Thursday, February 16, 2023


 By Juan Montoya

I met Roy Benavidez way back in 1992 at a rally right before the Democratic primary when he was campaigning for fellow Vietnam veteran Bob Kerry who was making a run for the presidency.

The rally for Kerry was held at the old Ft. Brown Resaca Club (the Aztec Room, I believe). I was standing next to Roy as Kerry made the rounds working the crowd. I mentioned to him that it seemed funny why so many Hispanics were awarded so many medals for bravery in combat.

"I wonder why that is?" I asked the diminutive warrior.
"Nosotros somos como la leña de mesquite, Juan," he said. "Nos cortan y nos queman pero nunca nos rajamos (We're like mesquite wood. They cut us and and burn us but we never crack(?).

At the time I thought that was a nice note of bravado. 
But after I looked into the deeds of that quiet, self-effacing man, I was astounded at what he had endured during the time when he earned the medal.

Here's his story. Some portions of the following first appeared in "Above and Beyond: The Medal of Honor in Texas," Capitol Visitors Center, State Preservation Board of Texas. Benavidez, Roy P. and Oscar Griffin, The Three Wars of Roy Benavidez, Corona Publishing Company, San Antonio, 1986.)

Roy Perez Benavidez was born in Cuero, Texas, on August 5, 1935. He was the son of a sharecropper and endured much racism in his life because of his mixed Yaqui Indian and Mexican heritage.

Benavidez was orphaned as a child and raised by an uncle. He dropped out of school in the seventh grade. For a period of time in his teens, Benavidez worked as a migrant farm worker and traveled as far as Colorado to harvest sugar beets. Benavidez joined the Army in Houston, Texas, in 1955.

Benavidez was first stationed at Fort Ord, California. He was then transferred to Germany, where he received parachute training.
By the time Benavidez was ordered to Vietnam, he had risen to the rank of Staff Sergeant with the Fifth Special Forces Group, Airborne, Detachment B-56, First Special Forces.

On the morning of May 2, 1968, a 12-man Special Forces team was inserted in Cambodia to observe large scale North Vietnamese troop movements and was discovered by the enemy. Most of the team members were close friends of Benavidez, who was at the Forward Operating Base in Loc Ninh, Vietnam.

Three helicopters were sent to rescue the team, but were unable to land due to heavy enemy fire. When officers nixed a fourth attempt to reach the stranded team, Benavidez commandeered a helicopter to aid the men armed only with a Bowie knife.
As the helicopters reached the landing zone, Benavidez realized that the team members were likely too severely wounded to move to the helicopters.

Benavidez ran through heavy small arms fire to the wounded soldiers, and was wounded himself in the right leg, face, and head in the process. He reorganized the team and signaled the helicopters to prepare for extraction.

Despite his injuries, Benavidez carried or dragged half of the wounded men to the helicopters. He then collected the classified documents held by the now dead team leader. As he completed this task he was wounded by an exploding grenade in the back and shot in the stomach.

At that moment, the waiting helicopter's pilot was mortally wounded and the helicopter crashed. Benavidez rushed to collect the stunned crash survivors to form a defensive perimeter. He directed air support, ordered another extraction attempt, and was wounded again when shot in the thigh. At this point, Benavidez was losing so much blood from his face wounds that his vision became blocked. He then injected morphine into himself and into some of the wounded to endure the excruciating pain of their wounds.

Another helicopter landed, and as Benavidez carried a wounded friend to it he was clubbed in the head with a rifle butt by an enemy soldier. The enemy soldier attempted to bayonet Benavidez while he was on the ground, but Benavidez grabbed the bayonet and pulled it toward him.
This took the enemy soldier by surprise and enabled Benavidez to kill him, but the enemy soldier also slashed Benavidez's right hand and embedded the bayonet in his left arm. Benavidez was loaded onto the helicopter and taken back to base.

There, the triage doctor declared him dead, but Benavidez spit at the doctor's face as he zipped the body bag, and was taken into the hospital.

He spent almost a year in hospitals recovering from his injuries. Benavidez's commanding officers felt that he deserved the Congressional Medal of Honor, but recommended him for a Distinguished Service Cross because they thought Benavidez would die before the lengthy application process for the Medal of Honor would award him his medal.

He was presented with the Distinguished Service Cross for saving the lives of eight soldiers at extreme risk to his own safety by General William C. Westmoreland at the Fort Sam Houston Hospital in San Antonio, Texas.

Years later, one of Benavidez's former commanders found out that he had survived his injuries and began the process to award him the Congressional Medal of Honor. However, the eyewitnesses and paperwork necessary to upgrade the Distinguished Service Cross to a Medal of Honor were difficult to locate in the massive bureaucracy of the Army.

Benavidez was finally awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Ronald Reagan on February 24, 1981, in the courtyard of the Pentagon. Benavidez had reached the rank of Master Sergeant by the time of his retirement from the Army.

He died on November 29, 1998, and was buried at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio, His funeral was attended by roughly 1,500 people. An elementary school in Houston and a boot camp for problem youths in Uvalde are both named in his honor.

In 1999, the Army built the Maser Sergeant Roy P. Benavidez Special Operations Logistics Complex at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

In 2003, the USNS Benavidez, a supply ship, was christened as part of the Navy's Military Sealift Command.

In 2001, the Hasbro toy company released the Roy P. Benavidez G.I. Joe action figure, the first G.I. Joe to portray someone of Hispanic heritage. When he died, he still had 62 pieces of shrapnel in his body.

"Nos cortan y nos queman pero nunca nos rajamos," said Roy.


Anonymous said...

Bob Kerry was married to the actress Deborah Winger (movies: Terms of Endearment, Urban Cowboy, An Officer and a Gentleman, Legal Eagles).

cool movies, all.

Anonymous said...

Declared dead. spit at the doctor's face from a bodybag. WAR STORIES!!!

Anonymous said...

Here in the Rio Grande Valley there are a lot of men like the mesquite tree:

Yo soy como el mesquite, nos pueden cortar, nos pueden quemar pero no nos rajamos.

Anonymous said...

Where have all the great men like Master Sergeant Roy P. Benavidez gone? Why has God punished us and left us with nothing but a bunch of losers? You can tell who they are by their comments on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Got a chance to meet this warrior in 1985 while stationed at Ft Sam in San Antonio, very humble and down to earth person...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Has a good commencement speech on you tube

Anonymous said...

Un chingon, un Mexicano/Americano con producto de gallina.

Anonymous said...

And we name buildings after Omar lucio...
Tony yzaguirre... aurora de la garza etc

Yall ever hear of Niccki Rowe


Anonymous said...

I met many Hispanic army soldiers in Vietnam in the infantry and I felt bad for them because these soldiers were from California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona could hardly read or write but they were put together as a group to work together. They never compliant and were so happy just to been with the raza as they had the Mexican flag flying in the wind in their dusty camp. When they saw me, they look confused and told me, "are you Mexican"? I had a drink with these guys and walk away never to see them again. I see these men at the Harlingen VA Clinic asking for help which the Vietnam veterans never got when they came home from the war. I got help just 10 years ago but it was very difficult because the Vietnam veterans were cast away by our nation from the beginning. I am Proud to have served in Vietnam. To Roy Benavides, he did his duty even when most Hispanic soldiers were not respected for their Loyalty and didn't complain when things got bad. To all my Vietnam veterans, job well done when we had no support from home except our mothers and fathers.

Anonymous said...

Juan i met Mr. Benavides one time at the old American legion hall by the Fort brown now a TSC building, what a wonder human being. .

El BORRACHO de San Bene said...

Listen to his speech …. He was an amazing hero …

Anonymous said...

Fuck Bob Kerry this is about Roy P. Benavidez. What a man! An alpha male at his finest. I hope that he had children because this man was genetic stock.

Donald Trump ni a los talones le llega.

Anonymous said...

True American hero, RIP Master Sergeant Roy Benavides.

Anonymous said...


Armando Salazar said...

Mr. Montoya , thank you for sharing the story of Roy Benavides. He was truly a patriot and a hero.

Anonymous said...

He was a true American hero, unlike Trump who refused the draft during the Vietnam war three times due to bone spurs. Totally pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Tango Mike Mike
Isbn# 0998911712

For those that know how to read

Anonymous said...

Was a true hero. Look up YouTube videos of his speeches. Such an amazing American. Never Forget you Roy.

Anonymous said...

What a good soldier.
Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez, a true hero. Since after the Vietnam War the word hero has been so marginalized and diluted. Now everyone that simply wears the uniform, any uniform at all, is called a hero mostly by politicians wanting to score brownie points. Politicians have even hijacked the VA so now anyone with any type of self-inflicted ailment (i.e. high blood pressure, overweight, high cholesterol, etc.) can apply for disability payments and they will get it. What a scam! I am a Vietnam War veteran and I clearly recall having to wait on Military Standby for flights back home and would be the last to get a seat. Nowadays any punk with a uniform will get a standing ovation when he boards the plane....disgusting. Back to Master Sergeant Benavidez, this is what a hero is and should ALWAYS BE. We should all be proud of him. Kudos to my fellow Vietnam War veterans!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing. Incredible human being. Deserving of all accolades and then some.

Unknown said...

If anyone ever "Earned" it, Sgt. Benavides did. Thank you sir.

Anonymous said...

Another great story thank you Juanito A TRUE HEREO...

Anonymous said...

Another great story Juanito keep-em coming gracias
