Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Can you believe that it's been one year January 17 that longtime Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio passed away at 87 after suffering a lingering illness and then a heart attack?

Then, 10 months later, his chief deputy Gus Reyna followed.

We want to thank one of our readers for reminding us of his anniversary. Concurrently, the Cameron County Commissioners Court announced they will have a ceremony naming the CCSO administration building after the late sheriff. The ceremony will be held Friday at 10 a.m. at 7300 Old Alice Road.  

Before beginning his 15-year stint as a sheriff (and a combined 60 years as a lawman), he started his law enforcement career in Harlingen, Texas. He received a double major degree from Pan American University; a degree in Criminal Justice and a degree in Sociology. He was a graduate of the FBI Academy.

Up until beginning his term in January 2005 as sheriff, he served as Chief of Police for the City of Mercedes. He also served as Captain of Police for the City of Harlingen. He was a member of the National Sheriff’s Association and the Texas Sheriff’s Association. Aside from being a dedicated lawman, Sheriff Lucio was actively involved in professional and civic organizations.

After he left office, he and his chief deputy Reyna were hired by Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez as deputy constables. 

Sheriff Lucio was first elected to a four year term in January of 1997. After a successful campaign, he was elected to serve a full four-year term in November 2004 and began his term on January 1, 2005. 

Lucio called his employees the “backbone” of running a respectful and professional department. His motto was always to be a “humble, public servant."


Anonymous said...


Omar Lucio could be a real prick on the job. Ask any deputy, Montoya. Eric Garza is incompetent, but Lucio was no soft touch. And didn't you report that time he lost a prisoner and the prisoner killed a Brownsville resident while on the lam?

yes, you did.

don't make him out to be a saint, ese.

like most humans, he wasn't.

Your hate for Eric is tearing you apart.

(We can all adapt history to our own liking. As you often prove here)

Anonymous said...

He was 87, dude!

let it go.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He was a great and humble public servant. May he RIP.

Anonymous said...

January 18, 2023 at 6:34 AM
pinche lambiscon mamom
what's this gonna get you, a pat on your nalgas from the most stupid sheriff in texas? you like that - RIGHT?

Anonymous said...

MLK’s dream ‘alive and well’ in McAllen at Cine El Rey event

there are ONLY two color people in the fat city of mcallen...

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio was one of the best if not the best sheriff this county has ever had. Let the man rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Every and I mean Every Law Enforcement Officer that has worked as a cop or deputy for more than one year- slowly but surley becomes sick of the head and become assholes (that's if they where not assholes before they became LEO because if they already where, those are the worst with aggression ego and now with a tin badge of authority) Paranoia eventually takes over their heads to a state of PTSD and in many cases become crazy so much as to be rude and emotionless to people even to their own spouses, kids, family and in general everyone. Pobre vatos....these professions are not for everyone... beware of those with a badge...LOL..but yes... beware. Statics verify that almost 89% of law enforcement officers become suicidal and divorce rates are high. Their mentality is "quien eres tu para decirme que aser, yo soy la ley", lol... Hahaha.. weak minded. Very, very few cops are good cops, and for the most part don't last on these professions, although some stay in the force heedful and pretending to be assholes and these are the ones that if you get lucky enough to get their assistance, you will get your tax money's worth. We need more of these men in the fiel, God is working on it, believe me he is.

Anonymous said...

ADIOS, TRUMP, you asshole -

Top Michigan Republicans move to draft DeSantis for 2024

A quarter of the Republicans in the Michigan state House signed a letter to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis asking him to run for president.

No more Cheeto!!!

Anonymous said...

This Sheriff Lucio placed a big part in the big corruption with former Dist. Attorney Armando Villalobos, Dist. Judge Abel Limas, Marchan and many many more corrupt big players. He refused to follow-up on indictments and would lie to victims about capias, bonds and important information when victims called on him to follow-up on updates about their case. He was sheriff, but was he a great sheriff, no he wasn't. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

In that last election, Omar Lucio turned his back on the Democratic Party and endorsed Republican John Chambers, who was routed at the polls by Democrat Eric Garza.

Leftist Blogger Montoya has lost his bearings. again.

traitorous Lucio stuttered at the Pearly Gates. fact.

Anonymous said...

Juan, el peso Mejicano surge contra el dolar -

El peso mexicano no se va a devaluar, las razones son las siguientes:
Estados Unidos tiene un déficit de petróleo, de 2 millones de barriles diarios, sus reservas de petróleo fueron vendidas y necesitan recuperarlas. México es el primer socio comercial, México le vende 1.2 millones de barriles a diario y se va aumentar a 2 millones diarios de barriles. Ya no le vamos a comprar el 40 % de la gasolina, la refinería dos bocas va a comenzar a refinar, Tesla estará en México para consumir baterías de Litio. La Nissan ya va comenzar a ampliar la producción, más todas las compañías que se van a instalar por la cercanía a los E. U. En cuanto comience a funcionar el Itsmo todo va a cambiar económicamente.

arriba, Mexico!

Anonymous said...

I like a sheriff who gets lost in the monte vs one who’s gets lost chasing pussy and pretending to know he knows what he’s doing

Anonymous said...

January 18, 2023 at 11:26 AM
no seas idiota guey, he knew that the candidate's qualifications were NOT ALL THERE he knew but pendejos como tu refused to hear but soon he will be replaced

Anonymous said...

Derek Chauvin asks judge to throw out murder convictions in George Floyd's death
His excuse, It didn't happen its all a fabrication by the news media...
pinche racist republcican.

Anonymous said...

RIP Sheriff Lucio,
Garza will be replaced, whoever does hopefully cleans house. But yet the vicious cycle begins again, who ever comes in will be hated for putting his people in the high positions. The thing is that everyone knows everyone in Brownsville and if your people don't get the high end of the stick you will be here complaining.
Garza did not know what he was getting himself in, much less the fools he has around him. Bad part to that is that Garza leaves and his "mamones" stay and start to cry for demotions and law suits start again.
The never ending story of CCSD.

Anonymous said...

January 18, 2023 at 11:33 AM
tenia que salir un pinche mojado cuidate de la migra pinche mojado correle correle guey
que te importa ni un pinche peso trais.

Anonymous said...

@12:49 PM

El pendejo eres tu, vato maleducado.

Los republicanos nunca hacen esto. Omar Lucio les dio animo, pero el pueblo los rechazo! Estoy seguro que eres un torpe que hasta tu madre niega ser tu madre y tu pobre padre sigue diciendo que el lechero panson y feo es tu padre biologico.

haste a un lado, puto, que aqui voy yo, un Democrata que no se dobla y no se vende!!!


Anonymous said...

You can name a dozen buildings after Omar Lucio, but it's an outhouse in La Southmost, D.F. that would best personify his loyalty to the Democratic Party which helped him become sheriff how many times?

like a traitorous pusher, however, he betrayed Democrats in the last election by backing a fucking Republican.


Anonymous said...

Uno de los grandes Mexicanos. Vivió casi 100 años.

llega a la gloria con corajes y balazos.

Anonymous said...

México tierra de América Bendecida por Dios. Que orgullo nos dio Omar Lucio.

Siempre fue Mejicano. Hasta su tono de voz. Estamos seguro que es un sherif en la Gloria.

Viva Mexico!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hace 5 meses que perdí a mi papá, pasamos nuestra primera Navidad sin su presencia, te lloro todo un río viejito y te extraño muchísimo.

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio fue el Juan Gabriel de la batalla contra los criminales.

fue chingon.

Anonymous said...

Mi padre tambien ya partió y cada día duele más, pero mi pobre madre sus noches también le dolía hasta el alma, y el padre de mis hijos también partió y nos duele hasta los huesos. Besos al cielo para los dos. Os fuisteis demasiado pronto 😢😢

Anonymous said...

Cuando el papa deja a 4 hijos por andar de borracho..pero mi madre vendía aguas, tamales todo por sacarnos adelante!😞 nosotros le ayudamos mucho.. Lloraba en silencio!!! La amo tanto

Anonymous said...

La vida del Mejicano, como la música mexicana, es mariachi y mucho más.

bien hecho, omar!

Anonymous said...

QEPD el viejito

Pero tax payer funded buildings should have no name sake

Anonymous said...

Brown and Gold was a nice uniform. The fake Sheriff messed it up changing it to the ugly black and gray. RIP Mr. Lucio.

Anonymous said...

When Mr.Lucio ran for office he was too old so you voted him out. Voters wanted a younger candidate. Well you got him. Live with it!

Anonymous said...

Only gingos las ratas can have their names on buildings, streets and toilets goes with the type of groups.

Anonymous said...

Garza's downfall is the people he promoted to rank. Hiring Rodriguez, Gracia, Cisneros, {IT WAS AT THAT TIME THAT HE KNEW "HE FUCKED UP"}, he has no help, no balls to get things done. Driving him around or bringing him coffee will not get him reelected. Firing people left and right just because they don't suck up to any of you fools is not helping. All those people vote, and have relatives that vote, all votes against you. Who will get the closet/office that Garza assigned to Javier Reyna? If you go back to patrol after the new Sheriff takes over, you will be on your own. What deputy will have your back? What Jailer will go out of his or her way to assist you if and when you transport someone in? The answer is NO ONE!!! The dept. does not like none of you, and hate Garza for placing this idiots in power.

Bottom line He is out. Not even a job to pay child support to the 2nd honey. Or is he counting on Abel Gomez to hire him/them as Constable.

Anonymous said...

After All those comments:


Anonymous said...

They called him sucio lucio for a reason. Countless "favors". Setting aside vehicles for his donors at the auctions at the yearly county barn sale. Omar lucio was a crook, just didn't reach the "threshold " for federal prosecution.

Anonymous said...

January 19, 2023 at 11:53 AM
Idiota you should have told him while he was living. No los tenias, never had the ball to tell him covarde.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they will add the names of Gus Reyna and Javier on the same plaque? That way it will be marked as the administration that no county commissioner nor County Judge ever did anything about the Nepotism. Pathetic people.

Anonymous said...

Montoya defends Lucio and the Reynas because everytime he was incarcerated he had it easy as a trustee.. special favors.. a tu casa mamon.

Anonymous said...

January 19, 2023 at 11:53 AM January 19, 2023 at 8:18 PM January 19, 2023 at 8:20 PM
PINCHE MISMO IDIOTA no balls now you insult him. Should have done it when he was alive pinche medioso. AIN'T GO NO BALLS COBARDE MAMON.

Anonymous said...

So you have to be old and dead, rich and/ or famous (EVEN LOCALLY) and then the local politicians will name a building after you.
When you were alive you had sling shots pointed and shot at you, when you died "Que bueno era".
That is all folks.

Anonymous said...

"..I don't know.." "I don't know.."

Anonymous said...

January 18, 2023 at 2:34 PM
He would never endorse un pendeje and he was correct in doing so. no seas un idiota o estas enamorado de el gueyon que esta de cherife. mamon!

Anonymous said...

Oh where can I find the sheriff? At the Omar Lucio Building, he's here ALL the time don't forget he works at the Omar Lucio building don't forget Omar Lucio building. OK?
