Friday, February 3, 2023


By J.J. Sutherland

(Finding out that childhood heroes have feet of clay is nothing new. Sometimes it can actually be reassuring in an odd way, that they too are human. But then you stumble across something like this and you have to completely re-evaluate everything you thought you know about someone.

L. Frank Baum, before he wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ran a newspaper in South Dakota. This was in the early 1890's during the Indian Wars. When Baum heard of the killing of Sitting Bull and the massacre at Wounded Knee, he wrote editorials calling for killing each and every last Native American.)

The Sitting Bull Editorial:

Sitting Bull, most renowned Sioux of modern history, is dead. 

He was not a Chief, but without Kingly lineage he arose from a lowly position to the greatest Medicine Man of his time, by virtue of his shrewdness and daring. He was an Indian with a white man's spirit of hatred and revenge for those who had wronged him and his. In his day he saw his son and his tribe gradually driven from their possessions: forced to give up their old hunting grounds and espouse the hard working and uncongenial avocations of the whites. 

And these, his conquerors, were marked in their dealings with his people by selfishness, falsehood and treachery. What wonder that his wild nature, untamed by years of subjection, should still revolt? What wonder that a fiery rage still burned within his breast and that he should seek every opportunity of obtaining vengeance upon his natural enemies. 

The proud spirit of the original owners of these vast prairies inherited through centuries of fierce and bloody wars for their possession, lingered last in the bosom of Sitting Bull. With his fall the nobility of the Redskin is extinguished, and what few are left are a pack of whining curs who lick the hand that smites them. 

The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians. Why not annihilation? Their glory has fled, their spirit broken, their manhood effaced; better that they die than live the miserable wretches that they are. 

History would forget these latter despicable beings, and speak, in later ages of the glory of these grand Kings of forest and plain that Cooper loved to heroism. We cannot honestly regret their extermination, but we at least do justice to the manly characteristics possessed, according to their lights and education, by the early Redskins of America. (Saturday Pioneer, December 20, 1890

The Massacre at Wounded Knee
The peculiar policy of the government in employing so weak and vacillating a person as General Miles to look after the uneasy Indians, has resulted in a terrible loss of blood to our soldiers, and a battle which, at its best, is a disgrace to the war department. 

There has been plenty of time for prompt and decisive measures, the employment of which would have prevented this disaster. The Pioneer has before declared that our only safety depends upon the total extirmination [sic] of the Indians. Having wronged them for centuries we had better, in order to protect our civilization, follow it up by one more wrong and wipe these untamed and untameable creatures from the face of the earth.

In this lies future safety for our settlers and the soldiers who are under incompetent commands. Otherwise, we may expect future years to be as full of trouble with the redskins as those have been in the past. An eastern contemporary, with a grain of wisdom in its wit, says that "when the whites win a fight, it is a victory, and when the Indians win it, it is a massacre." 
(Saturday Pioneer, January 3, 1891


Anonymous said...

McAllen blog!

not who we are, Monty. We be poor, unedgikated peeple.

Anonymous said...

Many blacks today wish to do the same with whites and others. Blacks today are more racist than any other group.

Anonymous said...

@8:03 AM

What an ignorant comment to make! Blacks have every damned right to be angry, which is what they are and not racist as you so stupidly affirm. You should know that every fucking Civil Right you have was earned on the backs of Blacks who were beaten, lynched, whipped, shot and bitten by dogs during the 1960s struggle in the American South - not in the submissive Rio Grande Valley.

You make me sick, you stupid, stupid Mexican!!!

May God damn you.

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 11:56 AM

It was ese bro mamon, lambe huevos y vendido at 8:03AM, don't blame the blogs commenter here.

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 6:14 AM
Como chingas pinche jotingo open your own blog estupido
ya pusistes gorro idiota

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 6:14 AM
Joto vendido

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:56 a.m. comment about Anonymous 8:03 a.m. is righteously sound and appropriate. However, how does he know that Anonymous 8:03 a.m. is a Mexican and what gives him the right to call him a "stupid Mexican"? Not only does he call him stupid once but twice. Racism comes in all shape and sizes.

Anonymous said...

Racism has always existed. People need to learn and practice tolerance. As humans we need understand that each Race has something to contribute to our world.

The White Anglo Saxon practiced slavery but the Africans sold their own brothers and sisters to the Whites. The Spaniards made slaves of the Aztecs and took their land and gold. However, the Aztects had already enslaved other Natives. They gave Malinche to Hernan Cortez. I am sure that the list of enslavement goes on. Isn't human sex trafficking the the same thing? And it is happening today, right now!

We need to keep our distance from those we do not like but at the same time coexist with each other. PEACE.

Anonymous said...

Blacks only make up 12.6% of the United States population. So why all the fuss about a race that commits the majority of the crimes in this country? Hispanics had there own sufferings but you don't see us crying and complaining. I remember watching Roots the saga and thinking, I know where they came from, I just want to know when they're going back.

Anonymous said...

The top pic looks like the commissioner running for mayor. put on some blue and its her.

Anonymous said...

Blacks are the most racist. Year after year polls tell us that. Be it Gallup, Rasmussen, or other national polls. Most hate crimes are perpetrated by blacks. Michael Jackson loved the wizard of Oz so much that he made a black version of it.

Check mate Montoya!

Anonymous said...

Check out this story...

Most media are hiding the fact that this was a hate crime.

The only uninformed person is the one claiming otherwise.

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 11:56 AM
A coco reacting to a racist comment NOW THAT TAKES THE CAKE. pinche coco wanna be white estupido. ERES MESKIN Y NUNCA SE TE VA A QUITAR MAMON JOTO. open up your own blog jotingo.

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 6:14 AM
ya ese bro quit your shit open your own blog pendejo!!!

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 6:14 AM
You forgot you are also a joto maricon
