Sunday, January 1, 2023



Anonymous said...

Donald Trump invited the press to a "media availability" slot at Mar-a-Lago.

Not a single cable news network covered it.

(he's boring now)

Anonymous said...


The timing of this story.

Is there a reason for it being here?

Is it just filler?

Is it a slow news day?

Is it necessary?

Who's behind it? No Eric Garza angle?

Let's get some real news next time, ese.

Anonymous said...

Pido sugerencias:

Mi mujer dice que ya no me quiere suficientemente para desnudarse frente de mi a la hora de dormir. Que puedo hacer? Se me enojo porque le dije que sus nalgas crecian y crecian.

Diganme - hice mal en decirlo?

Espero respuestas.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is: Is Elon Musk going to be the first on that ship to Mars? Honestly whom ever goes to Mars is on a suicidal mission.

Anonymous said...

"We better watch out": NASA boss sounds alarm on Chinese moon ambitions

In an interview, Bill Nelson expressed confidence the U.S. can win the moon race. But he warned there is little time to lose.

(The belief is that China will colonize the moon and then tell everybody to get off their land. Mars? Mars?)

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

If you've been to trashy San Benito you've been to Mars.



Anonymous said...

Todo lo ajeno se ve mejor.

Pero el precio que se pide es grande.

No creo que iran muchos Mejicanos a ese Mars.

No, pos no.

Anonymous said...

A world exclusive!

ha ha ha

ha ha


Anonymous said...

White on White crime -

Killer of four Idaho U. students is a white man.

Bryan Kohberger is his name. (now in custody)

Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t anybody want to talk about Jan. 6th. ? Trump Taxes? Why ? Because he kicked you all’s asses again!

Anonymous said...

Ama, preparame un lonche que me voy a Mars!

Si, unos cinco o seis taquitos de huevo con papa. una salsita roja.

En una bolsa de HEB!!!

Anonymous said...

Too late to care.

Too late to change.

Too late.

Anonymous said...

Pussy Trump: GOP Midterm Fail "Wasn't My Fault"

Donald blamed the Republican Party's less-than-successful midterm showing on the "abortion issue."

(always deflecting, always someone one else)

Anonymous said...

RIP Anita Pointer

of The Pointer Sisters

dead at 74.

Anonymous said...

These County judges are products of the Valley’s only law school
a law degree from texas southmost college, no wonder!!!!

Anonymous said...

good news, el enano is on the list

Anonymous said...

It was the Right Thing to do -

Release of Donald Trump's taxes by the January 6th Committee is being praised from coast to coast.

Every president since Jimmy Carter has released his tax returns upon becoming a candidate for the presidency and/or during his term. For years Donald Trump delayed disclosure of his tax returns, and now we can guess at least part of the reason why.

His questionable tax practices and conflicts of interest in office were substantial, and he was a less successful businessman than he claimed: For two of the four years of his presidency, he paid little or no taxes as a result of the chronic losses and massive deductions he reported.

(Con man Trump used an abused the system, never owning up to being a failure and a fuckup)


Anonymous said...

"10 cents"

You can't get a fucking thing for 10 cents, Monty! For a border reporter, you're not very observant of societal trends, ese.

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

I'm from San Bene and I would rather visit:

La Southmost, D.F.

Anonymous said...

To January 1, 2023 at 1:01 PM

(He's boring now)

Well, obviously you're the only idiot covering him. Get a life!

Anonymous said...

Montoya: you have competition in this chat
philosophers, poets, analysts, just the guy next door


Anonymous said...

7:50 a.m

Do you not get satire as to the picture? Do you oppose commentary on protecting our planet.

Get educated

Anonymous said...

So where are we with the extensive investigations regarding Trumps income tax returns and January 6th insurrection? When is he going to jail? Democratic politicians have cost taxpayers tons of money chasing ghosts. Another Russian collusion! How can a portion of our population be so ignorant?

Anonymous said...

January 1, 2023 at 1:25 PM
Open your own blog mamon lambiscon

Anonymous said...

January 1, 2023 at 1:32 PM
pinche mojado print it in mejico si te dejan pendejo

Anonymous said...

January 1, 2023 at 4:40 PM
pinche mojado correle correle hay viene la migra gury

Anonymous said...

January 1, 2023 at 5:45 PM
otro pinche mojado

Anonymous said...

January 2, 2023 at 7:50 AM
open your own blog estupido
