Friday, February 3, 2023


    Montage of Trump’s comments about others taking the 5th, with Trump taking the 5th.


Anonymous said...

Trump is above the law. That is clear now.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, appointed by Democrat Pres. Joe Biden, fears assassination by one of Trump's crazies if he indicts the sumbitch. It's a well-grounded fear, I say.

If he is indicted, it'll be by one or two of the Black state attorney generals in Georgia or New York. Whites don't want to shame another White. A White American president cannot - and will not - go down like this.


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump Is Still a Putin Stooge and a Traitor to His Country


The ex-president this week reiterated that he trusts the Russian tyrant more than U.S. law enforcement and intelligence. No “patriotic” American should still support his fat, useless ass.

Anonymous said...

More and more, you are posting odd shit, Monty. Methinks your age has caught up with you and thinking is not a forte anymore. You're simply slopping shit on here as if it's a mix for bad caldo, ese.

I see it.

Anonymous said...

Trump is yesteryear. He's going nowhere in 2024. The ASSHOLE TO WORRY about is Ron DeSantis, a real NAZI. He'll be worse than Trump, just to try to outdo him. A governor messing with public education is dangerous, but he's doing it in Florida.

Anonymous said...


Nice, entertaining, pertinent comments here. Other local bloggers have zero comments.


Anonymous said...

The sleaze just drips off this guy, no? The phony contemptuousness, the soft, 'poor-me' mumble of 'same answer'. The look is way bad. Once the memes start going around he will be plenty pissed. Not only does he look like a crook, he looks like a weak, whiny, cry-baby crook. LOL!

I'd like to hear a Corleone impersonator use Trump deposition dialogue, lines from speeches, answers at pressers - just to hear how much he sounds like a mob boss.

Anonymous said...

Put some of your commentary with this, dude. WTF? Are you for or against Trump. Many of your friends are for him, like Capt. Bob and El Jerry McHale and Tad Hasse and Bill Young and Ralph Cowen and a shitload of others.

que pasa?

Anonymous said...

Como te veo me vi, como me ves te verás!


Anonymous said...

It's over for Trump, Monty. His game played out and a few whiteys were taken. Poor bastards. They know time is not on their side.

Anonymous said...

You break into laughter when a man farts in public. But how do you react when a woman breaks wind?

Anonymous said...

White House Still Trying To Reunite 1,000 Kids Separated Under racist Republican Donald Trump’s Border Policy.

The Biden administration has reunited more than 600 migrant children with their families.

Democrats do good; Republicans do harm.

Anonymous said...

US unemployment hits 53-year-low — employers add 517,000 jobs in January

Democrat Pres. Joe Biden routs Republican Donald Trump's previous efforts. And with much less drama. ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Nunca le des dinero a una mujer con hijos. Lo malgastara por seguro. La mejor pareja para todo hombre es la que se llama Manuela.

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 7:16 AM
Pinche pendejo if you don't like it tough shit go open up your own blog idiota.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump Donald Duck Same lame character

Anonymous said...

SCHOOL CLOSED TODAY WHY? don't they have enough vacation with pay time??? puros mamones only work 6 months out of a year. the only money making business on this planet... bola de mamones... oooooooooooooooooh it was toooooooooooooooooo cold today das why!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Juanio, would you bring us up to date on our courts? Feb is here and I have not read anything on the suppose to be coming up trials for the Gallegos and for el Pelon Elizondo. You are the only one who keeps us informed, so it would be great to get some info on that. Por favor, y gracias!

Anonymous said...

Resaca Claims Old Man Garcia -

Body of missing 68-year-old Brownsville man recovered (McAllen Monitor)

Anonymous said...

@12:34 PM

Like many in town, you are a mental midget. Criticism is part and parcel of all writing. But, then, why would we expect YOU to understand. You're border bred & raised. Pobre insipido.

Anonymous said...

Biden the Quicker Fucker Upper

Anonymous said...

El Naranjon should have remained a crook in New York. He was good at that. As President he SUCKED, BIG TIME!!! He got caught and exposed as the crook and stupid pendejo that he is and will always be, LIAR, CHEATER, and RATA prerequisites for todays repubblikkkan kkkandidates,VOTE THEM OUT,

Anonymous said...

MAGA what does that stand for, maybe MARJORie's ASS GOT AGUADA!!! HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Trump is coming for you bola de pendejos!

Anonymous said...

Trump really scared the shit out of you indoctrinated Hispanics. He’s been out of the picture for 2 years and you all continue talking about him. Talk about the moron in office who took several days before deciding to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon. Or was Trump in with China in sending this balloon? Lets do another investigation on Trump. Now how long will it take this idiot of a president to take action should some government send a nuclear missile our direction? This guys’ brain is as slow as his walk. We have shown China our weakness! Thanks DEMOCRATS! GREAT JOB!
