Thursday, January 19, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Internal documents of the Mr. Amigo Association viewed by El Rrun-Rrun on the condition that no copies or pictures be made, indicate that the group's board of directors is considering divorcing themselves from the SombreroFest and Charro Days groups and return to celebrating Mr. Amigo, perhaps in August 6, 2023, the United Nations' International Day of Friendship.

If so, this year's Mexican movie star Maribel Guardia will be the last Mr. Amigo to be featured during the Charro Days celebration. If the majority of the MAA deciding body votes to accept the draft proposal, the group will host the future Mr.Amigos coming to tour the city next August separate from the Charro Days festivities.

An understanding of Mexico and discussions by the MAA leaders led to the concept of recognizing a Mexican citizen who had contributed to the friendship of the United States and Mexico.

In the two-page, single-spaced document reviewed, the writer goes on to justify the proposed change in the observance of the celebration of friendship between Mexico and the United States recalling that the first MAA guest was
1964 Lic. Miguel Aleman in 1964 , followed by Mario Moreno “Cantinflas” in 1965. The author of the draft proposal states that the first Mexican dignitaries were hosted in Brownsville in October.

The Mr. Amigo Association was incorporated in early 1964. The first Mr. Amigo celebration was held on October 12, 1964 at the Fort Brown Memorial Center and honored former President of Mexico, Lic. Miguel Aleman. In 1966 Jose Vivanco followed, then came Jose F. Muguerza in 1967, and Lic. Praxedis Balboa in 1968.

According to the MAA website, "The Mr. Amigo Association realized that the Charro Days Fiesta, with the various parades, costume balls and large crowds provided the proper atmosphere to promote and recognize the Mr. Amigo honoree. Lic. Jorge Perez y Bouras was the first Mr. Amigo honoree to be recognized during the Charro Days Fiesta in 1969. 

"The Mr. Amigo celebrations continue to be an integral part of the Charro Days festivities."

That, if the recommendations of the internal draft is adopted, will end next year. It will be up to the board of directors to decide. Readers should keep in mind that as an integral part of the city's festivities, the MAA has been given a wide leeway and provided with free security and use of city facilities. Will they continue if they strike out on their own?

The MAA executive committee and a select number of their guests, city officials, and dignitaries from local governmental entities have traditionally flown to Mexico City and spend a week there feting the Mr. Amigo designee. The exclusive nature of the MAA committee and their pals has long drawn criticism from many local residents who point out the use of public funds and assets for this group without any city oversight into their finances or membership polices. The group chooses its members themselves and then each takes a turn at being president.

The current board of directors will ultimately decide. They are Graciela Salazar, President, Irma Villareal, Treasurer, Martha De La Garza, President-Elect, Michelle P. Fernandez, Secretary, and Sergio Salazar, Vice President.


Anonymous said...

US hits debt ceiling
This rata town did it when it started building bike trails....FACT
no funding for nothing else

Anonymous said...

Yo le metería todo …. El ánimo de el mundo a esta vieja Juan. La dejaría con la lengua 😛 de fuera…. Pero no está tan buena como mi Adela Garza…. COTITAS DE PAPI DIRINDINDIN!!!!

Anonymous said...

This smells fishy to me. The citizens of Brownsville are going to get screwed. This is another way to bleed the citizens of Brownsville. The leeches are going to be applied.

Anonymous said...

Nobody give a fuck about Mr Amigo. The organization was destroyed years ago. And fuck Charro Days. Best time of the year to be out of town.

Anonymous said...

All these so called volunteers for Charro Days, Mr. Amigo and Sombrerofest make a killing during Charro Days. There is no accountability for all the cash that flows through Sombrerofest. I refuse to go to Sombrerofest just to make these ratas rich.

Anonymous said...

they ran out of money at the local bars here and in mejico and they no credit...

Anonymous said...

NEW Republican Congressman George Santos Isn’t Going Anywhere

Congress is a great place for liars and frauds.

Anonymous said...

No comma needed after " be made". get a grammar book, reporter.

Anonymous said...

The masterminds of this is no other than Arturo Trevino and his Compadre Eliseo Trevino with the support of their Bloodhound friend and City Commisioner Pedro Cárdenas.

Anonymous said...

Bueno, hay que ir a ver. Que veremos? Piernas de oro. Nalgas buscando juego. El pueblo admirando lo que se debe de admirar. La hembra es atractiva. Me paro. Se me para. Pos, si.

Anonymous said...

Viva Mexico!


Anonymous said...

RIP David Crosby

of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

he was 81.

Anonymous said...

Who cares, get rid of Mr. AMIGO. This group of bull shitters are the people who control their little group of bozos of the city. The charro days Fiesta has become a political parade of idiots and car show. No bands from outside Brownsville come any more. Not even the local schools want to be in the parade. McAllen has so many schools participating in their parade. Waste of money and over time or maybe that's where the PUB Tanaska money went, beer joints in the downtown area.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Maribel is Toya's girlfriend. The fit like a hand in glove. She has a six pack and he has a keg. Just goshing with you Montoya.😜

Anonymous said...

It is a good idea.

Now, Charro Days Inc can invite local dignitaries or agencies from Matamoros and Brownsville.
1. A fireman from Matamoros and a fireman from Brownsville.
2. a doctor from Matamoros and a doctor from Brownsville
3 A student from Matamoros and a student from Brownsville.

plus a

1. musical group from Matamoros and a musical group from Brownsville

Change is good. Give the Charro Days to the locals.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville will be getting a Bubba’s 33 restaurant
I think they made a mistake this is NOT brownsville new york where they adore chitterling burgers, giblet and gizzard dishes and watermelons of course!

They'll close in 30 days, mark my word.

Anonymous said...

Of course any type of organization that is created is with money in mind, and the hiring of brothers, sisters, compradres, comadres, family and voting friends. No need to ask what's it for. WE ALL KNOW.


Anonymous said...

And greed keeps moving us backward instead of progress and unity!!!

Las crabs keep pulling everyone down!!!

Anonymous said...

January 19, 2023 at 2:10 PM
go apply at bisd, they need pendejos who think they are teachers, when in fact son puros idiota like yourself

Anonymous said...

Maribel Guardia was NOT BORN In Mexico. She represented her native country COSTA RICA in 1979. Most of the people running the local organizations were either not born or do not know the people they select. The statues in the Mr. Amigo Association state that the person has to be a Mexican citizen but does not specify that it has to be a citizen by birth so in that form Ms. Fernandez (real name of Maribel Guardia) is a Mexican citizen by naturalization. I ask, WHAT has she done for the Matamoros/Brownsville friendship? What have the last 2 or 3 Mr. Amigo have done to contribute to such attributes? THEY ARE FAILING to live to the expectations on the statues of their own policies. We blame Republicans for all the bads, please stand in front of a mirror and ACCEPT THAT Democrats have also FAILED and Independents, we have been fooled by both.

Anonymous said...

100% reused plastic...

Anonymous said...

We don't need charro days and mr. amigo. A waste of taxpayer money. Privatize the crap! How many times do we the citizens of this town need to get shafted?

Anonymous said...

Why so quiet on Joe Biden? Another liar and crook. Still waiting for Trump to go to jail. Put them all away!

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 5:38 AM

Privatize it and you know what's next. Like that stupid city paid costume organization that do nothing but collect a weekly city check. FOR WHAT WHAT DO THEY DO TO BE PAID. INVESTIGATE ALL THESE CITY PAID ORGANIZATIONS LIKE THAT MITTE RACIST FOUNDATION AND MANY OTHERS RUN ONLY BY GRINGOS Y COCOS. CHECK IT OUT INVESTIGATE ALL OF THEM.

Anonymous said...

There is even a bike organization and paid by the city. WHAT DO THEY DO??????

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 5:38 AM
TO PRIVATIZE IT WOULD BE EVEN WORST any way the city mamones will still pay for everything IT NOT THEIR MONEY AND NONE OF THEM PAY ANY TAXES.
