Sunday, February 5, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: For the last three days, a splash of bright color has appeared on the walls of the old Fallas building at the corner of Elizabeth and 9th streets. Until the work is finished we won't know the painting in totality. Artist Susana Rubin de Celis and assistants have been laboring on the creation. To find more about the artist, click on link:


Anonymous said...

Trashy mural. Goes well with our trashy local talent. Or lack thereof.

Anonymous said...

We don't have any artist down here only ELECTED OFFICIALS RATEROS.
Look around you elected officials what you see might surprise your ASSES. Only to vote for you, is your main concern y el mochis of course.
I guess to hire locally is against your common decency.

nothing against this artist

You hired her paid out of your pockters mamones...

Anonymous said...

Add some fish, palm trees,

Anonymous said...

Soon to be wildly criticized by the nattering nabobs of negativism.

Fo' sure.

Anonymous said...

The hanging tits of Brownsville? Love it.

Anonymous said...

A collection of butterflies. One corner of the same street is knocking down
an old historical memorial and at the other, someone is trying to beautify it.
What will happen to the HEB building? I guess I need to take a trip down town to see what else is being destroyed or improved. And, improvement does not mean replacing the old cantinas with new ones like those on Adams and Washington Street. We need to clean up all those dirty looking pack of rats
that are all over what used to be a beautiful downtown Brownsville a lot of us enjoyed during our growing up years - the boys holding up the post office walls with their feet and the girls parading around from 10-14 on one side of the street and back and having the guys whistle at the girls. Oh, those were the days, my friend, I wish had never ended.

Anonymous said...

One of these days, some local artist will boldly paint a porn scene on one of these old buildings. When he does it, we will have come face-to-face with local honesty. Brownsville is an over-sexed city. Affairs all over the place, especially by politicians, men & women.

Big carne.

Anonymous said...

Does she have other work? Where?

Anonymous said...

Show us the final painting. Don't blow it off like you did the story on the 68-year-old dementia guy who was found in the resaca last week. follow through.

Anonymous said...

Republicans Sidestep Questions On Chinese Balloons During Trump Years

The Pentagon says that balloons from China entered U.S. airspace at least three times under the do-nothing Donald Trump administration.

(They'll do it every time)

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see and know about. There are those moments in life when it's more than petty politics, the county jail, the mayor's race or demonization of the border. We are also lucky.


Anonymous said...

All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now

Black, white, green, red
Can I take my friend to bed?
Pink, brown, yellow, orange, and blue
I love you

All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now
All together now

Anonymous said...

More butterflies!

Anonymous said...

"Are you feelin' yoself?"

"Yes, I'm feelin' muhself."

Anonymous said...

"we won't know the painting in totality?" Really? I'd like to solve the puzzle now... Butterflies

Anonymous said...

looks nice just in time for Charro Days thank you.

Anonymous said...

February 5, 2023 at 4:04 PM
no te gusta open your own blog estupido don't come here crying your boy-friend (joto) left your ass, pinche maricon.

Anonymous said...

Sent the 40,000.00 bill to all the elected officials here. they hire you they pay you OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKETS.
I will deduct my portion when the city taxes come due. FACT. every paying citizen should do the same. DEDUCT YOUR FAIR SHARE OUT OF THE PROPERTY TAXES.....
ps. I heard it was more than 40k.

Anonymous said...

who owns this building a city official or a friend or a voting friend, a compadre a comadre or somebody from BPUB??? WE WANT TO KNOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Americans have low confidence in leaders: POLL
y aquy? same thing but here nothing is being done they can steal, rob and manipulate the system till their hearts content.
Neither the FBI nor any law agency is willing to do anything y los rinches tapando todo.

Anonymous said...

that painting on the wall will cost the citizens close to one million dollars. das what I hoid.
property taxes will go up the cost of huevos is going up also las tortillas de harina and cheap beer. say goodby to las pachangas.

Anonymous said...

Plain and simple: a piece of crap just like Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Border town mural murders!

Anonymous said...

When will the city stop wasting taxpayers money on useless projects?

Anonymous said...

Its a favor pay back for a nights work... but who was the recipient of the favor? an elected official?
using tax payers monies for personal gain is against the law
its a common practice here y los rinches y el FBI y el DA? nada nada y nada.

Anonymous said...

Who ever made the motion to approve this stupid project must be voted out of office including all who voted yes.

Anonymous said...

February 5, 2023 at 2:04 PM
IDIOTA go pay your property taxes see if you continue to support estos pendejos or give me your money and I'll go spent it for you guey

Anonymous said...

Is this going to increase the value of the property? Is the owner of the property going to pay more taxes or will the owner be exempt? Is the owner going to pay back the city the cost of the mural to the city?
Who is making the costly decisions?

Anonymous said...

February 5, 2023 at 1:03 PM
like yourself trashy A.H.
