoever is there has no idea how to run the jail. They do know how to go to the commissioners court to ask for PICKUP TRUCKS to patrol the streets.
The other problem is that Tropical Texas stopped seeing inmates. The infirmary does not have the support they need to offer mental health services to inmates especially when they have over 1000 to take care of.
It is so unfortunate that all of this is happening and all because prior to 01/01/2021 Eric Garza and his followers met to formulate their blacklist of those that he was going to fire just for being part of Omar Lucio's Administration. I know that I was on that list and I am okay with it because exactly on 01/01/2021 (I was out on Covid leave and still not cleared) they called to give me ridiculous orders that I was not going to follow especially from individual's that don't even come close to the level of education that I have (not even Eric does).
Anyone can get a peace officer license (even I can but I am not interested) it doesn't take much to go through the Academy but what you really need and will not get in the Academy is EXPERIENCE.
EXPERIENCE DOES MATTER especially when you are going to not only run a Sheriff's Department but a jail. A jail that is in charge of over 1000 lives and YES they are in custody for breaking the law but it still is a pre-trial facility and they are all innocent until proven guilty.

Anonymous said...

You voted for that inexperienced person just because he was a Democrat. Stop voting like inner city blacks!

Anonymous said...

No secret that the DEA is closing in on Gilbert and Ovidio for drug trafficking

Angel had a case with PD for indecency with a child

Hoskins a coke addict who was arrested for family violence

Cornejo was caught at motel 6 in county time in a unmarked police unit

Jessica Ramirez gets paid more than a deputy

Nereida drives a county unit, and puts a lot of Stone Garden meanwhile deputies are told only to work certain hours

Ladies and gentlemen this are the people behind Eric Garza

Anonymous said...

Help the Sheriff. He can talk to other sheriffs.

Anonymous said...

Downhill from here, Titanic sinking full speed

Anonymous said...

Why does clerks need to drive new unmarked police units while our investigators don't have one. This is the shit that pisses me to fuck off, who this people think they are. Fuck you Eric I never vote but this coming March I'll make sure I go and I'm taking friends family neighbors..everyone!

Anonymous said...

I do ask myself on why does this guy wanted to run for sheriff faken mess

Anonymous said...

Mendieta wants to earn respect by cooking for the jail supervisors instead earning respect by leading what a joke

Anonymous said...

This new commander is clueless on what needs to be done, he is more concerned about having meetings to brag he has the support of the retarded sheriff rather than focusing on the real needs. The other day he wanted to prohibit access to an inmate that claimed sexual assault from the arresting officer, he wanted to send that inmate back with the same officer to their PD, I completely lost respect for that guy after that. He is just another of Garza's puppet

Anonymous said...

Angel Perez keeps sending messages like if he was in charge of swat but he never goes to training, he can't shoot for shit, he has never gone to competition with us like a real leader would, he always have excuses not to go to the range or tactical training with us. Just like del bosque

Anonymous said...

January 28, 2023 at 9:39 AM
como chingas mamon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't the city police have better things to do besides protecting stupid runners and walkers that are using the middle of the roads, like go beat up on a local citizens with your cameras on... as a good way to relieve your anger. Don't cry, don't feel deeply sad just beat the shit out of a pendejo citizen that REALLY helps...

Anonymous said...

The change we need! Hahah

Anonymous said...

I did not vote to him.

Anonymous said...

Montoya 100
Garza 0

Anonymous said...

Todo le sale mal a este vato

Anonymous said...

Luis Mendieta worked for Osiel Cardenas Jr when he resigned from the Sheriff's Office last year. Deputies witnessed that Mendieta acted as body guard and now Eric brought him back as chief jailer. Dime con quien te juntas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

By the number, number ONE is just not reachable here, maybe like 9300 and going lower every day.

Anonymous said...

And theres more more deputies and jailers evolved with CDG and is been for years

Anonymous said...

Honestly some of the jail staff should not be employed with the county either. An example is Andrew Rocha, who knew his brother had an outstanding warrant for two years with Cameron County, yet never said anything. Then his brother is arrested again and does not follow up his court dates. Now his brother has two outstanding warrants with Cameron County. Almost three years after the first warrant his brother is arrested based on a tip. Why is he allowed to be employed as a jailer when he wouldn’t even turn in his brother for two outstanding warrants with the same organization he is employed with ? Andrew Rocha, his brothers, and father should be investigated. They are day laborers yet have suddenly acquired a backhoe, maintainer, and another heavy duty construction equipment when they rarely work. As we all have seen with jailers, they tend to commit crimes because they cannot afford to live on their salaries. Maybe it is time the Sheriffs Office look into this employee to determine how a jailer who lives on $35K a year can afford that type of equipment. Not even with overtime could he afford it. Much less his family who hardly work,

Anonymous said...

January 28, 2023 at 7:57 AM
Pinche vendido mamon how much is the pendejetea paying your ass to make good comments about your camote pinche mamon...

Anonymous said...

I'm not for Eric Garza for next election, but who else is running against him besides Ronnie Saenz? (is he husband of Sandra Saenz, BPUB board member?} The sole connection to any COB, BISD, County, TSC, BND and BPUB is enough to question an agenda and self serving gain.

Anonymous said...

Lucio had valerio demoted and Lee uribe demoted .....twice. don't talk about Eric's decisions without noting truth. Sucio lucio did not promote on merit or common sense.

Anonymous said...

Worst about this is that he really think he is a good leader

Anonymous said...

Experience really matters

Anonymous said...

mascara de maricon!

Anonymous said...

pinche pendejo can't even count he's still stuck at ZERO "0".

Anonymous said...

A cowboy hat and those stars on your collar do NOT make you a real respected law-man.

Experience and having walked the walk is what makes you a law-man along with your career reputation of being a law-man and having solved actual crimes, patrolled the streets at 3am, made arrests, and been a police officer for several years.

You Mr. Garza are an inexperienced rookie that don't know shit. You have yet to prove yourself. You would not survive a domestic disturbance on your own in Cameron Park. probably would not even survive a domestic disturbance on Rustic Manor which is the rich part of town.

You are a rookie, wet behind the ears and you do not know how to make real decisions when the shit hits the fan. You would have to depend on Alvaro Guerra because Silver don't know shit either.

Eric Garza, you are nothing but an inexperienced rookie wearing a Sheriff badge. Shit man you still hold a fucken BASIC Peace Officer License man!! You are nothing but a clerk and a paper file stamper.

Anonymous said...

Eric too many stars on his shirt looks like the lady DPS Spokesperson whos comes out on tv, maybe is the same person? just maybe.

Anonymous said...

To Jan 28 2023 @ 10:43 AM
Good plan, I have two 16 passenger vans to lend you, I'll lend you one because I am going to copy your plan.
Vote him out, and the others will scramble.

Anonymous said...

Para January 29 a las 8:08 AM

Es el y los mamones que el tiene arredor de el.
NADA LE SALE BIEN, estan bien nejos.

Anonymous said...

For January 29 2023 8:10 AM

Mendieta alerting the guards that Cardenas was there is not the same as working for him and being his body guard. It is just that ALERTING that the guy is there and they have to keep an eye on him and the idiots around him for them not to do something stupid or break the law. Your post is based on a butthurt deputy saying that Mendieta told him to watch out for Cardenas. He forgot to mention it was to keep that guy online not like he is used to doing in Matamoros. Here he gets arrested. Stop feeding wrong info. to best serve you. Garza sucks yes, but Mendieta did not do anything wrong with that directive at the centenario concert.

Anonymous said...

January 29, 2023 at 1:51 PM
Yes, he is and ya al' know what that means.She needs to be replaced NOW. You think its bad now, elect este sonso and things will really be bad...FACT

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza tiene cara de George Santos dressed in drag. However, we have to be honest it is not his fault que esta bien parecido. Lastima que he is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lucio had valerio demoted and Lee uribe demoted .....twice. don't talk about Eric's decisions without noting truth. Sucio lucio did not promote on merit or common sense.

January 29, 2023 at 2:41 PM

I mean come on valerio had it coming, but at least that fag had the balls to stab you in the front unlike other supervisors that wait till you turn around. Mi respecto al uy uy uy

Anonymous said...

He's carrying bout 8 lbs of gold: his badges (3), his academy gold ring, his I don't give a shit ring, ear rings (3), gold tooth 3 of them, fake gold nails 21 of them, gold stars abt 20 and HIS PISTOLA that one comes in at about dos kilos...
forgot he's got Tinker Bells on his toes 11 of them...

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about crook Lt Domingo Diaz who took bribes from the transmigrantes.
