Wednesday, January 25, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: That sadly mistaken motorist who thought he could park in the curbside pickup spaces in front of Mayor Trey Mendez's Dodici's Pizza and Wine restaurant at the corner of 12th and Adams streets since the joint is closed on Wednesday had a surprise coming. Apparently, it doesn't matter whether the restaurant is open or closed, or that those three spaces are reserved exclusively for curbside pickup, it's clear by this action that the reserved spaces cannot be used for parking by the average citizen. It's closed and you can't do curbside pickup, you say, so the purpose of the signs is immaterial?

Not to the tow truck operator above. Did the mayor's restaurant staff – if anyone was there – call him to report the poor schmuck who didn't know he was taking one of Da Mayor's exclusive spaces? Or is there an understanding between the tow truck company and Da Mayor so that whenever there is someone else using the parking space and is not a restaurant employee on any given day risks having his vehicle picked up and then have to fork over $300 or more to the wrecker service to get their car back?

We understand from our sources that this happened at about 10:15 this morning and that there was no staff there. Then, a bit after 12, the parking spaces were filled. Were they the staff's cars? And were they doing curbside pickup with Dodici's closed? We bet they don't get towed.  

And while we are talking about towing, we can bet that no one will dare tow Da Mayor's Tesla when he parks it – illegally – on the sidewalk on Market Square. Would anyone else dare do this? Could it be he got permission from Elon Musk to park there since he's supposedly his pal and was angling to get some of the $10 million for downtown restoration? We thank Erasmo Castro for the photo.

Sometimes you wonder whether the COVID-19 virus policies which allowed the city to reserve parking spaces for curbside pickup is being abused. 

Mendez, by the way, has not one, not two, but three spaces exclusively for curbside pickup at Dodici's, which irks many of the other merchants on the block whose customers have to park a block or more away. Public office, apparently, has its perks. And now those perks will take $300 or more from a local family's pockets to please Hizzoner Da Mayor and his tow truck pals.)


Anonymous said...

Pura caca

Anonymous said...

That's coming to an end if I get elected. There are other restaurants that are taking up parking spaces on Elizabeth St.

Anonymous said...

I've never spent a single dollar there, and never will. Another overrated place with bad food. I don't have to go, people tell me over and over again without even asking.

Anonymous said...

Chingow La caga bonsville. El el san bene el mayor gave up his parking space at city hall. Now that’s a Mayor fo your.

Anonymous said...

So how much do the restaurants with exclusive pick-up parking spaces pay to the city for each space????????

Anonymous said...

who do we have curbside anymore? ya se termino el covid.

Anonymous said...

Give a inch they'll take a mile. The government (national, state, and local) will keep theses COVID protocols in place as long as they can, if they'll ever take down the protocols and restrictions at all. Welcome to the nightmare dystopia world of the 21st century, if you thought the Patriot Act was bad enough. Remember theses "restrictions" only apply for the plebeians. It's only a matter of time people like el mayor, the pro
uber liberals, social justice warriors, et al, are lined up against the wall like the rest of us, pleading for their "extra privileges plus subscription plan" as the Neo-Bolsheviks laugh at him as they raise their rifles for the order.

Anonymous said...

I tried their pizza.The pizza was burnt but they covered that up by saying it is artisan. I guess it is one of those places like Adolfo's, and Cobbleheads people just go there to drink. No valen mierda.

Anonymous said...

The tow truck should also haul away all the city employees personal cars that parked on metered parking spots daily, taking away revenue from city coffers. You can count at least ten personal cars on any given day. You can also easily identify them as they display a "special" permit issued by BPD. Bunch of abusers.

Anonymous said...

That is an illegal tow, the sign does not say you can not park there or you will be towed. Law requires a tow notice to public before a car can be towed for parking in a reserved space. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Company offers to sell back San Benito computers
Bola de pendejetes nomas en sanbene...

Anonymous said...

Anyone parking near that piece of crap business should be towed away. Never been to that place and never will. You see, Im not CARITA!

Anonymous said...

Tanto pedo por un estacionamiento. He will no longer be a corrupt mayor, but a corrupt business boy, catering to the anglos y cocos. Borrachos walk by there and only stop to piss on the entrance door and that is a FACT...

Anonymous said...

To January 26, 2023 at 12:13 AM: this is NOT an illegal tow. Signage with the words “Towing enforced” is required in Parking facilities such as parking lots. Example is the island condos parking lots. They have to have tow signage. This is not the case downtown. This is not a parking facility. You may not like this tow but that doesn’t make it illegal as you noted.

Anonymous said...

I've heard the mayor has someone watching the intersection camera and tells him right away when someone parks there. The snitch must be getting free burnt pizza.

Anonymous said...

We need to put Pat back in as Mayor so all of these self-serving privileges will be removed.

Anonymous said...

Good Riddance and stay away pinche enano mamon RATA.

Anonymous said...

while you're at it, move all the curbside parking from heb and move it to the rear or a far side, they're not getting off their cars anyway

Anonymous said...

It’s funny that the mayor and other commissioners put a lot of money and energy in dying downtown. I live in district two and I’m extremely proud of my commissioner because she brought a lot of new jobs to our district with new airport and space x.
She deserves to be mayor. I will be voting for her… it’s time for leadership and change.

Anonymous said...

that car parked on the side at the old city hall building is done everyday where are the cops? Must be a friend of a friend or familias mamonas.

Anonymous said...

You can call towing your car desert after you ate a piece of shitty pizza all burned on the bottom served by a gringo that smells like he never has taken a bath in all his life, but el enano likes that...joto

Anonymous said...

Inconsiderate mayor! What if a wheelchair or handicap person has to pass by that sidewalk? there isn't enough space for them to pass.

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2023 at 7:36 PM
Not only that, but esta bien buenota...she's got my 20 votes.

Anonymous said...

I have left several comments on different articles and have only seen one posted. ?????? Do i have to include profanity and curse words to have my comments posted??

Anonymous said...

Bring back Pat!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be more artistic if they did not burn the pizza. Then if you the customer chose not to eat it pues that is your prerogative. Our money is not burnt; if it were they would not take it.

But, remember this is one of those businesses we are boycotting.
