Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A jury has unanimously issued a verdict in a whistleblower lawsuit filed by a former Raymondville Independent School District police officer awarding him $35,300 in back wages and an additional $177,200 in compensatory damages and attorney's fees.

Former RISD P.D. officer Ruben Ruiz filed his lawsuit in the 197th District Court on September 2018 and was represented by Brownsville attorney John Shergold after he was unceremoniously fired by Police Chief Lauro Gutierrez after he initiated a grievance procedure that was exhausted on August  2018. The 11-person jury found Ruiz's rights had been violated and issued their verdict Friday, January 27.

Ruiz charged that he had been fired for reporting what he believed was an act of official oppression against RISD Officer Maribel Herrera  an employee with the RISD P.D for her actions taken that was prohibited by the Texas Penal Code on or about May 17, 2018. 

Ten days later, on May 27, 2018, Ruiz was hand delivered his termination notice by Chief Gutierrez at his home. The termination notice was signed by Stetson Roane, RISD Superintendent on May 25, 2018.

Ruiz had reported that Herrera was giving instructions and orders to employees within the police department and expressed his opinion and objection regarding her instructions such as having officers take photographs of security officer Amaya that was one of several oppressive acts he reported to Chief Gutierrez on May 17, 2018. After Ruiz criticized Herrera, the jury found that she used her power under color of her office or employment to officially oppress him and intentionally mistreated him further that she knew was unlawful or intentional. 

Gutierrez, within eight calendar days from Ruiz filing his report, fired him from his job and retaliated against him for whistleblowing.

On August 14, 2018, Plaintiff’s Level-III Grievance was conducted in closed session over Ruiz's objections to have his grievance appeal heard in the open public. The members of the  school 
board voted in the open public after deliberating in closed session, whereby, three board members mysteriously abstained from voting. Chief Gutierrez’s spouse, trustee Judy Gutierrez was one of the members who abstained, therefore Ruiz failed to receive the number of votes needed to overturn the decision made by Chief Gutierrez and Superintendent Roane to terminate his employment.

Under the whistleblower act, “a state or local governmental entity may not suspend or terminate the employment of, or take other adverse personnel action against, a public employee who in good faith reports a violation of law by the employing governmental entity or another public employee to an appropriate law enforcement authority.”

Shergold said that the Act protects a public employee whose employment was suspended or terminated in violation of the law.  As such, he is entitled to: 

(1) reinstatement of his former position or equivalent position, (2) compensation for wages lost during the period of suspension or termination; and (3) reinstatement of fringe benefits and seniority rights lost because of the suspension or termination.


Anonymous said...

Starbucks opening in San Benito! And in Brownsville? Nada.

- Rockford Galvan

Anonymous said...


A grand jury began hearing evidence yesterday.

get him.

Anonymous said...

Everyone involved in fatal Tyre Nichols encounter is being scrutinized, prosecutor says as more firings are announced
By Nouran Salahieh, CNN
How about the pendejo/a that came up that stupid idea? The leaders have to go just like down here all elected officials

Anonymous said...

"Disappointing": Republican governor reacts to Donald Trump's campaign speech

nothing there, he says.

Anonymous said...

Una fiscal en el estado de Georgia insinuó que posiblemente podrían presentarse cargos como parte de una investigación sobre subversión electoral que comenzó hace dos años. Y aunque la fiscal de distrito del condado Fulton, Fani Willis, no mencionó a Donald Trump o a sus aliados por su nombre, es la primera vez que un fiscal en cualquiera de varias investigaciones actuales vinculadas al expresidente Republicano ha insinuado que podrían presentarse cargos.

Al tratar de impedir la publicación de un informe especial de un jurado investigador, Willis argumentó ante el tribunal la semana pasada que las decisiones en el caso eran “inminentes” y que la publicación del informe podría poner en peligro los derechos de los “futuros acusados”.

Las declaraciones de la fiscal Demócrata aumentaron la anticipación de que una investigación centrada, en parte, en la llamada de Trump al secretario de Estado de Georgia podría concluir antes de las investigaciones federales en curso.

Anonymous said...

The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of modern civilization.

Anonymous said...

If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.

Anonymous said...

6:49 AM

Los cocos de sanbene are going, "what he say", (at: January 31, 2023 at 8:20 AM) pinches wanna be gringos mamones...

Anonymous said...

Maybe some BISD employees can learn from this and follow through with their grievences. John Shergold is a part of the defense team for BISD employees and he always makes sense with points of law.

Where the hell is our superintendent? Do we still have that idiot from Edinburg down here or is he home and letting his "chulas" run the district?

Anonymous said...

Mr. John Shergold makes the well connected, corrupt, or just plain incompetent Administrators ( many Govt. entities ) tremble in their shoes . Why ? Cause he knows the Law and always roots for the Underdog . Many Attorneys would not take cases against the City, County, State, etc... but Mr. Shergold shows no fear and knows he and his clients are in the right.

Anonymous said...

Fatboy Donald Trump Suggests, Yet Again, He Trusts Putin Over U.S. Intelligence "Lowlifes"

Just in case you were wondering where the lying Republican's loyalties lie.

Anonymous said...

Estos idiotas are fast learning the browntown gueys. Don't give a dam its not coming out of your pocket.

Anonymous said...

la lucha no es libre. Uno lucha y lucha y lucha y luego muere.

Anonymous said...

Difficult situation. The workplace is a hard place to be. Too much stress.

Try to survive. Be polite and respectful to others.

Everybody has a right to earn a living.

Anonymous said...

Trump 2024! I thought he was going to jail?

Anonymous said...

Well good for Mr. Ruiz.

Former RGV LEO said...

It sounds like Guiterrez and Herrera had something going on to giver her now obviously power to order other officers around? The students are the losers in this because of money taken from the to pay a wrongful termination. Is there going to be any disciplinary action for taking picture of that security guard, Amaya? We'll never know because that is a personnel decision?

Anonymous said...

Shergold wins again.
