Thursday, February 2, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It never fails. When local real-estate speculators – like former City of Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez and current mayor Trey Mendez – smell free money or an angle to get it almost for free, they will come sniffing out the cash.

Remember when Martinez voted to sell himself a tax-delinquent property so he could sell it for a nice profit regardless of the conflict of interest inherent in that?

And remember when Mendez and former city manager's office Director of Government and Community Affairs Ramiro Gonzalez were caught when they tried to get $200,000 in grants from the Brownsville Community Investment Corporation (BCIC) but removed it from the agenda when Cameron County D.A. Luis V. Saenz suddenly appeared at the board meeting when they were considering their request?

That same behavior, apparently, applies to their pals in the banking business and real-estate world.

Just this past week, on Tuesday January 26, one of them – Director of Texas Regional Bank Carlos Varela – threw a hairy after BCIC board members declined to hand over $200,000 in Business Improvement and Growth (BIG) 2.0 Program funds from previous non-compliant grant awardees and to utilize rescinded funds to activate vacant buildings and to fund active projects that did not receive the full amount.

After approving that agenda item and rescinding $260,000 from two non compliant awardees, the BCIC board members moved to award $80,000 of those recovered funds to Varco, an LLC where Varela is listed as a controlling partner.

Varela – whose Origo Works Properties owns The Lofts refurbished commercial property at the corner of 11th and Adams streets – wanted the $200,000 to establish a Tropical Smoothie Cafe in the lower floor of the bottom floor of the three-story building which is listed as being owned by Varco 1224 Adams LLC, according to the Secretary of State.

The Lofts were refurbished commercial buildings that were supposed to enhance student housing opportunities for those attending the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley at Brownsville, a plan long advocated by former mayor Martinez who saw some real-estate opportunities to make some cold, hard cash.

Sources say that when the board members were reluctant to raise the ante from $80,000 to $200,000, Varela declined the lower amount and said he would not bring the Tropical Smoothie franchise to downtown Brownsville on the bottom floor of the Lofts unless they gave him the larger amount.

As we said earlier, Varela is well known to City of Brownsville elected officials and he has attempted to drum up business with the city for his bank.

Now he is making noises that the BCIC board's denial of the $200,000 might mean he won't be able to bring the proposed development of his three downtown real-estate speculative properties which he claims amounts totals $6,250,000. In fact, that development – dubbed Project Horseshoe – was considered by the BCIC's Economic Development Committee June 8, 2022, which recommended that the BCIC board approve $540,800 for Fiscal Year 2023 and another $135,200 for FY 2024, a total of $676,000.

That's besides the $200,000 he wanted, would bring the total he is asking for to close to $1 million, compliments of the city residents who pay the quarter-cent sales tax by which the BCIC funds its projects and pay for its operations and administration. But is handing over even $80,000 to a franchise (Tropical Smoothie Cafe) estimated
to be worth close to $1 billion (with a B) the purpose of the BIG 2.0 Program grants?

Remember, Varela is not only the owner of the Lofts building, he is also the holder of the South Texas Tropical Smoothie franchises, who would end up being his tenant. Why should the sales tax proceeds of Brownsville residents subsidize a national billion-dollar franchise?

It's not like Varela hasn't been the beneficiary of the city and BCIC largesse. Our seven readers might well remember that his Origo Works was thrust upon the Brownsville South Padre Island International Airport Project by Martinez that resulted in a five-month delay in its construction and – along with other enlargements – inflated the cost of the project from $38 to $50 million. Origo Works was hired to "incorporate" local features into the original design.

James Kirshbaum, the engineer for CH2MHILL, the general contractor for the airport improvements wrote:
"As requested by the mayor (Martinez), we engaged Origo Works to help incorporate "local" architectural features and elements into the original design. This effort extended the conceptual design phase of the project by approximately five months, resulting in significant additional efforts by CH2M, Corgan and Origo Works." 

Interestingly, when the city commission was presented with Kirshbaum 's letter, the offending paragraph had been removed and was missing from the missive presented to the rest of the commission. 

Origo Works  listed work done on the mayor's businesses, including Spanky's Burgers and Rincon de la Paz off Palm Boulevard on their website. Both businesses list their principal as Martinez, and list his law firm's address at 1206 E. Van Buren Street as their mailing address. In fact, Origo Works principals – Varela and engineer Javier Huerta –attended St. Joseph's Academy with Martinez's son Trey. 

Martinez got a $2,500 campaign contribution from VArela in his campaing for mayor.

On Feb. 6, 2018, Da Mayor Martinez was at it again. Origo Works was refurbishing a building to set up shop along the frontage road but there was a snag. It did not have enough parking space as required by the city. Without it, as many other would-be business people know, the permits would be denied and no business could take place. Again, knowing Tony paid off.

And to make matters worse, the city property contains a segment of Rose Gowen's Hike and Bike TRail, and would have to be moved. Gowen, uncharacteristically, agreed to move the trial, something she had not agreed when a couple wanted to have access to the expressway frontage road that would have to go over the trail. 

No way, Ray, Rose said. In this case, however, she relented for Tony's friends.

The agenda item placed by Engineering (not Tony?) reads: Consideration and ACTION to execute a License Agreement between the City of Brownsville and Origo Works Properties, LLC. (Engineering).

Under the licensing agreement, the city agreed to let the company "use a part of city property...which lies adjacent to or is anticipated to be part of a continuum of the foregoing‐described major commercial development...which permission it seeks to build and maintain concrete/asphalt parking and landscaped areas which would run along, aside or across City property."

In exchange, Origo Works would build a parking lot, fence, and maintain it for the next five years with one-year options for renewals.

That didn't sit well with the neighboring businesses across the alley/trail.

"The free give-away of city land to Origo Works for parking spaces with no consideration for the existing six business entities affected by this license agreement shows no mercy. These six businesses will no longer be able to access the rear of their buildings including the garbage collections via the alleyway which will be replaced by the relocated hike & bike trail," commented one.

"No notice to the owners, no due diligence by the planning & zoning, or building permits department including the engineering department. WHAT IS GOING ON?"

The same thing that went on in the airport project and the giving away of city property (hike and bike trail) is exactly the same thing that is happening with the BCIC BIG 2.0 Program which is leaning over backwards to give our social and economic connected elite what they so much crave and desire: The password to the BCIC ATM machine to subsidize their downtown real-estate speculation. 


Anonymous said...

The only business in downtown Brownsville that look half way decent are those owned by the select few, being former mayor Martinez and current mayor Mendez. Reason being they didn’t use their money, they used the money of the citizens. The rest of the area looks like Ukraine. BCIC Economic Development Committee is part of the problem. We don’t need to be spending money on programs trying to bring businesses down to our area. Our area sells itself. As for refurbishing buildings in downtown, let the private sector do that with their money. Too many wasteful programs all controlled by a select few. I just wonder if they are paying their fair share of taxes on these properties or are they using the historical scam. The city mayor and all city commissioners need to be replaced. We need new faces and I mean new faces.

Anonymous said...

Well, lad, there are "do'ers" and there are "observers," the kind of ever complaining citizen who loves to stand on the sidewalk and watch the world go by. I say give the cash to that individual who wants to "do" something. That is the very essence, the lifeblood, of progress. Why die with envy; go ask fort it yourself!

Brownsville should seek an "icon," something that will distinguish it from other towns and cities and bring it fame. A running of the bulls-cum-fun festival sort of roadside attraction. Charro Days is now boring, an anachronistic exercise in buying cute Charro clothing.

Get movin'!

Anonymous said...

In the context of everything involving progress, this article is a major step backward.

Is it simply that you don't like the people applying (and getting) these grants, or would you be okay if perhaps your friends were in the game?

tsk, tsk, Monty.


Anonymous said...

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

Anonymous said...

TRUTH! Take massive action. As much speedy action as you can squeeze into the time that you've got, or the time that you can allocate. Success is acquired one step at a time, but I'd say walk as fast as you can, figuratively. Sprint carefully (don't fall down). But damn it, get going, and you'll see results.

Anonymous said...

Migrant flow along Texas-Mexico border plummets. President Joe Biden's policies are working.

Democrats do; Republicans don't.

Anonymous said...

February 2, 2023 at 8:32 AM
There you go again get yourself a blog idiota and insult yourself. PENDEJO

Anonymous said...

Tipping -

15% to 20% isn't going to cut it anymore.

your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Blog Comments update:

Still, all other Brownsville blogs have NO COMMENTS. 1 blog has one comment, from another local blogger. ha ha ha


Anonymous said...

Commissioner Jessica Tetreau knows what to do? Change that check to double the amount because it helps the high class drunks get a discount in her high level of living the good life off the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

LOL: Business and connections and networking BROWNSVILLE STYLE

1. Go to St. Joseph's Academy. ( Varela, Javier Huerta etc)
2. Help the local politicians with money.
A. ( Mayor Martinez got 2,500 from Varela)
B. Rose Gowen "relented for Tony's friends) The Bike and HIKE trail will be moved to help VARELA.
C. The airport project was delayed or EXTENDED to let VARELA work on the project as requested by MARTINEZ.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well, lad, there are "do'ers" and there are "observers," the kind of ever complaining citizen who loves to stand on the sidewalk and watch the world go by. I say give the cash to that individual who wants to "do" something. That is the very essence, the lifeblood, of progress. Why die with envy; go ask fort it yourself!

Anonymous said...
In the context of everything involving progress, this article is a major step backward.

Is it simply that you don't like the people applying (and getting) these grants, or would you be okay if perhaps your friends were in the game?

Anonymous said...
TRUTH! Take massive action

PS. I am one of your seven readers. Juan Montoya you love Brownsville but this is too much. How can people write in this blog and support corruption, bad deals and abuse of power !!!!! How can politicians betray the citizens of Brownsville????

Anonymous said...

This fker wants everything for free go get a loan like everybody else mamon

Anonymous said...

In the yearly years when Brownsville was governed by white boys from the Republicans Party the city was something to admire. Than all of a sudden the Hispanic democrats came in to enrich themselves and the city took a turn for the worse. The only grito in Brownsville is that of disgust.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately all the downtown developments are being subsidized by the taxpayers for the benefit of the current Mayor and his predecessor. Brownsville will never move forward as the elected officials mindset is only to be in office to get richer along with their close friends. And that is a fact, don't forget the overinflated purchase of the ratnest Cada Nylon and the needless purchase and subsequent resale of the Cueto building only to benefit someone. Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

I cant believe that Trump is running again after all the damage he caused our nation. Do we really need another January 6th because some sore loser cant accept he lost? We know who the BIG LIAR is, so, wake up people, we need a new leader but certainly not trump, the only place he should be running to is straight to jail.

Anonymous said...

What is the ultimate purpose for these articles??? We all know these shenanigans continue to happen and nothing will ever be done to stop them. They just serve as another slap in the face to the citizens of Brownsville. To be fair, yes these articles are printed to make us aware these things are happening but the authorities (law enforcement) should look into all these shady, probably even illegal practices.But will they ever?? Of course not. Connect the dots folks, the so called leaders(elected/appointed officials)are all : related,buddies,compadres, inlaws, campaign contributors etc. And no one outside this “ circle of trust” is allowed. That is the reason “new candidates “ are not allowed . Brownsville is a huge cookie jar and only a select few are allowed to stick their hand in it with no consequences. Thats all for today, thanks, stay warm and stay safe!!

Anonymous said...

Y’all know John Cowen is name after a toilet. Don’t vote for him in May. Brownsville needs real change!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Been downtown twice to get to the book store on Washington Street and both times it appeared to be closed but I couldn't get a closer look as there was no parking. Be smart. Downtown is a wasted investment. Let it go.

Anonymous said...

Great fucking reporting stop this bleeding from within and once again the sheep’s in wolves clothing got us! Expose these fucktards.

Anonymous said...

am agree with you, same for jessica running for mayor same thing as trump. WE NEED NEW BLOOD AND NOT A TRANSFUSION.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville,TX has been plagued by corrupt so called rich theives from St. Joseph academy. Carlos Varela is good friends with now District 4 commissioner Pedro Cardenas who is now partners with Trey Mendez who now partners with Tony Martinez who is now partners with the Limas Brothers who on 1848 and the Ramblas. All these guys went to St. Joseph Acamdemy and think they are smarter and entitled to ripp of the poor ignorant people of Brownsville, TX like they do in Matamoros,MX. We the citizens of Brownsville are fed up of not growing and not allowing other small buisness owners to be successful. These cowards hide behing their glasses of wine drinking on our hard earned money. They aren't smart, they are con artists. They elect themselves to steal from the people. Very dissapointed in Pedro Cardenas. He is allowing this to happen.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Montoya for letting us know that “the beat goes on”. La misma historia y Brownsville sigue en el mismo marranero.

Anonymous said...

Lets be objective and honest in regards to this hate towards St Joseph Academy. I understand many of you dont like SJA cause it’s always been regarded as “ the other high school” in Brownsville. SJA has always had the recognition of offering a quality education in academics and religious studies(another reason it’s frowned upon). And guess what? It doesn’t askfor or levy a single tax dollar to Brownsville residents. Its not free of charge to attend , like public schools . So yes, SJA is different but like in any institution of learning its up to the students to take advantage of the academics for a better future. And the same applies to public schools, many students in public schools (Porter,Hanna, Pace ,Lopez etc)have done just that and are now very successful. Good for them and congratulations. But to single out a high school just because its students are fulfilling their goals is not factually fair. That being said ,that theres been some bad apples that graduated from SJA , YES Ofcourse , most definitely but that doesn’t mean they’re all bad and its the schools fault. They’re many good,honest,hardworking persons that are SJA graduates that do no harm to anybody . Remember what everyone says at graduation time”its what we make of our lives from this point forward that counts” Thats the real truth !! And its doesn’t matter what high school we attended. We decide what type of person we want to be and what type of role model we want to become for our children. There’s good and bad everywhere Thanks for your time ,thats my opinion

Anonymous said...

February 2, 2023 at 9:39 AM

Great call on 8:32 AM. Wants us to believe that it is providing constructive criticism when what it does is insult. La envidia hace que se lo lleve la chingada. I wonder if Montoya slept with their significant other? Maybe they felt spurred. Who knows it is their problem.

If you don't like what you read go else where.

Anonymous said...

El gran southmost, las prietas, el puerto and east brownsville do not read ingles so all of this is pointless.

All they see is frijoles plates and cheap beer y votan. maybe these bleeders can do the same for a change, but I doubt it.

They write la verdad en ojos que no ven, hablan en orejas que no ollen y duermen bien tranquillos. Its like that movie that keeps repeating itself over and over, forgot the name of that movie like everything else HERE

Anonymous said...

Screw them! Anyone else would be more than happy to start a business with a free $80,000. Mamones!

Anonymous said...

Another place to add to the boycott list Tropical Smoothie at downtown. Part of the ratas gang, the ratas club.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When it comes to citizen money..theres no Envy ..just accountability..JUSTICE..AS PER GIVING MONEY TO DOERS..WHO ARE THEY DOING THE PROFIT FOR?



Anonymous said...

In regard to the 6:13 P.M. comment giving glory to St. Joseph's Academy graduates, the crap speaks for itself. Quality education and religious education, teaching these greedy bastards to steal, lie, and defrauding the very people who voted for them. Keep in mind that former Mayor Tony Martinez's son was some kind of priest and that didn't even face the greedy bastard from his greed.

Anonymous said...

That person never gave glory to SJA. As a matter of fact he gave glory/kudos to all students that succeeded regardless of what high school they attended. The only point he was trying to get across is the fact that there is good and bad everywhere(including greed) And he also admitted that there was some “ bad apples” graduating from SJA. I totally agree with both points of view.

Anonymous said...

Ah, greed is it that the padres think that if they educate their students in greed, some funding will make its way into their coffers?
Its like cops abusing the taxpayers, you know the ones that pays their salaries!

Anonymous said...

Agree with 6.13 pm its up to you to excel in your life once you complete high school. I am an old school guy and i am glad my parents who have now passed away came from Mexico in the 1950's (Bracero program) but were hard workers and one thing they always insisted in us was to go to school get a high school diploma and then get a college education so you can have a better life for ourselves and family. Anyone can get it done if they want to. Porter HS alumni.

Anonymous said...

Not all St Joe Alumni are greedy, elitist wannabe's, because I know some good humble people. However most of the one's that were/are in office have done some shady deals for themselves and friends multiple times. Some new blood is coming into the mix and what is their agenda? Is it to team up with their buddies on BPUB boards or city commission votes? The same goes for any candidate that went to other school's. I will not vote for a candidate, because I went to school with them, or if my children went to school with them ,had awesome poster's, or because of who employs them, or for a Whatever Plate. People! Look at their connections with present members on any groups that make decisions for Brownsville. Who are their friends presently on any board? CONNECT the DOTS !! The sad thing is that some of the present members in office right now, that are running for another post, didn't do a Dang thing to correct what should've been corrected while they were in office. Not accusing all people in office, but if the shoe fits "Wear It"!! Newbies or incumbents, you know who you are. Brownsville Voters !!
Ask questions and connect the dots !!!

Hey BPUB!!, WE have $29 mil left of the TENASKA $179 Mil and about 78k customers? All of a sudden, all you highly educated RATS don't know how to handle and do what is right? Did you get educated to steal what was ours, make stupid decisions and look the other way? Your place in the community or work of place will not sway me , because I have connected the dots.

Anonymous said...

RE LOL: Business and connections and networking BROWNSVILLE STYLE CORRECTED

1. Go to St. Joseph's Academy. ( Varela, Javier Huerta, John Cowen, Pedro Cardenas, Trey Mendez, Tony Martinez, Munguia, cesar de Leon, Gowen, Galonsky, etc). The school is not the problem, it’s the entitlement attitude these people have and the cancer they spread. If one of them is bad, the rest will follow. Need to clean sweep.
2. Help the local politicians with money.
A. ( Mayor Martinez got 2,500 from Varela)
B. Rose Gowen "relented for Tony's friends) The Bike and HIKE trail will be moved to help VARELA.
C. The airport project was delayed or EXTENDED to let VARELA work on the project as requested by MARTINEZ.
D. 10 years of misappropriation of taxpayers money including the PUB TENASKA scam. That means everyone who has been a Commissioner was aware (Tetrau)and should be ousted as well.

The City desperately needs to not have the same people participating in city government. These people have zero values and zero scruples. I have no confidence in these abusive people and the first step is to vote for anyone except for them (Tetrau, Cowen) and get rid of the reminants of the past. Real change is getting new people to participate.

Anonymous said...

@ February 6, 2023 at 2:53 PM
Let's add:
* a board member in BPUB board
* an upcoming candidate for city commissioner
* a new CRC appointed member

Connect the dots !!

Anonymous said...

