Saturday, February 25, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: A series of information requests to Cameron County has yielded the true picture of the loss of man[person?]power at the Cameron County Sheriff's Department. 

As can be plainly seen, self-respecting law enforcement officers and correction guards are fleeing in droves and going elsewhere. Sheriff Eric Garza complains that the county commissioners do not give him enough money to attract jailers or officers to his department. 

Yet, although the salaries were the same with his predecessor, we didn't see the exodus going on the department until he took office. Why? 

According to one commenter to this blog, "Due to mismanagement of the sheriff, nearly 300 experienced employees, among them sheriff deputies and jailers, decided to look for another place of employment, according to the documentation provided by the county. How does this affect the safety of the community and employees?," they ask.)


Anonymous said...

This has all the known - and practiced - characteristics of your typical DISGRUNTLED employee. bring me something serious against the sheriff or his administrators. I mean, other than oft-spewed, road-tired bitching.

Eric Garza is the duly elected sheriff. And, yes, everyone not happy is free to leave. Who wants an employee who doesn't want to be there?

Go away, dude. Just go away.

Anonymous said...

How many good officers have left because of Angel? Joel Padilla was the only invesitgator bringing stats to the department, same as Reyes Olivares, he also left because of him. That's the people that surrounds Eric, jackasses with power-trips.

Anonymous said...

11 months away from election, let that sink

Anonymous said...

"I'm gonna miss getting into pursuits and kicking down doors...."

(So much for public service and doing good for the community. This is what he's going to miss. What a loser. Largate, vato menso!)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Eric! Now put the cherry on the cake put the doppers salinas brothers in SiU LMFAO..fkn mess

Anonymous said...

Sheriff you need to put a leash on your dog sgt. Angel Perez, good people leaving because of him. He is mismanaging transport also.

Anonymous said...

These guys all go federal then come right back when they fail the federal academies
BPD has the same problem

Anonymous said...

Hey, El Luke. You suck, bro. kicking in doors is for criminals. get your head out of your ass before applying for your next job, loser. such bravery. puro escrape. likely not educated. No vales sebo, guey.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, do a story on El Chapo Sauceda. Ask around, you'll find out several officers have recently left the police department, because of this arrogant, so called "chief".
On ANY given night, there will be 10 patrol officers, to protect the entire city of Brownsville. Yet, when El Chapo has one of his favorite side projects, like Halloween Night, Go Dance with the Kids, of "State of the department/Look at me, I'm the Chief" gatherings, he will have his Commanders look for "volunteers" to show up and act like they back him up. In one recent gathering, there was a picture posted of close to 30 officers pictured with El Chapo, that same night, there were 11 patrol officers, looking over the entire city.
El Chapo needs to go, along with all his "favorites" assigned to cushy jobs. All these cushy jobs like, Mamalouie, the gym he/she, all 6 six officers assigned to records, el Dell tech, Fernie "hey pappi/Chief, I heard this, and this", Nappy "I cook carnitas for the chief", Massey "I still act like a child commander", Jones "Kathy is mine" and almost ALL the union board elect members who have cushy jobs, and will never speak up against El Chapo as long as they have cushy jobs.

Anonymous said...

Mother, kitten ocelot spotted at Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge

Los mamones are not going to get fired why? because they spotted a wild cat. Go to the bridge and see Humans dying because they are hungry. Oh no these are more important then humans why? they get government checks over 150k a year to take pictures das why???????


Anonymous said...

Mass exodus? Try the Brownsville Police Department. Under Chief Sauceda, a large recent, and still ongoing exodus has been taking place. Chief Saueceda’s plan is not to keep the City of Brownsville Safe, but to get more glamour shots of himself on Facebook. There is no other Chief in the State who loves posting pictures of himself more than Sauceda. (Only reason recent pictures have not been uploaded to Facebook is because the guy assigned to post on Facebook is currently suspended). “Chief” Sauceda has lost all sense of reality. On my behalf, and the rest of the city of Brownsville, I nominate Chief Sauceda as a “Chief of Police on Fantasy Island”. Sgt. Flores can play the part of the midget.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff got that father and son killed when he opened his inexperienced mouth. Keep sucking on his mediocrity. The feds are probably watching him already.

Anonymous said...

Agree 100% with critics of this idiot. His words are not the words of a professional law enforcement officer. Kicking in doors, huh? Abuser!!!

Anonymous said...

Angel cried to sheriff to keep Padilla from staying in SIU. Angel is a poison, and this is not going to end well. Angel has so many red flags, it's ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

El Luke should be sued for return of all the paychecks he got from the Sheriff's office. His service was not for the people, but for himself, his love of kickin in doors.

how many of those doors were repaired by the sheriff's office?

Not one.

Anonymous said...

Headline: "Exodus of experienced deputies".......

Experienced at kicking-in doors.

low-class law enforcement, PART XXX

Anonymous said...

El Luke mentions "good supervisors," so what's the problem?

he's the problem!

Anonymous said...

That's one ungrateful fool. He had a good job with great benefits and he left it because he didn't want to get along. Don't think the sheriff's office will miss this ingrate. Que no te de en las nalgas la puerta, Guey!

Anonymous said...

CASM = Chinguen a su madre

classy, from another loser.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden Ready To Run For Second Term, U.S. First Lady Says

There's “pretty much” nothing left to do but choose the time and place Biden's reelection announcement, Jill Biden said.

(And he'll win in 2024, as the Republican Party is now TWO parties - the traditional one and the MAGA one.)

Anonymous said...

Montoya, hermano y hijo de nuestro Dios que no miente:

37 is not deputies "leaving in droves."

No seas otro mentiroso, juanito.

Anonymous said...

“Gonna miss hot pursuits and kicking down doors” ??? Whatever happened to serve and protect. What a moron!! Good riddance You sir are the perfect example of these “Rambo” law officers that think that being in law enforcement is like the movies(Training day, Lethal weapon) You give professional officers a bad name. So okay you dont agree with the so called sheriff and his administration and are not happy at work, just resign and move on!! But to make it public and express your moronic Rambo ways is not very smart. A little attitude adjustment will serve you well before taking another job “ protecting “ the community. Good luck sir.

Anonymous said...

That boy scout has a AR without any bullets, the re-loading squad went on vacation so all the clips are empty, he has a 9mm and no bullets, a negasura and a shit load of pellets, combat camouflage clothing won't help here but they got a shit load of money to spend needlessly. All this equals to" no criminals caught". GGOD JOB SHERIFF...

Anonymous said...

Can’t wait to see how Eric is gonna try to sell himself to the voters. The only ones who are going to vote for him is his cheerleading team and whatever blind rookies are trying to kiss his ass

Anonymous said...

Garza doesn't give a shit about the employees or their families..look at the mess he left at the district clerk's office, same happening at the SO. He is already looking for the next opportunity to jump boat. How many employees have left? No one likes this mofo, all elected officials are against him.. all his minions are going to experience reality in 11 months... who is going to hire them after that? That's if they don't get arrested for all the fucked up shit their are doing.. you too Luis Saenz, all this time you were looking the other way, you are going to pay the price to next election

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya is the Chuck Wepner of blogging!

no doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

Eric and silver, if you want to salvage the next two years, you better smooth things out with the county judge and commission. Things don't look good . Hoshkins talking to County Judge commissioners is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Have I missed something? Has there been some massive jailbreak I did not hear about, some deputy caught moving drugs, a sheriff's office secretary embezzling thousands, cellphones and booze snuck into the jail, an all-around pussy-grabbing environment?

No, but there has been a lot of disgruntled deputy pissing against the wind.

That's it?

Yeah, that's it.

Anonymous said...

The dispatcher is still in charge. Typical idiota at the sheriff's department.

Anonymous said...

Bids just went out for the purchase of horses with saddles and a training officer. The new units will be painted the same as the suv's. El cherife saw the charro days parade and was impressed the the horse's
A deputy quickly complain about the air condition in the new units. No respond yet.

Anonymous said...

Private Prisons may be the solution.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What happened to edward lee thats the sign that the jailers are stress over work and eric garza has the fucking fault for not fixing the jail.

Anonymous said...

County officials carrizalez rucker detention center is lacking guards only 15 guards are per shift

Anonymous said...

sgt angel perez is not in fault sgt felipe olivares is the one in fault of transport we dont like him as transport supervisor

Anonymous said...

Both Salinas Brothers on the swat team. Working with sensitive federal government operations. Let THAT sink in.

Anonymous said...

Let's not stop there. Ruben garcia, probably one of the worst deputies to wear the badge. Gets his job back cause of incompetent supervisors that don't know policy. Shift is better off short handed than with ruben patrolling.

Anonymous said...

I served as a kitchen door gunner at Burger King and the amount of buns I witnessed being binned still gives me nightmares, my senior officer demanded me to shut up and keep cooking but suffer in silence. I struggle to this day about my experiences. Thank you, Juan, for the exposure of these deputy clowns.

Anonymous said...

El Luke got hired by bisd pd.. complains about school presentation.....and goes to bisd..... can't make this bullshit up.

Anonymous said...

Bro angel is fucking everything up good officers leaving because of him transport all fucked up he doesn't help us, he is not on call, he doesn't take details or reports fuck him

Anonymous said...

everyone makes it seem like this shit is new. These fuckers have made a lot of good deputies leave the department. 1 term chump

Anonymous said...

Didn't that bitch rosie get that young deputy fired? the same bitch that married an illegal. The same bitch that lied about passing the sgt test. That girl thinks she has so much power when she is just an old piece of ass that gets passed around by rank. These old people do not like new blood and seem to do everything possible to make these kids lives harder.

Anonymous said...

Of course the sheriffs units are going to be in front of the attorney j. Villareal during the parade, the eric sure loves that money he is throwing. how about you take a call pendejo or take a hike and leave the department

Anonymous said...

be careful when you are in groupchats with gilbert "scorpion".... he'll screenshot messages of you talking bad about the sheriff and send them to silver. the way to the top is to knock everyone in the bottom.

Anonymous said...

the sheriff is a dumbass but what made everything bad for him was the group he had around him, you got the hector hernandez being the photograph whore for them, angel that needs tape to hold his face together, silver that can barely fit into his damn uniform but wants to do "12 hour shifts" , charles hopskin aka pill popper that swears he is IT to commissioners court but has danny doing all the work, gilbert Mr. macho man that acts like a sicario but was scared to shoot when his butt buddy was shot, all these losers are whispering in his ears with "good ideas". the best thing the sheriff did was stop listening to the old chief and captain ab. Eric you might have a chance to turn it all around

Anonymous said...

You doing a terrific job Angel Perez, please continue like that so they can understand why people don't fucking like you piece of shit! Garza doesn't get it, everyday more employees dislike him because of the people he gets around with

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pinche eric estad bien pendejo bro wake to fuck up

Anonymous said...

How far away from election are we?

Anonymous said...

February 25, 2023 at 7:19 AM
You mean a roof top taco eater, that's what he will miss. Hot pursued kicking down doors, hahaha that's only in Chicago PD.

Anonymous said...

This crying has become a daily posting in this popular blog.

Anonymous said...

no bullets, but has a battering ram on his right boot for "the doors" only. "Break On Through"

Anonymous said...

I can't understand why all these law enforcement people are so LLORONES!!!
si se les atForra un mojon, lloran.


Anonymous said...

LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS (LEOs) get enormous civil service benefits.

Medical insurance, paid vacations, overtime, 8 paid federal holidays a year and sick leave. These cost a heavy burden on taxpayers.

Civil service benefits for police and fire protection represent about 50% of the cities and county budget. We will never be able to lower out property taxes.

LEOs should try and WORK FROM WITHIN their respective agencies and build a better agency instead of being disruptors.

Follow orders, respect authority and be mindful of stressors on their bosses. Stressors cause mental illness on judges as well. Pray for all you in the judicial system.

Pray for you LEOs and JUDGES to start thanking GOD your nice jobs and pray that you all stay safe.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Edward Lee. Whats the complete/ real story here?? Always seemed pleasant and quiet dude. Is the dysfunction at jail permeating to all areas and employees? Are the conditions at the jail that bad ?? Are even the nicer/ good employees going to the dark side. Something disturbing is definitely going on here. Is the safety and well-being of the staff and inmates at risk. We shall wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Y La FIONA que?? Que ha pasado con la cara de changa/ bulldog?

Anonymous said...

Eric next year you will back to drive your sucker momma Hyundai Santa fe, wearing your sweaty ass cowboy hat, same blue coat, crocodile boots and your ear piece LMFAO I'm sure you going to look so badass that your "wife" will end up leaving you for the boyfriend she has in Matamoros, who is very wealthy and gifted by the way.

Anonymous said...

At the comment about Rosie, yeah, we don't like young deputies that hang around with drug users. She deserved to get fired.

Anonymous said...

what happen silver???? angel went around you and jump chain of command and you did nothing to him??? hahaha and that is not the first time it happens. Walking around with your tail between your legs.

Anonymous said...

February 26, 2023 at 12:16 PM
Y teachers? Make all of them work 12 months we pay enough property tax to support these huevones. They ALL "say Oh I am a teacher just because of the 5 months off with all benefits PAID"!!!!!

Y aqui there are wanna beeees teachers but are not they only try to correct people that make comments on blogs. POBRES PENDEJOS. you are NOT teachers MORONS.
ese eres un pendejo bro ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

It seems that Angel has more pull than Silverio.. Angel the real chief, the one who is calling the shots.. a silver ni le dicen nada LMFAo

Anonymous said...

Garza is a fucken idiot. Garza you suck as sheriff. You allowed the good ppl leave under your administration for sucking on the wrong titty. You wanted your dick wet and fucked up buddy. Bye bye you piece of shit. I keep from beating your ass on the streets cuz Im the bigger person. But honestly your a fuck up to Cameron county. If I were you I'd hit in hibernation until next elections. Let the next Sheriff get theirs. Fuck you Garza.
On that the jail division, Ayala, Mejia, Lazo and Olivares are mojo broke back mountain bullshit. Sucking each other's dick and on their high horse. Fuck you all piece of shit ass supervisors. They gotta go. That's a start. Especially Ayala. He's a pussy ass bitch. Thinks girls want his dick πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ fucken dumbass doesn't know what to do with a girl. While your trying to get at girls I'll get at yours and show her what she's missing πŸ˜πŸ˜‰

Anonymous said...

Transport stfu it's more than likely Peter Piper or Guillen talking shit. Can't handle Angel or what? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ pussy ass bitches. Olivares does suck but fuck it he's sucked dick to stay there even when they were going to move him out. Just go with the flow. Or should I say "if you don't like it leave" just like all the shitty ass supervisors say ✌πŸ–• suck it up or move on.

Anonymous said...

No records of accredited training through a police academy or a Peace Officers Standards and Training certification still ...................
no mas aqui!!!

Anonymous said...

Folks looks like this Cameron county Sheriff department has been screwed up since BOZO the Clown came into office, we wanted change and we sure got it, perhaps its TIME FOR Another CHANGE I SAY.

Anonymous said...

New rule at the ccso?
sign: CCSO Administration

andale cabrones

Anonymous said...

from a taxpayer:

O tienen miedo y las pistolas que?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

With no records of accredited training through a police academy or a Peace Officers Standards and Training certification

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Angel 1
Silver 0

Anonymous said...

Que desmadre en el Sheriff's office

Anonymous said...

How can Angel have more say so than the chief? Well very simple, the Attorney Xavier Villarreal, who is the boss of Angel's wife, is giving a fat paycheck to Garza in exchange of directing clients to his office from vehicle accidents, that's Angel's duty, and ladies and gentlemen that's how he got the rank. Below is the Cameron County Sheriff's Office chain of command:

Eric Garza #1
Angel Perez #2
Silverio Cisneros #3

Anonymous said...

And captain villareal also known as barney old dinisour getting pr bonds for inmates making favors.

Anonymous said...

Why talk Shit of Hugo Salinas that guy is clean talk about CID Sgt Almanza he does has a cousin with the CDG

Anonymous said...

Kicking down doors, little dude is 135lbs soaking wet on a digital scale.
Por algo volaste.
Good Luck kicking doors elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Whoever gets elected sheriff next please change those ugly ass uniforms and those ugly stickers on the units.

Anonymous said...

Puro pinche llorones aqui.
If you have a problem with someone tell them. But you decide to talk shit in this matter. That Luke guy said one comment, you jump all on his shit. The other guy left and is upset obviously for loosing his job says he too threw his badge at the sheriff, so he says CASM. Oh well.
Tell it to the person's face. Man up guys and face your demons. I understand you not telling Garza how you feel because you afraid to loose your job. But you have problems with eachother and you opt to throw shit out here. Be a man. You are probably the guy that never says a word at work because you are chicken shit, afraid your mother is not there to protect you. If you have a problem with a jailer, a deputy, secretary, or one of the supervisors, man up and tell them. Why let it eat you up. You are all butt hurt, did someone take your girl, did someone ate your lunch, did someone told you to shut the f up, did someone punk you at a shift change party why are you so but hurt?
Can we pay to find out who is the one that is butt hurt, or just pay attention on how you walk, bow legged. lol
Grow some balls.

Anonymous said...

Transport jailer Britney Estrada cause a hit and run on sheriff office parking lot using county unit come on Sgt Olivarez step down You dont know how to manage your personal Eric Garza did you arrested her is a crime to do a hit and run in Texas

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to put gerry on time-out. he made us all (northend &southend units) 25 with him at Dennys on 1847 for dinner knowing that we are short but he didn't gave a fuck. We got there and he started talking about how many 51s he has f** right on front of female deputies that were also there. What a fucking douchbag this guy is, he thinks he is going to earn our respect LMFAO. He walks around all loud pretending he is all that great. Settle down boy we all know you got promoted because your daddy Gracia, maybe you can follow his foot steps.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL Cruz jus mad his bff admins promoted younger guys like bejarono gerry and chris instead of his old ass. The dumbass couldnt even get hired with bisd and hes even ass hurt his dumbass bff chaka got hired over him LOL it's okay cruz stay here forever to continue to be Almanzas paper bitch

Anonymous said...

Britney! What is this a gringo? or a pinche coco? britney WOW man I'd be ashame to use that name being a meskin. FACT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Heading for 100 again? He's the only one to hit 100 comments here. and they are all against ese idiota

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like Eddie "la rata tatuada" is on here talking shit again. Good luck moving up after you sold out Garza with the DAs Office

Anonymous said...

Finally cleaning house. The department after years of the old administrations, including Conrado CantΓΉ’s, needs time to change. People tend to resist change but it is necessary. Good going Sheriff. Best of luck. The county supports you.

Anonymous said...

Comment #87 Fuck you Garza πŸ–• can we get the next sheriff already please. Garza just step down, you've done enough damage. Take your puppets with you as well. Walk with your head down with your to go box as you walk out the sheriffs office.

Anonymous said...

@feb 28 0935 good that Eddie sold Garza out. What's the problem? Garza sucks anyway. He's just taking the trash out. Good job Eddie πŸ‘

Anonymous said...

Shit is going to hit the fan on the 10th. Going to 12 hr shifts. Guys already planning to leave, on top of those already leaving. Eric, you better smooth things out with judge and commissioners. This could sink you.

Anonymous said...

Chief Angel Perez wants to sink the department, too sad Garza doesn't see it.

Anonymous said...

11 months to election

Anonymous said...

Padilla was the only one brining stats to SIU I guess now will have to relay on border patrol or hsi to invite us to their ops but with salinas there I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Eddie Guerra and fuck Eric Garza. Both are fat rats who only think of themselves while preaching they care about our team.

Anonymous said...

91 comments and counting protest use masks if you have to but protest o tienen miedo?

Anonymous said...

People want to talk trash about people here leaving comments about people they can not confront in person. If CCSD investigators, BPD, District Attorney investigators, or DEA had something on people you post about they would already investigated.
If a law enforcement officer has a relative in CDG, it is not in their control. If a family member of an officer gets arrested, its not the officer's fault. How many officers can say they do not have a family member that has been arrested.
Customs/ICE/B. Patrol/DPS/CCSD/BPD/BISD all have relatives in jail or have been in jail. All these agencies know about family members that have gone the wrong way. If they had something on the agents/officers they would pin that medal for being the one busting a law enforcement officer. Like when those Border Patrol officers have been arrested, the line of agencies trying to claim the bust has been long.
Stop being a bitch talking out of your ass. If you going to talk shit have prove about it. If you have prove about it and you law enforcement, do your job bitch. You are the same one that talked about Deputy standing guard for CDG son Cardenas. Hate to say it but you are fake news.

Anonymous said...

Eric abre los ojos mijo, nomas la vives cagando

Anonymous said...

Lol @ March 2 448pm bro stfu you want to call out on ppl talking shit on this to have balls to say it to their face but yet your anonymous πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ if your going to preach do it right. Otherwise stfu ✌ you can't even post your name

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have the video of Sandy Dispatch showing her tits while she giving the k9 officer a blowjob?

Anonymous said...

Deputies will continue to leave while this clown is in office

Anonymous said...

When election time gets here and Eric loses, watch angel and Gilbert jump ship to a new dick to suck on whoever wins.

Anonymous said...

Cruz you gonna cry because you didn’t get sgt again???? Get the hint you were pushed out of Eric’s circle. No one likes you

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when worthless del bosque come back?

Anonymous said...

Why does Cruz wants to be a supervisor? How can he lead deputies for greater or success? He typed a letter as president of the Association to get away with a suspension and none of the members knew nor approved such letter. Is that the example you want to show Cruz? Hopefully that letter becomes public on social media soon to show what type of officer he is. Not even BISD wants this garbage, maybe he can go back to Pct 2 with Abel Gomez, oh wait he burned that bridge too. Fuck!

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want del bosque back??? Skated his whole career to get rank. Can’t even pass a Captain test but made fun of Captain Guerra for taking the day off to study. how are you going to tell everyone your secret but tell to everyone. No one cares just stay home. Enjoy your retirement all you was good for is taking Facebook selfies about “leg day”. De LT no tenΓ­as huevos ahora de reserve tienes panocha. You couldn’t protect your own swat and siu guys. Vete de dispatch mejor

Anonymous said...

Every agency laughs at what the sheriff office has became. Eric posts EVERY arrests hahaha damn dude give palma some rest. He literally floods Facebook everyday while other agencies do a small percentage of posts.

Anonymous said...

I passed by the ccso this moring and it was closed and a signed pasted on the door. It read, "computers down, will not be post at el rrun rrun today. Sorry". no signature, but I think I saw one of the enanos with scotch tape. just sayin', my girl friend wanted to let all important people to know.

Anonymous said...

Did y’all know that Eddie Guerra is one of Gerry’s 10-51s.

Anonymous said...

To the post about “computers down”, your comment made no sense, you must work for Combes Pd.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when AR Garcia from Palm Valley is giving a training? I’m missing some hours. Thanks In advance

Anonymous said...

Graza wanted to be the governor of Texas and he can't control a county πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€« punk ass bitch. Eric you suck. Go home and cry or something. Get off your high horse

Anonymous said...

To MARCH 3 2023 @ 4:40

If I was sure you would come out and say who you are I would say who I am in a heart beat. My point was that talking shit about people is weak if you do not have the courage to face them. I never attacked a person in this manner. I stated the fact that the person or small group of people that hide behind the keyboard to constantly attack individuals show grow a pair and tell them in their face. How can I tell this people in their face if I do not know exactly who they are, YOU DON'T MAKE SENSE. Just telling these butt hurt people to move on or face the people they so much talk shit about. NO BALLS!!!!

Anonymous said...

True to the comment that attacking people in this anonymous comments is bullshit. In the military when soldiers where heard gossiping they would sit the entire unit together and ask us to voice our thoughts. African American soldiers who most often had the most to say, would bring out their issues. Hispanics would most often stay quiet. The White Soldiers would only rebuttal as needed. The Sheriff should have this bitch sessions to let the cry babies cry. Bring out what you have against the people you work with. Or like the commentor above says, S.T.F.U.
