Saturday, January 7, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

For weeks now, rumors have swirled around the departure of City Attorney Victor Flores. 

Now those rumors have been confirmed.

Flores was one of several attorneys who applied to the City of Mission which had lacked a city attorney since September. In December, he was told that he was getting the job. 

City sources said that Flores had informed the city commission that his last day in the city was December 28. In turn, then city has posted an announcement the opening of the position four days ago.

In the announcement of the vacancy, the city's website said the successful applicant would be responsible for providing professional legal services in relation to the municipal government operations, responsible for preparing opinions, memorandum, contracts, ordinances, and related legal documents.

A candidate for the Attorney position must have strong communication skills, it states.

Estimated Salary: $20 to $28 per hour based on qualifications.
Flores was sworn in by Texas Supreme Court Justice Jeff Boyd Tuesday as the new city attorney for MIssion.

Flores began his legal career in the McAllen city attorney’s office before moving to the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. There, he worked for the city of Denton and then the city of Plano. He and and his family moved back down and began working for the city of McAllen again before moving to Brownsville. 

His appointment as lead legal counsel for the city of Mission follows the resignation of former City Attorney Gustavo “Gus” Martinez in September. His first official day with the city was on Tuesday.

The last city attorney to work for Mission was Mark Sossi, who was terminated by the city commissioners in early 2017 after they found out that he had concurrently signed a retainer with that city after he had told Brownsville city commissioners that he would work exclusively for them if they changed the terms of his employment with by making him a full-time employee instead of a contract attorney. 

During a January 17 meeting, Sossi pleaded with the commissioners to grant him full-time city employee status and promised them he would work exclusively for the city if the did. The commissioners gave in and made him a full-time employee as the city's general counsel at the same salary without advertising the slot, taking applications, or interviewing other candidates.

That allowed him to include a dependent in the city's health and medical insurance. The child was the object of a custody battle between him and an erotic dancer a a local gentlemen's club who had moved in with Sossi before she bore his child. A local court rejected Sossi's motion to give him custody of the child and gave the mother custody, ordering Sossi to pay her $1,700 a month for child support.

Yet, less than month later, on Feb. 14, Sossi – unbeknownst to the commissioners – inked a monthly retainer with the City of Mission to act as their counsel on labor and mediation issues. That proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back and five commissioners decided they had enough of the lawyer and his machinations. Sossi and his partner – former city commissioner Anthony Troiani – now represent several valley cities, including San Benito.

The listing for Brownsville city attorney will be open until the end of January. Until anew city attorney is chosen from among the applicants, City Asst. Attorney Will TreviƱo will serve as interim city attorney.


Anonymous said...

Flores, take the rest of the rats with you .

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the other city attorney they had ? I believe his last name started with an S .

Anonymous said...

Ho Hum

it happens, ese.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a guy looking for opportunities, and aren't they all?

Anonymous said...

Mid-level bureaucrat stories now?

oh, boy.

Anonymous said...

Another one from the total alignment crap gone. How bad is the city that these puppets are quickly leaving. HR staff next to leave city administration?

Anonymous said...

He don't want to be part of the city corruption das what i hoid!!

i don't blame him, now whos next???

Anonymous said...

You think a good guy wants to be around RATAS?????


Anonymous said...

Sea Turtle, Inc. building new 15,000-square-foot hospital
something doesn't sound right. how about spending the money on humans???PINCHES IDIOTAS MAMONES/AS... ITS THE JOBS AND THE SALARY THAT MATTERS HERE. (no pos son voluntarios) puro pedo!!

Anonymous said...

its like local doctors going to that white on white war in cockroach europe they do it for the money and publicity gringo's Holy Grail.

Anonymous said...

Give him a sack to fill with RATAS and take it to the nearest city limits and burn it... a million city residents will thank you.

Anonymous said...

He saw Tenaska and the corruption at city hall and got the hell out of dodge.

Anonymous said...

Don't be fool by the "Total Alignment" concept which is nothing but Total bullshit. True leaders lead by example, something nonexistent on the entire city management staff and some directors. Employees know that this total Alignment is nothing more than a smoke screen. Bernal should have taken this crab with him.

Anonymous said...

another one bites the dust....

Anonymous said...

Buy her a hair brush idiota!!!

Anonymous said...

He only made $87,134 per year when the state average for city attorneys is over $110k. Mission paid their last attorney around that amount. The City of Brownsville has some of the lowest wages for City employees. No wonder everyone leaves and moves somewhere else for better pay.
