Tuesday, January 24, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: The cat isn't out of the bag, but if past social media postings are any indication, the duo above may be scheming – they call it "strategizing" – to get involved in the upcoming city elections in May. Four positions on the city commission, including mayor, are up for election. Previously, local restauranteur Robert "Capt. Bob" Sanchez had floated the balloon of running his St. Joseph Academy pal Arturo "Turi" Treviño for the spot now held by Mayor Trey Mendez, who has announced he will not seek reelection. Alas, it turned out to be a lead balloon, and no groundswell for Turi's candidacy has materialized.

Bob has lived his life very publicly, ending up spending the night at the Brownsville Police Department's overnight shelter on Jackson Street more than once for various domestic altercations. Turi, whose Los Trevis Drive-Thrus dot the city, has tried to make his name concocting so-called "new traditions" such as the inane Gringo de Mayo, Geriatric Lucha Libre, etc., and getting in a pissing match with local tow truck operators who spoiled his events by towing his guests who parked in private parking lots despite the signs warning them not to.

What this duo is up to bears close watching.

The filing period for candidates for three commissioners and the mayor started January 18, and ends at 5 p.m. February 17, 2023. So far, commissioners John Cowen and Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa have indicated they will run for mayor as has Erasmo Castro and former mayor Pat Ahumada has said he is exploring the possibility of running and challenging the city's two-term limit ordinance.

Strictly BYOB. Refreshments will not be served.)


Anonymous said...

All those candidates interested in the position of mayor are problematic. Some have been around too long and others have only created havoc. None have done anything for the citizens of Brownsville. We need new faces with new ideas. I personally am tired of the same old same old. If these candidates remain the only ones to vote for, I’ll stay home. Why waste my time and money for everything to remain the same. Lets demand and vote for change! Unidos para cambio!

Anonymous said...

Duo worth watching?

Royal waste of time, Monty! Sanchez is the community outhouse joke and Trevino is a guy in search of a lasting identity! You fatten their existence, guey. Be a bit more critical next time, although we all know how much you love the free shrimp plates Sanchez gives you for the publicity you drop on his lap.

Sanchez loves misery and Turi is it.

Anonymous said...

Just another pair of loathsome laggards.

Anonymous said...

Two of the Three Stooges

Anonymous said...

A federal court holds con man Donald Trump accountable for his abuse of the law: Here's why that matters

That million-dollar fine imposed on Trump and his lawyer for weaponizing the legal system is a serious deterrent

Fatboy Trump is still a corrupt culo.

Anonymous said...

Turi, you need to be honest with yourself, you're too polarizing, cant see the big picture, and really only in it for yourself and your boredom. Great, you make mini-sombrero festivals happen with the same music, same festival atmosphere, and same ideas just held in a smaller location. Not impressive by any standard and definitely not creative by any means. Your arrogance, negativity, and down playing of the city is a representation of "old" Brownsville mentalities, the same mentality that lead us in the wrong direction from the get-go. Your time on GBIC was not entirely your fault (regardless, they ran you out) but you did have a say-so on that board and by what we have noted on record you failed to capitalize on any sort of leadership role to stop the wrong-doing that was occurring. My question to you is, why involve yourself if you simply don't seem to possess leadership characteristics, integrity, or the compassion to place community before "I"? Sure, good leadership is hard to come-by but in your situation (with your noted history) I'm more than sure you should take a hard pass on any such role. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Officer spots truck spinning circles in a parking lot, arrests 27-year-old mom
She was mad cause da boys lost...

Anonymous said...

Capt. Bob looks more and more like Bobby Wightman.


Anonymous said...

The list of the top mieradas here, in the most corrupt city in the RGV, will soon be published, in the most stupid daily in the valley. AND THE BEATS GOES ON AND ON AND ON. Y los votanes waiting for that frijoles plate and a cheap beer.

Anonymous said...


Mayor Erasmo Castro - El Caudillo del Pueblo. Ni mas, ni menos!!!

👨🏿‍🦳 he gots the black vote.

Anonymous said...

Franklin Graham Defies con man Donald Trump Warning, Says He Won't Endorse Him For Republican Party Primary

Evangelical leaders appear to be stepping back from Trump — and the former, do-nothing president isn't happy.


Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 8:18 AM

Black de ojetes.

No, thank you. Stay away from Erasmo, Bob, and Turi.

The good people are to smart to want the job.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 8:18 AM
that means he will get ONLY uno voto. It used to be two but the other one Skedaddle outta here

Anonymous said...

If Capt. Bob gets and wears a Beatle wig, I'll vote for him. Bald, he just looks like my vieja's big ass.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 6:16 AM
the FULL MONTY is at it again can't understand people here don't like your ass fullmonty pendejo. Open your own blog fullmonty idiota.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 6:16 AM
if you don't like it fullmonty open your own blog idiota.

Anonymous said...

The fullmonty that keeps posting stupid comments here is just another wanna beeee fullmonty open your own blog idiota!

Anonymous said...

orale bro ese open your own blog to complain everyday ya pones gorro aqui guey

Anonymous said...

Sanchez's mouth looks like a horizontal version of a fat broad's pussy.

sure does.

Anonymous said...

House Democrats propose $15k across the board pay raise for Texas teachers

School support staff would see pay bumps of 25%. To woo Republicans, starting teacher pay in rural areas would climb by $20k.

(Maybe then they will stop whining.)

Anonymous said...


The Florida governor’s decision to block an AP African studies course is just the latest example of his war on the expression of beliefs — and the teaching of facts! — that he doesn’t agree with.

- He's not a public servant; he's an asshole!

Anonymous said...

OH, NO!!!

Around a dozen classified documents were found last week at the Indiana home of former Republican Vice President Mike Pence, CNN reported Tuesday.

The report, which cited multiple sources familiar with the matter, said the FBI and the Justice Department’s National Security Division have launched a review of the documents, which a lawyer for Pence turned over to the FBI, and how they ended up in the former vice president’s home.

A spokesman for the former vice president did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mr. Unidos por Cambio. Put your money and great leadership where your mouth is. Stop bitch'n and run for office!

Anonymous said...

Par de payasos

Anonymous said...

(Capt. Bob looks more and more like Bobby Wightman.)


Anonymous said...

Enough with the old, usual suspects, Brownsville needs new blood. The carcass is dried-out, there mostly a cadaver and not a living organism. New blood means new people, not the same flawed losers. San Bene is on a building roll and if we don't watch out Brownsville will soon be its suburb.

Bob Sanchez is not the answer. He doesn't even know the question.

believe it.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 6:16 AM
You don't like mamom open your own blog fullmonty idiota.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 12:54 PM
Idiota sanbene can't even built a cesspool nor an outhouse. bola de tacuaches...

mission's finest said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather

Anonymous said...

I wish "new blood" was the answer. Last time I voted for new blood Boca Chica Beach was gifted to Elon Musk and the rest of the county was turned over to the oil industry (probably mostly for the benefit of China, something even the new blood will probably one day regret.

Anonymous said...

Yes San Benito on the Grow. We are building a Convention center, Crystal Clear Lagoon and a Mall.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 6:16 AM
pendejo fullmonty at it again. complaining and ordering people like if he was a big mojon, well he really is a big mojon but with no authority

Anonymous said...

Out with the old, in with the new!

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2023 at 1:28 AM

The new RATAS THAT IS!!!!
Don't believe for one second they have good plans for you, ooooh they do but for themselves.
from your money that is....

Anonymous said...

It’s time for Jessica to be Mayor!!!!
She bring real change to Brownsville. Look how her district is doing really well!!!
Madam Mayor!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville needs a female mayor like Jessica. All the other male candidates care about power and their family dynasty. What Jessica has done for district 2 shows that she has put a lot of hard work.

Every time that John talks about running for mayor. Jessica gain another supporter!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville needs a female mayor like Jessica. All the other male candidates care about power and their family dynasty. What Jessica has done for district 2 shows that she has put a lot of hard work.

Every time that John talks about running for mayor. Jessica gain another supporter!!!!

Anonymous said...

John is Republican and we don’t need those kinds of people holding power in the city of Brownsville. Look what Mayra Flores did to congressional district 34. What a joke..

I prefer voting for the blonde commissioner. La Jessica de space x

Anonymous said...

La Jessica is always going to put Brownsville first.
Thank you for that commissioner jessica.

Anonymous said...

Cowen only care about power. He want to be part of pub. No thank you John. Go away. We don’t need you in this city.

Anonymous said...

What has John done in the last four years. Nothing. He looks like prince william now lol

Anonymous said...

Never trust a wetback mojado. The majority are cocos lambiscones Y mamones Y se creen gringos pinches prietos indios.

Anonymous said...

Since no one has said it I guess I will. Captain Bob is simply dumb as a rock.

Anonymous said...

The truth is that Captain Bob is simply dumb as a rock.
