Wednesday, January 4, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

If you attended the Tuesday meeting of the commission of the city of Brownsville or tuned in through the televised version, at the end you would have been left in the same state as when you hooked up to watch – in the dark.

You wouldn't know who of the 50 or so applicants made the final cut, their qualifications, their current employment, or their experience in running a municipal government.

Since the item was included in an executive session agenda, you also wouldn't know how your elected representatives voted to move along the process.

All you would know was that the majority of the commission – except for Commissioner Roy De los Santos – voted in the one or two minutes of an open meeting to continue the process shielded from the public who paid the more than $50,000 to a headhunter firm to seek candidates for the position left vacant when former city manager Noel Bernal departed for Colorado and left his protege Helen Ramirez to clean up his mess.

She, in turn, is said to be one of two candidates who made the final cut along with one more applicant. In other words, after all that public treasure has been spent in a "search" for talent, was the plan all along to give the interim city manager the advantage over the unknown applicant?

After all, most city commissioners are getting what they want from Ramirez. One is getting all the money she wants to continue pouring money into the black hole of construction of bike and hike trails. Others are content to have the city commissioners continue to run the economic development incentives corporation with all the opportunities that insider knowledge provides, and others enjoy the perks that a pliant city manager can provide them and their friends and that only they will know.

Others with political aspirations are counting on Ramirez to provide them with the ammunition to buttress their political aspirations over their opponents by announcing pet projects funding that will enhance their election chances.

What happened to the transparency and accountability we were promised? What happened to the end of the inside deal? What happened to accountability?

Is Mayor Trey Mendez negotiating with city manager front runner Ramirez – as he did with former mayor Tony Martinez that let him keep his two reps on the PUB Board, Sandra Saenz and Sandra Langley and Trey himself – to stay in the real-estate game from behind the scenes? 

If Ramirez has the inside track – as most city commission watchers allege – then what was all this noise about an independent search for city manager about? Están dandonos atole con el dedo?

And why did a majority of the commission Tuesday place the task of choosing the next city manager a scant four months before the next city elections in May to a city commission member – Mendez –  who has announced he will not be running for reelection and whose term is over with the May elections where his successor will be chosen? 

1) Consideration and ACTION, if any, related to the appointment or employment of a city manager, and authorize the Mayor to negotiate and execute a contract with the selected candidate. (City Attorney/OD&HR). 

Obviously, the choice has already been made, hasn't it? 

All Trey has to do is negotiate the cost to taxpayers. And believe us, if past practice is any guide, it won't be cheap. This is what Bernal's "Total Alignment" meant before he left and Ramiro Gonzalez was forced to resign: the top administrators in the top-heavy city manager's office totally aligning public cash to their own wallets.

In other words, he won't have to live with his choice, but the city and the new city commission will be saddled with his choice long after he – and perhaps others – are gone. Why not table the item and then have the new city commission make the choice?

If you had attended the meeting or watched it in on your communications device, or even depended on the city to inform you of the choice of the person who will run the city, you would have been sorely disappointed and left in the dark, again. 

Because if you had made the effort as an interested citizen who wants to be represented by his elected officials, you will remain in the dark until the choice – sheltered from public scrutiny –is announced as a fait accompli, a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept it.


Anonymous said...

Gee, son, that is why you elect people to do the community's political work.

surprised? You shouldn't be.

happens all across the country.

every week.

you can't always get what you want.

Anonymous said...

Well, you would have to accept the decision, Monty.

What are you to do? Brownsville always takes it up the wazoo, never to the streets. Local elected officials know that, i.e. Tenaska.

Rag all you want, blogger. But what will you do? What WILL you do?


Anonymous said...

Republicans in disarray as they take charge of the House of Reps.

can't elect a Speaker. Far Right takes country hostage. It's Losersville all over again for Trump supporters. Republicans cannot govern.


Anonymous said...

Juan no surprise many of us already knew helen reddy is the person to get the job, waste of $50k of taxpayers funds. same old total misalignment BS.

Anonymous said...

Juan this is a total waste of taxpayers funds ($50k) IF THE CITY COMSSIONERS ALREADY WAS GOING TO APPOINT HELEN RAMIREZ SO BE IT, DONT WASTE MONEY. Oh well so was the TENASKA DEAL but anyway who keeps scores on all this misgivings and no one gets blamed. PUB CEO is still there or not? HMM anyway only the TAXPAYERS get hit with the bill, THATS NOT RIGHT YOU KNOW.

Anonymous said...

It could be ……move forward and negotiate the contract….

Anonymous said...

Dammmmmmmmm where can I apply for these jobs wth....... AND WHAT DO THEY DO????? NOT A DAM THING FOR OUR CITY FRCKN PATHETIC!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan "Trey" Mendez is a mischievous clod.

what does he care?

why should he care.

he's taken all he needs.

and likely set-up future deals.

Mendez isn't a Mexican; he turned out to be a Jew.

Anonymous said...

e la corruzione continua
a korupcja trwa


Anonymous said...

We will never get anything back on tenaska.

The engineers and lawyers made a bunch of money.
You can hang Sandra from a tree if you want- make her the scapegoat…but the criminals have left the building…and are counting money somewhere else and plotting their next project.

Commissioners are pushing hard to keep tenaska the conversation so you can ignore the rest of the shenanigans.

Conflicts. Wasted $ on companies that are worthless. Wasted $ on projects that benefit the few. Puro waste.
Commissioners grandstanding - knowing it wouldn’t pass- simply to make themselves look good. But guess what honorable people don’t need to tel you they are honorable.

POT- kettle-

Anonymous said...

Just a little more turbulence on Air Brownsville.

nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

The city of Browntown is in manageable. Nobody give a fuck about you idiots.

Anonymous said...

Corruption and fraud is at all levels in city government, just take note that assistant city manager James Walker is receiving a $600 monthly car allowance but drives a city issued truck every day, now, if that is not considered fraud, I dont know what else can you call it. BPD Chief Sauceda also is on the list of employees who receive a monthly car allowance. Traditionally, the BPD Chief is also issued a city unit but I am not sure what he is actually driving daily. But on Walket, it is a fact. This Thief, should be fired for abusing taxpayers monies. But as usual, everyone turns a blind eye, probably because he's a gringo.

Anonymous said...

Juan really out of 50 applicants only 2 are the top or cream of the crop- Helen is one and then there is one more person? Hum i wonder who is that other person, the public has a right to know the name and credentials too for both. I hope they dont appoint Helen or ya aflojo? lol? .

Anonymous said...

Jai Guru Deva, Om

BobbyWC said...

Someone needs to tell the truth about what happened in Ex Session on the city manager issue. Nothing bars any commission to discuss the issue.

"The Texas Attorney General has opined that TOMA does not prohibit members of a governmental body from disclosing information discussed in closed meetings. Op. Tex. Att’y Gen. No. JM-1071 (1989). But at the same time, TOMA provides criminal penalties for disclosing the certified agenda or recording of a closed meeting. Tex. Gov’t Code Ann. § 551.146."

Was Trey authorized to vet the finalist or choose the city manager. one is legal the other is unconstitutional and an illegal amendment of the City Charter.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Trey Mendez involved in the Weslaco water treatment corruption? Wasn't he the attorney for the Performance company? No wonder he is shitting bricks and not running for Mayor. Follow the stench

Anonymous said...

You can’t get a car allowance then drive a company vehicle.

That’s the problem with “interim leaders”. They want the job so bad they don’t want to hold people accountable. They don’t want to upset anyone. They just let the commission and staff do what they want…don’t want to rock the boat—-or in this case the titanic.

Anonymous said...

When your business trips pay off
I guess congrats Ramirez

Anonymous said...

BPD should initiate a potential fraud investigation on as to why assistant city manager James Walker is receiving a $600 monthly car allowance but drives a city issued unit daily. That means he is using the city's fueling station and more than likely, taking the city truck home. Come on BPD, get some initiative going, all you need to do is get a list of employees who receive a car allowance and then just observe this abuser drive the city unit daily. Fraud being committed at taxpayers expense.

Anonymous said...

January 5, 2023 at 8:57 AM
BECAUSE HE'S WHITE, what is it that don't you get from all these corruption?

Anonymous said...

Juan any chance you can get a list fo the 50 applicants who applies i beleive the public should be made aware of who applied? Did PUB CEO bruce wayne- mr Bruciak apply too? just wondering.

Anonymous said...

January 5, 2023 at 8:57 AM
Some how I do not think it is fraud if BPD knows that James Walker, Assistant City Manager, is driving a city unit daily. There has been approval for what he is doing. I am not stating it is right. After all someone issued the city car and keys.

Anonymous said...

what is that stupid organization doing that requires an office paid by US the taxpayers? Its next to the PD on 6th street, are they also on the payroll???? puras pinches gringas viejas y cocos, who appoved all these shit organzations?
Las chaclas del southmost also want a city building and to get paid. who approves all the mamones pays?????

Anonymous said...

Juan the other city of Brownsville CM finalist is Rick Davis, the current city manager at Baytown Texas, has an Master in Public Administration from Bringham young university plus 25 years experience as a City manager, not bad, let see what the city commission does and who they appoint. What you going to do? adios

Anonymous said...

Pat will you investigate these ratas? if elected will you promise an investigation call the fbi or any law agency? will you hire a new city manager?
