Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Dear friends and family,
I see by the Weather Channel (El Guero Chano) that you guys are still having below freezing weather and even snow in middle and upper Michigan.

I remembered you today as I drove by the Old City Resaca and Cemetery and came across this sight of white pelicans and ducks cavorting in the water. The warm breeze over the water swayed the palm fronds and branches of the trees on its banks. Must be close to 80 degrees. Should carry some sun screen from now on.

I don't mean to rub it in, but sometimes I wonder how people in some states, Michigan included, can put up with four or five months of winter and cold. Mis respetos, but that's not for me. 
Anyway, I've got to keep this short, so I'll let you go. Wish you were here!

Stay warm,
Your friend Jmon.


Anonymous said...

That's it? Well, you're a reporter and not a writer. Flesh it out, Juan! Make the damned thing worth reading!! You sit at the computer with an idea....then you go flaccid. It was a good idea. (needed more)

Anonymous said...

Montoya watching the weather channel. ja ja ja ja ja. In the valley, para que!

ha ha ha ha

Juan, play the lottery & win. Then you can say adios to this miserable life.

Anonymous said...

Is that the resaca where they found Old Man Garcia, the dementia dude? sure looks like it. ducks are not cavorting, they're just out for a calm swim.

Anonymous said...

Stop Worrying About China: Donald Trump Is the Real Threat


This week on The New Abnormal, despite all the theater and drama over China’s spy balloon, America has bigger fish to fry.

As revelations over the Chinese spy balloon flying over U.S. airspace continue to dominate headlines and Vladimir Putin plans his next move, the greatest threat American faces hides in plain sight.

That’s according to The Daily Beast columnist David J. Rothkopf, who tells this week’s The New Abnormal podcast that despite the balloon bombshell, the real enemy is hiding inside the gates.

Rothkopf, the author of American Resistance, the Inside Story of How the Deep State Saved the Nation, points to Donald Trump and the party around him “that are aligned with our enemies and support movements within our country that will attack our system of government, make us weaker, and put us on a track towards the kind of authoritarian regimes that Trump and those around him emulate.”

“When Trump last week reiterated what he had said in Helsinki in 2018, where he said, ‘I trust Putin more than I trust the CIA or the FBI,’ it was outrageous as it was before, but it was perhaps doubly or triply outrageous because in the intervening period, in the five years since he first said it, Putin invaded Ukraine,” Rothkopf says.

Anonymous said...

Tell your friends up north how the city of Brownsville loses millions of electricity, water, sewage fees that our city commissioners didn't know it happened? That birds have more rights than the taxpayers have in this stupid city. Every one is blind in our city and Cameron County leaders. TSC gives out idiot degrees to work to in our city. Come and visit Brownsville, you can make money from the stupid people of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Then what happened?

Anonymous said...

February 7, 2023 at 11:22 AM
Pinche maricon go open up your own blog estupido mamon ya pusistes gorro idiota

Anonymous said...

February 7, 2023 at 11:57 AM
estas enamorado joto he don't like males estupido like you jotingo.

Anonymous said...

February 7, 2023 at 11:22 AM
pinche maricon joto.

Anonymous said...

February 7, 2023 at 11:22 AM could be a scorned woman. This idiot wants us to think that their insults are constructive criticism. If you don't like El Rrun Rrun go elsewhere. Nobody wants or needs the likes of you here. You are poor and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

February 7, 2023 at 11:22 AM
nobody needs your stupid comments nor reads them go open up your own blog mamon vendido

Anonymous said...

February 7, 2023 at 11:22 AM
pendejete aqui esta tu idea open your own blog if you can guerquito de st jose y ranchito viejo. fullmonty pendejo

Anonymous said...

February 8, 2023 at 8:47 AM
open a blog pendejo so you can insult the whole world pinche rancherito idiota del sanjose y rancho viejo.

Anonymous said...

Your taxas at work, pinches turistas come down here to take a bath in las resacas

Anonymous said...

roasted duck
