Tuesday, January 3, 2023


 1) Consideration and ACTION, if any, related to the appointment or employment of a city manager, and authorize the Mayor to negotiate and execute a contract with the selected candidate. (City Attorney/OD&HR)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

After months of paying for the search of applicants to fill the city manager's position, interim city manager Helen Ramirez will present the two finalists to the city commissioners today during their regular meting. And guess who one of those finalists is? 

Would you believe Ramirez herself?

This incongruous turn of events means that the recommendations that were made to the city commission by First First Assistant City Attorney Will Trevino has had to go through Ramirez before it reaches the commissioners.

In addition, some critics of the selection process object to having the current city commission make the selection since there are four members of the commission up for election. Why not table the item, they say, and allow the new city commission to make the decision since it will impact their tenure.

"Why the rush?" asked a local diner at a downtown restaurant. "If we have different commissioners after the May election, will it lead to yet another search if the incoming commissioners don't get a say-so in the selection process."

That the result of the city's search process for a city manager to replace Noel Bernal who left to become the manager of Adams County, Colorado, has to go through the scrutiny of one of the applicants is not sitting well with some commissioners, who say the process seems to have lacked transparent, and that some applicants may believe that the result was a foregone conclusion in favor of Ramirez.

"Both the finalists are not Brownsville natives," said a city mid-level manager. "This is just a continuation of Bernal's so-called 'Total Alignment'  with the high-paying jobs going to his assistants. I wouldn't blame the applicants if they think the selection process is tilted in Ramirez's favor."

In addition, some critics of the selection process object to having the current city commission 


BobbyWC said...

The entire city commission has been on notice by me she is not qualified. I have a complete nightmare with the Permit Department and she does not even respond to Open Records Requests. She is forcing me to go to the AG. The BPUB pays out rebates at the request of the contractors who acted without a permit. Until the inspection is complete and cleared the job is not done.

Helen is running cover for the inept Permit Department and the Rebate Department at the BPUB. After she was told an AC was about to secure an illegal permit, she did nothing and then the permit was issued in violation of city code. There are no retroactive permits unless you had an emergency and the office was closed, and then the code they use says you must go to the permit office the first day they are open after you start. Not 6 months later after the state opens a formal investigation.

My home is worthless because I forced them to do an inspection. Now Helen will not order them to follow through on the violations. My homeowners policy has an exclusion for damage done to the home due to code violations. The mortgage company and insurance company are working together to try and find me a rider which I agreed to pay for. Helen is refusing all open records requests the involved insurance companies want.

She has my sworn affidavit that a police officer lied in the report claiming I interfered with his investigation. There are too many witnesses I arrived after he police not before. It was a major domestic abuse case. the door was broken down. He pulled a weapon on a pregnant women which is a federal crime.

Then after CPS sued the women based on 100% hearsay the police officer appeared to testify for CPS. After the hearing he went up to her in a restaurant and intimidated her.

Helen Ramirez is just running cover for an inept police chief protected by at least 4 votes. The lawsuit is getting close. She will be bogged down in defending her corruption if she is hired.

Oh on the AC this guy does the work at SpaceX. I have no proof he failed to get permits for the SpaceX Projects or violated the code in his work.

But I have sent everything to the FAA person who oversees state and municipal ordinances at both the federal and state level.

We do not need a city manager whose only job is to keep the corruption going and covering up the incompetence of protected city officials.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

AAAh pero si fuera un piche gringo there would be no questions.

Aaaah pero es un pinche tacuache meskin, BRING ON THE INVESTIGATIONS PUROS, MAMONES.

All this meskin's gotta do is he's on favor of builting MORE bike trails and BOOOOOOOOM he's hired

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2023 at 9:28 AM
you mean a gringo, RIGHT?

Anonymous said...

Can we all chip in a few dollars and get this moron BobbyBoob his own blog?

Montoya should ban him, what with all the crap he threw at Juan with his Dead Blog for all those years. BobbyBoob, get lost!!!

- The Whole Town

BobbyWC said...

Juan thanks for publishing my comment. But think for a second has Gloria Rincones fired him. Nope. Do you thing it is possible if Garza still had control he would have fired the guy immediately?

When this entire mess started I was very confused because everywhere I practiced the judges hired and fired their own bailiffs. This was new to me and I guess part of the endless corruption in this county.

To continue the above discussion on Helen Ramirez, the Brownsville Housing Authority is a disaster. They had no idea that HUD protects domestic abuse victims. The case worker took the side of the apartment manager. She was removed. I had to educate the director on the law because she did not know it, and then they issued old notices to the apartment manager which HUD had amended. Good thing the manager at the complex did notrealize they were the improper notices banning eviction.

After the incident wherein her abuser broke down the door, the manager had it nailed shut so she could not exit it in case of a fire. Helen Ramirez did not take them to task for the safety violation and the police refused to charge the abuser for the violence or damaging the door and steeling the victims car, or smashing her cell phone when she tried to call the police. The police chief has 4 votes protecting him so he does not enforce the law when politics says otherwise. Saenz hates this family. He is about to see a motion which will turn his office upside down.

BobbyWC said...

Post got too long for one post. part 2

It is a crime to make false reports to CPS. By their own admission the CPS case worker under oath the apartment manager reported the mother was neglecting her children. That is hearsay. the law for mandatory CPS services bars hearsay as a basis for a suit. Gloria Rincones who knows nothing about the law did not care. Helen Ramirez is being sued over what CPS has done to this family. This women went to a secure location after the attack based on the federal domestic abuse hot line. Gloria Rincones allowed this to be a valid claim she was hiding from CPS. The DOJ knows all about Gloria and Helen.

Because the mother has three triplets who are coming along well because the mother is committed to the physical therapy, her mother and she agreed since the mother lives next door the two oldest girls who did not mind would have a bedroom in grand mothers new apartment. Just moved in and they are great. new construction. Housing refused claiming the mother would have to pay her mother child support. It was just a sleeping arrangement. her mother and father are always helping with the triplets and the brother keeps the older boys busy in sports. Helen was fine with Housing turning down the grandmother for a three bedroom over the child support issue. She was sent the federal law people on SSI do not have to pay child support. Hellen and the housing director did not care. She was going to pay child support or her mother as not going to get the larger unit. Now we have a problem. They are in violation of the occupancy code for the mothers unit. The director over housing has zero knowledge of the law and Helen Ramirez is protecting her. So to avoid the violation of the occupancy code the two oldest daughter's have been forced to live in an overcrowded apartment of the grandmother. Guys I am telling you they are all together all the time. Even the CPS worker stated in her affidavit they are well dressed and always clean.

BISD had nothing but praise for the mother. She is a super involved parent who volunteers when she can. her daughter is in dance, and the eldest son will start football next week. They are all super athletic and great swimmers, and very polite within reason. They are children in the end

Back to the apartment manager. I personally called the housing code enforcement office for the city repeatedly when Bernal was there because there were puddles of raw sewage all over the complex. After I finally forced the city to do its job, they sent an inspector and forced them to hire a crew immediately until the system was fixed. this cost them a fortune. Only under AG threat did Helen release the complaint. the inspector lied and said there was only one complaint by this woman or anyone else about the raw sewage. He never interviewed anyone me, the woman or other tenants. His statement was purely based on the word of the apartment manager. Helen did nothing to correct the falsified report. And then after it cost the apartment a fortune to clean up the raw sewage, she called CPS and made the false report the mother neglects her children. The police refuse to investigate the false report to CPS which is a crime. The city for its roll in this mess is going to be sued along with Helen Ramirez. if she his hired she will spend her first years defending her incompetence and being nothing more than a reliable puppet for the 4 controlling votes. We need a real city manager and not a puppet of 4 corrupt city commissioners.

I now have more than enough money in a trust which will allow me to do mailers in the May election. Anyone on the ballot who votes for Helen will learn just what the commissioner knew and when and how to access all the redacted documents on line.

Anonymous said...

Wake up people, the "Total Alignment" concept is nothing but Total bullshit as true leaders lead by example, something nonexistent in the entire city management staff.

Anonymous said...

BobbyBoob get lost! scram clown!! beat it, meathead!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan i am sure there are some good pistoleros or city manager material in brownsville or the valley that can serve as City manager but i am sure as many already knew that Helen Reddy was going to get appointed in exchange for what? We will never know, on the other hand yes i also agree why not wait until the MAY ELECTIONS been 5 months since conjunto bernal left, we can wait a few more months or no?. So the new mayor and whoever is elected make that choice. just saying.

Anonymous said...

Where's Rene Coronado?

Anonymous said...

e la corruzione continua
a korupcja trwa


Anonymous said...

Juan lol, 50 applicants and the top 2 are Helen and one other person? ( Whos the second choice? (Bernal?) REALLY juan? Gee whiz, jimmy cricket. en done quedo la bolita? Bet Helen wins by a nose? I bet. Only in Brownsville Texas the worst of the worst politicians. Thats why McAllen is always eating our lunch. Dont laugh but its the real truth.
