Wednesday, February 1, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: Wild speculation followed the taking of the City of Brownsville by Juan Nepomuceno "Cheno" Cortina in September 28, 1859. This item was written by John Rollin Ridge, in his newspaper, the  California Marysville National Democrat. Notice that instead of 70 to 80 members in Cortina's party, it has increased to 1,000 and Ridge speculates that his raid into Brownsville will lead to the taking of more Mexican territory by U.S. forces. The top pen-and-ink drawing in this article (although fanciful) was drawn by Bruno Brindisi for Guerillas of Juan Cortina.)

From The National Democrat
By John Rollin Ridge, a Cherokee novelist and newspaper editor who wrote the novel Joaquin Murieta, The Celebrated California Bandit (1854)
December 11, 1859

The raid of the Mexican Guerrilla Chief, (Juan N. ) Cortinas, upon the frontier of Texas with his one thousand men (1,000), is possibly pregnant with serious consequences. It is but the prelude to the dismemberment of the Mexican Empire, unless, indeed, the forays of Cortinas be suddenly ended. 

The besieging of Brownsville, the slaughter of American citizens, the plundering of houses and ranches, and the general system of robbery and murder set in motion by this Mexican leader, will rouse all the animosities of Americans towards the Mexican race, and will certainly, unless the bandit chief is speedily disposed of, precipitate a war between the two peoples, without any formal declaration of hostilities by either of the two governments. 

A hatred, bitter and deadly, already exists between the two races, and it needs only a spark to kindle the combustible antagonisms existing into flame.

Besides the insatiable desire of the American people to acquire land; to plant the flag of the Union in new territories, and to spread the wings of the American eagle as widely as possible, will not lose its opportunity; and no better an opportunity than the present promises to be, is likely to he presented. The longer that Cortinas continues in his present course, the more will U.S. forces increase, and it is easy to foresee that his movements will finally partake of a national character.

Just such fellows as Cortinas are preparing the way for the absorption by the United States of the very best portions of Mexico. War with Mexico must always end with the cession to the United States Government of Mexican land. The people upon the frontiers would like to pour into the provinces of Sonora or Chihuahua or Coahuila, and it would not take long to settle in either of those States, as was done in Texas, a population which would raise the flag of a successful revolution. Either by conquest or revolution, the acquisition of Mexican territory is certain to he the result of disturbances, of long continuance, upon the frontiers of the two countries.

The policy of the administration in removing the military force stationed at Brownsville, so as to leave the frontier unprotected in the manner that it has been, and subject to the invasions of such scoundrels as Cortinas is not to be explained with any credit to the President and his advisers, upon any other hypothesis than that they supposed that depredations would be committed, blood be spilt, war ensue, and Sonora or some other province be annexed by conquest to the United States.

It is rather a cold policy, it is true, to leave American citizens to the mercilessness of this kind of butchery; but, unless some such reason as above given was the governing motive of the policy, we're at a loss to see what was the sagacity of the movement. The citizens remonstrated – begged and implored, not to be left thus unprotected – with what result, let the ashes of their homes and their own murdered corpses testify.


Anonymous said...

Now that's good writing, Monty.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, after I submitted my comment on the Art you posted, a few of our local hoi polloi took me to task for being negative. I was nothing of the sort. I even wrote that I did not wish to disparage the artist, but noted that the style is a rather common one. Two other commenters arrived to substantiate my comment.

Brownsville, I say, does not take criticism well. That's more than unfortunate, as criticism belongs in our conversation more and more. Alas, I was not being critical in the most remote of manners, which tells me that comprehension is also woefully amok in town.

This remains a good blog for our citizenry, even as the blogger - Mr. Montoya - struggles with his use of the English language. That, I should add, is not rate in our community.

Good day.

Anonymous said...

February 1, 2023 at 6:07 AM
Who the shit asked you idiota, ese eres un pendejete nobody wants or needs you stupid opinion PENDEJO. vato estupido

Anonymous said...

The Mid-Valley’s Doña Paz is a fine restaurant with personality
Yup the tacos there talk...como el pendejete that won't open up his own blog, ese open your own blog bro...

Anonymous said...

Republican Nikki Haley poised to enter 2024 presidential race

The former South Carolina governor is set to launch a run on Feb. 15.

Donald Trump gets his first announced opponent. Many more to come.

Anonymous said...

@7:03 AM

Monty, Monty, Monty. You should show a bit more class, ese.

we know it's you, loco.

Anonymous said...

First of all, idiote or idiota Mr. Montaya allows his citizenries to write their own opinions without criticizing what they express. Keep in mind idiote that this event takes place in the 1800's, most of the TRUE landowners to these Spanish grants were illerate. Even thought, they might not have been unable to read or write their ancestors were victims of such disgusting butchery an injustice committed by these so-called cowards. The fact is that what is now Brownsville Texas belonged to the Cortinas, private land that was not for the taking as our so-called coward heroes did.

Anonymous said...

February 1, 2023 at 6:54 AM February 1, 2023 at 8:18 AM
Look in the mirror moron and ask your self do I really show that I need people to show me some class?

IDIOTA!! there's my answer ese eres un IDIOTA sin clase...

OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG MORON and it will have the potential to be a classless blog...

Anonymous said...

Brownsvile is becoming a film embryo. Here's what you do if you're filming a porno movie:

1.make it educational (dialogue, positions)
2.make it based on common sense, not wild plotting how to not hurt a partner responsible toward actor/actress
5.go for casual interaction, not like hardcore that hurts not pressure the actors
7.make a video that you would wish to watch something that was not taught in school your actors
10.make it bilingual for local audiences

good luck.

Anonymous said...

February 1, 2023 at 8:18 AM
as long as you keep posting here there will be NO Class idiota moron.. open your classless blog if you can moron

Anonymous said...

discrepancies = google: lack ofcompatibility
descrepancies = education: lack of agreement
descrepancies = government: no balacne
descrepancies = COPS: LIES OUTRIGHT LIES...

Anonymous said...

I was only here to learn for my examination. It was merely a small case study before coming to this article. After these few minutes, the whole aspect of the border war and the poor border people have been clearly impacted. Thank you so much for making this. It was unbelievably outstanding.

Anonymous said...

We should talk about all the bad things that John Cowen has done to the city of Brownsville. He doesn’t even know if he is coming or going. He hasn’t help the city grow. HE IS ALSO HUGE REPUBLICAN no thank you. Go grow some hair sir.

Anonymous said...

We need La Jessica for Mayor!!!!

Anonymous said...

@11:26 AM

Temper, temper, Monty.

take a deep breath, ese. You're choking the chile now. criticism is also educational, velador.

Anonymous said...

Flinty John Cowen is not the answer to the city's current or future needs. He has zero personality, for one. And the fact that he is a Republican, well, that goes against any idea of "doing for the entire community". Cowen is a clique player, a politician playing a dog-tired role at City Hall. If ever there was a guy not ready for the job of is John Cowen.

Recruit a better candidate, I say.

Anonymous said...

February 1, 2023 at 6:54 AM
Estupido how'd you know they were local? pendejo. This is a world wide blog and gets posting from all over even las prietas... moron

Anonymous said...

February 1, 2023 at 8:18 AM
Open your own blog idiota classless moron.

Anonymous said...

Jessica if you say you will investigate PUB by a law agency and file thief charges I WILL VOTE FOR YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

What has Jessica done for the community? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...


Otra vez con Cortina? Ya te dije! Solamente tu y Zavaleta se vajan los calzones por este loser. Cortina lost all his battles. And also fled back to Mejico like a panochon.

Tabueno. He shot a cop in the arm. His 15 minutes of glory was when he "occupied" Brownsville. Jaja. No mames.

Gringos established this town. No se te olvide.

Y desparate las birongas, ese. No seas culo.

Anonymous said...

February 2, 2023 at 1:19 PM
Spoken like a true coco lambiscon mamon. Now go cut the grass and go pick cotton pinche coco at 25 cents a kilo idiota....
Just for esa mamado you will get a swift kick on your bud (culo)..
