Monday, January 2, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A Cameron County Sheriff Department court bailiff has been charged with DWI over the weekend and now faces an additional deadly conduct for firing his weapon during the New Year's celebration.
Sheriff Department employee Armando Lozano, 30, had himself taped firing a weapon during the New Year celebration and posted it on social media. 

He was arraigned on the DWI charges before a municipal judge and posted a $1,000 bond.

Brownsville Police report that Lozano was found slumped over the wheel of his vehicle that was running as he slept. After several attempts by officers to rouse him from his sleep, Lozano awoke and failed a sobriety test. His blood alcohol level was measured at .150, which enhances the charge from a Class B to a Class A misdemeanor.

However, as a result of the social media posting, sheriff department investigators arrested him on a warrant charging him with deadly conduct and transported him to the Rucker-Carrizales Detention Center for processing on that charge.

Sheriff Eric Garza – who sued the county commissioners and went to court to force them to transfer the court bailiffs and placed them under his control – quickly tried to distance himself from taking responsibility for his employee. 

"Although he is commissioned by the Cameron County Sheriff's Office, he and all court bailiffs are employed and under the supervision of the District Court Judges and County County Court-at-Law judges," he posted in his Facebook page. 

The judges? Really?

Can the sheriff have it both ways? And if you're a sheriff department employee, can you trust your boss to watch your back?


Anonymous said...


Why would you want your boss (the sheriff) "to cover your back," Montoya?

Wouldn't that be wrong, too?

yes, it would.

Anonymous said...

I am just a voter and I didn't vote for Eric Garza. From my perspective, sadly, Mr. Eric Garza is only playing sheriff. He behaves like he doesn't know that at some point he needs to take responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Guess shooting the gun made Armando Lozano feel manly. Wow!👏🏽

Anonymous said...

Democrat Joe Biden begins 2023 with a stronger hand to play and an inclination to play it

A 2024 presidential reelection announcement is not yet finalized. But, should it come, it may be sooner than expected.

For Republicans, Donald Trump is okay as its candidate. It'll doom those fuckas forever.

Biden straightened out Trump's mess. Restored dignity to the White House. No more laughing Russian ambassadors or Kanye west in the Oval Office!

Anonymous said...

Read it. I think the sheriff makes a good point. these deputies are adults. They mess up. You want the sheriff held responsible. Looks like a legal case to me. Courts will take care of this, blogger.

You try too hard, Montoya.

I will call you the next time I hear Sheriff Garza let go a fart, okay?

Anonymous said...

They never listen! It's all over the news every year not to shoot your guns into the air, cause what goes up must come down, and it can hurt or possibly kill someone. But do they listen... Nooo!

Anonymous said...

Puro flonke working for Cameron County. Worst of the worst.

Anonymous said...

The story here is the deputy, not the sheriff. You go soft on deputy and slam the sheriff. what kind of reporting is that? the deputy should be fired. yes, sheriff is responsible for all those uneducated yahoos, but here the deputy fucked up.

Anonymous said...

A great war, financial ruin and more: Nostradamus predictions for 2023

The 15th-century astrologer predicted the rise of Hitler and the fall of the Twin Towers. Which of his predictions could we see come true in 2023?

the end of the British Monarchy
a spectacular Elon Musk failure
drop in religion (attendance)
disastrous fall of the Brooklyn Bridge
water woes for Colorado River
rise in Isabella Causeway suicides
death of Vladimir Putin
food shortages
birth of a savior in Central Mexico
decline of modern medicine
angels appear along the border

Anonymous said...

Bad deputy. filmed himself. fire bad deputy.

that's all. incident resolved.

(deputy brought bad vibes on sheriff.)

Blogger Montoya skews incident, loads it onto Sheriff Garza.

Anonymous said...

Trumpist Site Encourages Donald to Run in a Third Party — and He Seems Down

The former president promoted an article suggesting he run as a third-party candidate if Republicans won't nominate him.

Anonymous said...

Jails nationwide are like "Finger in the Dike"

Anonymous said...

Good , this clown was an asshole to his ex wife. Looks like he got what he deserved

Anonymous said...

Whitey Paya McHale pushing Whitey John "Cinderella" Cowen for mayor.

Did Paya Jerry find and try and like the glass panty?

Whitey ruined Brownsville long ago.

Anonymous said...

January 2, 2023 at 12:10 PM January 2, 2023 at 12:22 PM January 2, 2023 at 1:03 PM
We all know you mamones are against this blog because it exposes RATAS like yourselves. What's wrong is wrong you you mamones will someday will fall just like all the RATAS here.

Anonymous said...

January 2, 2023 at 11:41 AM

Anonymous said...

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott bragged Monday about busing more than 16,000 migrants from the Lone Star State to so-called “sanctuary cities,” following a year of controversial relocations of migrants coming across the southern US border.

“Texas has bused more than 16,300 migrants to sanctuary cities,” Abbott tweeted.

(Just another Red State governor sending problems they can't solve to Democrats.)

Anonymous said...

January 2, 2023 at 12:22 PM
SIMPLE open your own blog idiota pendejo....

BobbyWC said...

Okay Juan we both know as to Garza is pure BS. It was well pubolized that in the settlement the district court bailiffs would work for the judges and not the sheriff. But the sheriff could call them in aid of defense of the court house. Now try asking Gloria Rincones if she is going to fire the bailiff who works for her?

From Valley Central. "“Although, he is commissioned by the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office, he and all Court Bailiffs are employed and under the supervision of the District Court Judges and County Court At Law Judges,” the sheriff’s office stated."

I can post the settlement MOU is you like. It should shock no one it was in fact Gloria Rincones employee who did these bad things and not Eric Garza's.

bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Comments have really improved here, Montoya. It makes for some sort of discussion beyond your angle. Good that you are allowing for criticism.

I've always said: NO COMMENTS = DEAD BLOG


Anonymous said...

You should look into the deputy (Danny. Rodriguez) that was arrested and let go by Brownsville pd for stalking his ex girlfriend. Brownsville PD gave him a criminal trespass warning and let him go because the sheriff called Brownsville pd because the deputy is his “IT” technology deputy.

Anonymous said...

And I’m over here applying to be a deputy sheriff and I never get the opportunity to serve my County!! SMH!!

Anonymous said...

It's easy here was hired only Lucio!

Darn Eric
Just make me you PR guy

Anonymous said...

Looks more like a cholo than a law officer. WHATS GOING ON HERE????

Anonymous said...

Republicans are about to go wild with phony Biden investigations. The media must not take the bait

Republicans know how to manipulate the "both sides" impulse of the press. Hunter Biden's laptop is not a story.

Donald Trump is NOT above the law. Indict him!

Anonymous said...

@ January 2, 2023 at 6:01

Brownsville pd is not gonna let anyone go becuse the sheriff calls. The sheriff has no power over the pd and plus none of the local police departments like the guy. No local, state or federal!

Anonymous said...

You are not entirely 100% correct Mr. Bobby.

Since the bailiff is commissioned under the Sheriff- The Sheriff has the authority to fire the bailiff because the bailiff is commissioned under the bailiff. All the Sheriff has to do is cancel the bailiff's commission with TCOLE and the bailiff has NO authority as a peace officer any longer. Gloria Rincones has no authority to commission anyone.

The bailiff is under the control and under the direction of the Sheriff. If the Sheriff is negligent upon his duty and lets a non-commissioned officer over-see his deputy then the Sheriff is negligent in providing proper supervision of that deputy or bailiff or anyone commissioned under him.

All Mr. Eric Garza has done now is give ammunition to an attorney by publicly saying he had no authority over the bailiff and Garza is 100 % wrong by stating that. You see...once someone finds dog-shit...everyone does their best not to step in it and since it stay away from it.

Anonymous said...

January 2, 2023 at 5:02 PM


Anonymous said...

Doesn't the sheriff kind of remind you of Barney Fife? The only difference is that Barney was a deputy sheriff.

Anonymous said...

JAN. 2, @4:13 Ponle casa, ponle Altar, mamalo, dejalo como hueso de mango. I bet you can suck a bowling ball through a garden hose.

Anonymous said...

deputy (Danny. Rodriguez) “IT” technology hitting up alcoholic Sheriff Abri Valdez Valdez talking trash about Sheriff Eric becuz dad didnt get jail admin job Vote for her neighbor Manny
