Friday, January 13, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: A series of information requests to Cameron County has yielded the true picture of the loss of man[people?]power at the Cameron County Sheriff's Department. 

As can be plainly seen, self-respecting law enforcement officers and correction guards are fleeing in droves and going elsewhere. Sheriff Eric Garza complains that the county commissioners do not give him enough money to attract jailers or officers to his department. 

Yet, although the salaries were the same with his predecessor, we didn't see the exodus going on the department until he took office. Why? 

According to one commenter to this blog, "Due to mismanagement of the sheriff, nearly 300 experienced employees, among them sheriff deputies and jailers, decided to look for another place of employment, according to the documentation provided by the county. How does this affect the safety of the community and employees?," they ask.)


Anonymous said...

How many of you complaining about the sheriff today voted for him yesterday. The problem with voters in Cameron County is that they fail to think before they vote. This will never change given the fact that voters don’t want to waste their precious time having to study a candidate. Its all about who had the biggest pachangas!

Anonymous said...


Lisa Marie Presley dead at 54.

Anonymous said...

The answer is easy, Uvalde caused BISD to open bunch of positions that were not available under lucio admin.

Anonymous said...

The two dumbasses that need to leave are brainless captain AB Rodriguez and Mingo diaz.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if you the numbers till today, over 300 easily

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can someone explain what is Angel's role in the department, he claims to be a swat commander but he doesn't train with us, he claims to be in charge of Transport but he doesn't help them at all, he doesn't even have a marked unit LMFAO the change we need

Ohhh maybe cause Javier Villarreal is bringing cash to Garza..that's angels wife boss... maybe cause of that

Anonymous said...

Funny how Del Bosque retired and no one gave a fuck fake ass supervisor. Oh but was allowed to keep all his equipment and unit because he claims he has an agreement with the sheriff to come back full time in 90 days... I want to see that No agreement affidavit signed..karma is getting to you bitch

Anonymous said...

He's doing what EVERY elected official does HERE. Pack his WORKERS with employees and persons that will vote for him again and again COMPADRES, COMADRES, CRONIES, VOTING FRIENDS RELATIVES AND FAMILIA.
No se hagan PENDEJOS that's what they do and EVERY ELECTED OFFICAL DOES THAT...FACT FACT FACT FACT quieren maz....

BobbyWC said...

Now for some real facts. Just this morning at 7:22 a store manager called me and asked if I can help with his resume. After more than 20 years with the same company he knows he can earn more elsewhere. But what does Pew Research say " workers switching jobs (60%) saw an increase in their real earnings over the same month the previous year.

"workers switching jobs (60%) saw an increase in their real earnings over the same month the previous year."

This has been the national trend for over a year, why should the sheriff's department be different. Manuel Treviño is ready to go pretty low with his disinformation.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

DEA closing in on "el escorpion" G.C

Anonymous said...

Montoya, do an open record request on all the purchases done from Garza to American Surveillance (Jaime Escobedo) the numbers are very interesting

Anonymous said...

The reason pple leave is because they see clerks like cornejo, hoskins, Jessica, nereyda etc driving unmarked undercover units working OT (fed money) when we have investigators that don't have units. The change we need

Anonymous said...

And all the federal prisoners housed everywhere else than here. Why?

Anonymous said...

Juanito, I'll be sending you all the timesheets of Garza's clerks, so you can see how they are robbing the federal goverment

Anonymous said...

So cry baby Julian Longoria applied with BISD and now Garza promised him the Sgt slot so he don't leave...LMFAO fuck this pendejo, he can even put a training together. Pinche mugrero

Anonymous said...

Mingo anda bien cagado

Anonymous said...

se ve chulita, so how can he arrest any body looking that pretty????

Anonymous said...

So where is the fifth star pinned? On his asssss?

Anonymous said...

It pisses me off to see so many deputies come here to bitch.

Do your fucking jobs!

Earn your pay!!!

(you ingrates and BPD losers are useless)

Anonymous said...

history shows county deputies forever asleep in vehicles, shacked-up in motels, busted in McAllen and, in general, fucking up.

Don't believe they're professionals, not for one minute!

get to work, you lazy punks!!!

Anonymous said...

Prison Privatization. Prison Privatization. Prison Privatization.

Anonymous said...

I’ve applied so many times as a deputy sheriff and they don’t hire me, they don’t even call me for an interview.

Anonymous said...

Juanito, do they same story on el Chapo Sauceda. Ask anyone at PD how many people have left recently due to the "data driven" chief. If things were so great as he claims, why is everyone leaving? He has flonkes working close to him, for example. Mamalouie de leon, it was not long ago his own wife posted pictures of him passed out in his own pissed pants. A he-she assigned to the gym, after she violated several policies by taking her husband to an out of town training in an unmarked unit. An "intel" guy who double dips as a Dell tech while working on company time. A commander, Massey who no one has any respect for, walks around with a childish mentality by making sexually suggestive jokes against officers. Assigning officers to task forces as favors for his compadres, only to get busted sleeping with another married officer.
A Chief who did a better job as a Porter cheerleader, than leading any department.

Anonymous said...

Eric is a piece of shit that's why. He's not sheriff material. And no I didn't vote for him. He's a fucken idiot and wonders why ppl are quitting, cuz you suck as a sheriff and suck at being the face of Cameron County. Eric you are a joke. Face it, your time is coming to a end and all you did was make things worse. Fuck you and your pets, fucken paper pusher.

Anonymous said...

Underlings are always going to bitch about the boss (supervisors, too). It's the lack of sophistication/education usually. In the Valley, it is the equal of forever-complaining employees. Unreliable as hell, say employers.

Sheriff Garza may not be the optimum candidate for sheriff, but county workers are not exactly top-of-the-line employees.

Let them bitch all they want, I say.

Anonymous said...

Heard El Paya Jerry McHale say this: "You’ll never be a writer unless you’re prepared to suck at writing."

No shit, Paya.


Anonymous said...

It's all going to get worse with Mendieta in charge of the Jail. That guy walks around looking clueless just following the Harvard professor everywhere. Now the so called Lt's are gonna run the Jail? Lol, Mejia couldn't even run the Old County Jail because he was afraid of the inmates! Then you have Sgt's that come back after weeks of being out and walk around feeling sorry for themselves. Mean while you have classification jailers putting inmates in the wrong cells and messing up the counts, master control jailers walking away from an emergency, transport jailers leaving inmates in the units, intake jailers letting inmates hang in holding cells cause they're not checking up on them, and so forth. They should have picked a better person to run the Jail Division, now suck it up and deal with it.


Anonymous said...

Love how you really talk about integrity and character in this story. People lie to themselves, and they wonder why their lives are not at that higher level of actualization.

The sheriff is a politician and those who work for him are not, hence...the fucking problem (although not for the sheriff, who is the sheriff).

Anonymous said...

Put your fucking seatbelt on Garza and puppets, we are going 1000mph from now on.

Anonymous said...

The salary is low. These men need more money to pay their homes, support their families and help the children.

Men want to earn good salaries.

So, we need police officers that have no life, no ambition and no family. They will work just for the honor of serving the community. Find those men. Hire them.

Anonymous said...

You fucking Brownsville morons elected someone with zero law enforcement experience.

Anonymous said...

Everything fell apart when Greenspan retired (RIP Henry) and that was during the last administration.

Anonymous said...

No secret that "sgt" Perez is giving privilege information to attorny Xavier Villarreal in exchange for monetary compensation for Eric Garza.. Bunch of corrupt motherfuckers

Anonymous said...

We need a Sheriff that promotes for merit, (a deserved advance into a higher position of employment) not because you a brown nose. How can anyone take a promotion knowing others have more merit. Garza made a lot of promises that he has not kept, well only to Cisneros and Rodriguez and Gracia (for some time). Here comes the elections fools, time to hit the streets with the new promises.

Anonymous said...

@January 13, 2023 at 10:26 AM

I bet you wish you were under Eric Garza’s desk huh? Do you make his cup of coffee in the mornings? We’re on to you, you kiss ass

Anonymous said...

Sheriff... you drowning in your own fucking vomit

Anonymous said...

The bitch was so eager and quick to give all of his friends raises by absorbing vacant jailer positions, yet the commissioners take some of them and he’s so quick to cry about that. He’s selfish and only cares about having his name/ face on every thing. If He could I bet he would have his face water marked on affidavits and activity logs.. Eric Garza was either bullied his entire life or suffers from having a micro dick. He needs the reassurance to him his ego.

Btw not a single high schooler says “I want to be a jailer/ sheriff” when you send Carlos Martinez’s creepy ass out there. Garza probably sent him to look for new eye candy clerks

Anonymous said...

Well done Eric, the department just lost an LT position for your inability to understand what requires to be a real leader... you can be called Sheriff right now.. next year will be called fucking loser and believe me, we are going to kick your fucking ass out of the department along with your minions

Anonymous said...

Nice costume! Cause he sure as hell ain't no real sheriff. Cameron County has no Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

I remember when 109 would assault people and pepper spray them when they wouldn’t even resist. The good ol days.

Anonymous said...

We elderly Cameron County citizens know for a fact that the Garza clan for years have been in command of the Cameron County clerk's office. The County Clerk is the entity that handles all deeds, wills, estates, and land grant information as to gas and oil royalties. The Garza's have known for years who the true heirs to these very profitable royalties belonged to. They have known and manipulated the clerk's office for decades. This Eric Garza has the goods on the South Texas oil and gas companies, he also knows who he kisses ass to like Filemon Vela, Henry Cuellar and now Vicente Gonzalez. Perfect timing with the Annova LNG pipeline terminal in Brownsville ready to come into existence. He is following the corruption path of fraud and concealment just as Frank Yterria did for Charles Stillman, Richard King and Mifland Kenedy , when Yterria was Cameron County clerk. Which by the way Yterria got paid very well for this corrupt set-up plan by the Cameron County judicial system. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

you don't need patol units you need accountants, to check up on the rich and famous. those are the ones stealing. forget about traffic violations, target the ratas at their offices. elected officials and their familias and voting friends the DA don't want to do it SOMEBODY HAS. THIS IS A RATA INVESTED TOWN WE NEED MORE RATA TRAPS. Y EL FBI QUE????

Anonymous said...

every prisoner is given an application to apply for either jailer or county patrol. so far over 5000 applications have been passed out and not one has been returned.
seems like NOBODY.....

Anonymous said...

Is it me or like Steven Tyler sings "Dude Looks Like a Lady" in the picture? Is it just something in Eric's face that I see? Because to me it looks like a shot of Erica.

Anonymous said...

"nearly 300" out of how many total Sheriff's Office employees?

give us context, Monty.

Anonymous said...

Ratas play when all the patrols are on the computer at the office mamando. GO PATROL MAMONES HE AIN'T GONNA WIN AGAIN

Anonymous said...

If Eric Garza and his former piece of shit chief deputy wouldn’t have fucked with our CID and all the other departments,, I would still be there .. didn’t really have anything to do with the pay.. It’s no big secret that Sheriff Lucio had some or a lot of problems while in office , but I would rather serve under an administration like that than this one … Oh and FYI ,, all you rookie deputies wearing a beard ,, you make the uniform look like shit guys … sloppy and dirty … shave that shit off …

Anonymous said...

January 14, 2023 at 6:39 
That's who los mamones city commissioners gloify RATAS just like all of them.
vote every city commissioner out fuera machete.

Anonymous said...

The new clika from jail division Lt Ayala Sgt Felipe Olivares and Cid Sgt Almanza keep a eye on this ones .

Anonymous said...

This is my opinion which I’m entitled to have. This Mr Garza, elected Sheriff of Cameron County seems to be way over his head in his position. First and foremost he has absolutely no law enforcement experience/history and or past credentials as a lawman if im not mistaken. That being said, how can he expect to be successful when it comes to dealing with this position. Even, Sheriff Lucio(RIP) who was a lifelong lawman had plenty of negative issues during his tenure’s. But i guess it comes with the job! But you Mr Garza you seem to enjoy pretending to be something you are not(I’m sure there are plenty of more qualified individuals out there that can do a much better job) but that refuse to be involved because of all the politics !!! It doesn’t take wearing a uniform,Cowboy hat and a badge to be good sheriff. It takes knowledge/ experience ( in the field) , efficiency and people skills. And if im not mistaken you have to earn those stars on your “costume “. In the future Mr Garza, if you want to continue advancing your political “career “ stay in your lane and stick to what you know and leave these positions to more qualified/deserving individuals. Thanks for your time

Anonymous said...

If you think angel just started giving information to attorneys in exchange for money recently, you are wrong. He has been doing it for years. Started with accidents ,and tow companies.

Anonymous said...

Darlene, get ready for patrol, your stupid doctors excuse isn't gonna work this time.

Anonymous said...

How long will the villains in BND, County, City, BPUB, Housing,TSC, appointed boards, BISD continue to steal from the people they represent , before our local DA does something about it? The wheeling and dealings, including the nepo-family jobs, between the organizations are very obvious. There are so many dots that connect in the wrong doings and cover-ups in our city. Something is so wrong , but nothing happens to them and these rats continue to believe they are untouchable.

Anonymous said...

Every County in the State of Texas is lacking officers in the jails and on patrol.

Anonymous said...

Biggest issue is placing Almanza in investigations. The fool cannot speak or write English correctly.

Anonymous said...

Mendieta is tied in with gulf cartel. He is tied with owner of the cenetario bar in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

If people can remember that far back, the choice was between a man with lots of experience and the sheriff we have now. Lucio was and will always be a great lawman , but he rolled the dice one too many times. People wanted someone, ANYONE else. Eric did not so much win as Lucio was rejected for his age. May he rest in Peace, but we would be enjoying an appointed Sheriff or how does this work ? New Election, Like a Pope ?

Anonymous said...

Juan Eric looks like the guy from Smokey and the Bandit, Buford T. Justice

Anonymous said...

Fuck eric garza! Motherfucker have 1 year left until election, atomic bomb coming to him soon

Anonymous said...

Why carlos del bosque kept his county equipment and unmarked unit after retired?

Anonymous said...

Carnal el tirar patadas de ahogado dice mucho de ti. Que digan lo que digan y lo que paso ya paso. Ni tu ni yo semos mas santos por mas que quieramos. El Lic. Deleon y su hermano el sgt Deleon son de las personas mas humildes y de puro corazon que realmente ayudan a la gente. Yo trabaje con los dos durante mi tiempo con el city. Ellos siempre sonrientes y de abrazo hasta con nosotros y aydando a todos cuando ni nuestros patrones nos pelaban. Sigan hechandole ganas mi Lic y sgt.

Anonymous said...

Helping the citizen clean las RATAS with ease.
Perfect solution for every criminal
Cleaning the RATAS from the core.
Helping you to pay less taxes catch an elected office worker.
Taking out every RATA from the city.
Helping your city stay RATA free.
slogans for the sheriff! freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Anonymous said...

Must be the MOST pretty sheriff in the state of TEXAS!! QUE CHULADA!!!

Anonymous said...

La Sheriffa parece una reina en camino a una fiesta de strippers.

Anonymous said...

Ayala, Mejia, Lazo, Ybarra and Olivares watch out for those guys. They will do anything to fuck you over and want to claim the prize. Especially Ybarra and Ayala fucken horny toads hopping around trying to see what they can catch. One day just wait your going to lose it all trying to get at some pussy. But other than that that little crew fuck'em. They act like leaders but will throw your ass under the bus quick to save themselves.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff looks like the sissy cowboys of the era before Sergio Leone.

Anonymous said...

January 16, 2023 at 9:15 AM
tenia que salir un pinche mojado correle guey ay viene la migra correle correle

Anonymous said...

Prison Privatization. Prison Privatization. Prison Privatization.

Anonymous said...

The buzzing sound of a fly is usually caused by the displacement of air as insects flap their wings. Smaller wings can be moved faster, so smaller insects tend to buzz at a higher frequency. Producing even a loud sound doesn't expend much energy.
now you know

Anonymous said...

And the one we can't get rid of won't leave. Carlos Martinez. Who is now running for Constable. CONSTABLE? Wasn't he the one who left BISD in disgrace after getting a DWI? He buys himself a position with the SO and now is running for Constable? God help us all. A drunk for Constable.

Anonymous said...

Don't get caught up in "stay all day" formulas that dry out lips, skin. Try Pro Age Beauty. Finally, a great pro age beauty lip and skincare line for maricones plus, plus. Long Lasting. Naturally Formulated. Animal Friendly Products. Moisturizing. Creamy & Moisturizing.
Now you can smack your lips without loosing your magic mamada.
"I use it all the time, Color is fashionable and bright ⋅ Glides on like a dream ⋅ Stays on forever until that special moment", says ya al' know who!!!

Anonymous said...

Hats aren't for everyone. Face it! Some people just don't look good in hats.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Martinez will make the perfect bookend to Garza. Now you're talking things are under control. And so what if Martinez is elected? What's wrong with opening a bar in the old courthouse kitchen?

Anonymous said...

where is el mamon that post negative shit here? donde estas lambiscon?

Anonymous said...

eres un pendejo ese bro Haahahahaha idiota

Anonymous said...

How are you "rank" (especially Ayala) holding up since you all thought you had big balls by telling your jailers to leave if they didn't like? Good leadership skills you fucken idiots lacked. Let's see how you all like it with jailers quitting now and you all actually have to work instead of sitting on your asses not doing shit and talking shit. Now you all taking time off cuz it's too much for you all lmao. Fucken pussies. That's what karma is it comes back dumbasses. You should have treated your jailers better

Anonymous said...

ese guey pays stupid trolls to post negative shit here. Instead of look out for the citizens he is looking for his ass. Its not going to help you'll lose anyway

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Lucio knew about this flonque and refused to endorse his ass. He knew he would sell himself and he hit it right on the spot. Not qualified no experience NO NOTHING.
Like everybodys says, "HOUSE MOUSE PAPER PUSHER".

Anonymous said...

Lol Meanwhile Ayala in dc1 minding his own business/ facility. Well it’s true if you don’t like your job then get out of there. Simple! If I was rank, I wouldn’t want no one threatening to Quit, knowing well we barely have staff. I’d say the same thing. Leave.

Anonymous said...

@ January 19 647 lmao damn you sucking his dick to defend his pathetic ass. Like I said you obviously can't read "lack of leadership skills". Good thing you aren't rank because ppl like that are the reason ppl quit. Instead of helping your workers (the ones that make it happen for you as rank) you want to degrade them and have them quit. That's not a leader. That is a pussy as bitch on his/her high horse. As a leader you stand by them and help them not show them the door. Fucken idiot, I tell you. These ranks or wanna be ranks think they know what it takes just because they have chevrons on their collar. Who said anything about threatening to quit? That's what your idiotic mind is set to instead of opening your mind and seeing what the problem is to help your workers to stay. Especially if you barely have staff. Showing them you don't care and pointing them to the door is obviously not the way. But ppl like you is why your so short staff. If you don't give a shit as their leader what makes you think they are going to give a shit as your worker?

Anonymous said...

when is this mariquita going away? se ve mas chula cada dia. WOW the prettiest sheriff in texas. Had to be here in cameron county que lastima.
I heard she/he is looking for a beauty pageant.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a manager at one of the apartment complex here, her answer to all the problems was, "If you don't like it "LEAVE". she no longer works there. as a matter of fact she now lives there on a section 8 low income housing program. Incompetence is costing the tax payers BILLIONS.

Anonymous said...

Ay que chula guerca

Anonymous said...

We now need the fire department to start their shit, just like here now, than the teachers are next and than county, next the port con su coco mamon and finally lets all get personal and insult each other.

Anonymous said...

LT Ayala es un pinche lambiscon gordo de mierda le faltan huevos adentro de la carcel se siente con huevitos a fuera es un pinche joto verdad casas ya no te gusta

Anonymous said...

Jajajajajajaja que onda, (la tienen) pinches PANOCHONES. People come and go specially when their daddy is no longer protecting them and they have to actually work. What happend with Twitter when Musk bought it ? all the cry babies left because their feelings got hurt and they actually had to work for a living. Asi que saquense a La Verga pinches PANOCHONES. Si quieren trabajar que trabajen si no que le busquen por otro lado.

Gracias y se la comen.

Anonymous said...

Jajajajaj We starting say names of the girls the lt been with ok we start with lt lazo and lt ayala

Anonymous said...

Lucio was correct in not endorsing este pendejetes HE KNEW. He was just telling everybody that his choice was a better choice for the people AND HE WAS RIGHT...

Anonymous said...

I hear he will run as a racist republican. That is if they take him. I don't think so hes a meskin.

Anonymous said...

La chula cherife is said if he/she wins again all patrol units will be operated by females. cuidense pinches panzones y lambiscones.

Anonymous said...

January 20, 2023 at 8:17 PM
E S T U B I D O !

Anonymous said...

All patrolling units will be re-painted in pearl pink.

Anonymous said...

Oh where can I find the sheriff?
You will find the sheriff at the OMAR LUCIO Building all the time. He loves that building and stays there. Do not forget its the OMAR LUCIO "CAMERON COUNTY SHERIFF" ADMINISTRATION BUILDING y its brand new.

Anonymous said...

Oh where can I find the sheriff?
You will find the sheriff at the OMAR LUCIO Building all the time. He loves that building and stays there. Do not forget its the OMAR LUCIO "CAMERON COUNTY SHERIFF" ADMINISTRATION BUILDING y its brand new.

So all you people don't forget he works at the Omar Lucio Cameron Count Sheriff Administration Building in Brownsville, Texas

Anonymous said...

the most unpopular elected official in cameron county the sheriff,
don't wait for election time
YOU WON'T WIN FACT..................

Anonymous said...

NEED 5 MORE TO HIT 100 easy verdad ese? pinche mamon...tu compadre

Anonymous said...

the most hated elected official in cameron county da cherife.
fuera machete

Anonymous said...

will they ever name a building for este pendejetes? NO!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Sheriff’s department was in bad need for an overhaul that was way overdue. This is a good thing, just hurts a little at first.
