Wednesday, February 8, 2023


"The Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation has awarded $210,000 to the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley’s office of Workforce and Economic Development to help fund research in virtual reality and artificial intelligence software for Future SQC Software LLC, which plans to commercialize the software for use in manufacturing." Steve Clark, Brownsville Herald

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Well, here we go again.

Remember back in February 2011 when the seven-member board of the Texas Southmost College was asked to approve an agenda item pushed by former UTB-TSC president Juliet Garcia that would have 
transferred  the community college's real estate, buildings, and all its assets to the oil-and-gas wealthy UT System – some $198 million – but left only the $60 million in bond debt that would grow to some $120 million with interest to be paid over a 20 year period by TSC? 

Only then would the Texas legislature allow the district to "dissolve."

The district barely survived the outrageous giveaway by a 4-3 vote, with Adela Garza, Trey Mendez, Rene Torres and Kiko Rendon (dubbed the Fab Four) nixing the proposal and David Oliveira, Robert Robles and Robert Lozano carrying water for Garcia on the losing end.

Then, in 2017, came former mayor Tony Martinez offering the UT System choice real estate downtown to lure it to move UTRGV to the downtown area. The "offerings" included Lincoln Park, but the people rose up, cooler heads prevailed, and the move came to naught.

In his RFP to the UT System, he listed the cost of the 47-acre park at $959,000. But he was offering it to the UT at a fire-sale price. Martinez also offered them other "incentives." Some of these were as follows:

* Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation - $2,500 to $5,000 for every University job associated with UTB's location downtown

* Brownsville Economic Development Corporation - BEDC will contribute tax revenue from increased sales, mixed beverage, and parking meter taxes to UTB for public realm improvements downtown

*Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation - BCIC will provide funding and/or subsidies for "quality of life" projects, including cultural and athletic amenities in greater Downtown Brownsville

* Brownsville Metropolitan Planning Organization and BCIC - MPO and BCIC will increase bicycle infrastructure, including the extension of city hike and bike trails to better connect the UTB facilities with surrounding downtown neighborhoods and amenities

* Public Utility Board - PUB will provide reduced utility rates for new UTB buildings that are built to LEED accreditation standards

* Brownsville Metro - Brownsville Metro will increase their bus coverage area to better serve UTB's campus and to increase service frequency to UTB campus facilities. That despite the fact that at that time there was no Sunday bus service for local residents.

In it, La Casa Del Nylon and the old Kress Building were depicted as university facilities and (the latter) as a Gold's Gym. UT said thanks, but no thanks. In fact, the Lizka-Galonsky landowners (also of the Casa Del Nylon $2.3 million sale fame. Or us it infamy?) had an additional 39.09 acres they wanted to sell UT at "fair market value." Since when?
And now, again, the city  through its GBIC alter ego (the city commission appointed itself as GBIC board members and approve their own actions later) has voted to give University of Texas Rio Grande Valley’s office of Workforce and Economic Development the $210,000. 

However worthy or cutting-edge software and technology that might be developed, the truth is that here's the UT System once again trying - and succeeding, apparently - to suck the lifeblood of this community's tax base, this time the GBIC's quarter-cent sales tax revenues. 

And some of that money will be given to SQC Software,  a subsidiary of OneTap, an information services and consulting firm based in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, that began collaborating with UTRGV in 2020 as part of the university’s Global Soft Landing Program. OneTap told the GBIC that if it got the funds it "intends" to move to Brownsville. That doesn't sound like they feel obligated to come, does it? So now the city is subsidizing Mexican companies? 

According to GBIC chairman and city commissioner John Cowen, the $210,000 grant will be used to buy software, virtual reality hardware and possibly $45,000 worth of additive (3D printing) manufacturing equipment. But don't we already have 3D printing brought to South Texas by the Texas A&M University as part of its Engineering Experiment Station (TEES)? And A&M brought these for free through its workforce  program  and didn't ask the COB for a subsidy. Why not URGV?

(Here's a photo of one of the A&M TEES 3D printing technolog made available free of charge.)

GBIC Interim Executive Director and CEO Constanza Miner said the GBIC board opted to fund the project “because it falls in line with our mission of establishing innovation in the workplace, economic development and employment opportunities for residents in our community.”

“At GBIC we practice under the notion that no project is too small or big to support, and we see the potential for exceptional growth through this particular project,” she said.

So why does the City of Brownsville have to give away its tax base to the UT System through this grant? Last time we looked, the projections for 2023 from the Permanent University Fund (PUF) available to UT Regents stands at $ 1,215,780,000 and another $ 1,272, 315 for 2024. 
And they had to ask for $210,000 from little jodido Brownsville?

Is it just another case of history repeating itself and our economic development entities like the GBIC and elected representatives allowing the fabulously wealthy university to continue leeching off the poorest city in the United States again?

By this time, we thought that we would have known better. 


Anonymous said...

Invest, invest, invest, Monty!

Not a damned thing "wrong" with any of this, other than, sure, there may have been better projects. It's the price you pay for progress. And why should you not invest in UT-RGV? El Paso invests in UTEP and San Antonio invests in UTSA. Education is the future. How many times have we heard that.

Perhaps it's time that you rub a few backsides on the city commission and get appointed to GBIC's board of directors. You're Old School bitching gets old, dude.

Invest in Brownsville. Invest it all!!!

Anonymous said...

February 8, 2023 at 6:23 AM

Must be the owner yelling at top of his anal. Invest in Brownsville citizens their homes are falling apart y los pendejetes because of el mochis gives money away to racist organizaitons and now other countries and citizens of other countries.

New homes, home improvements and other type of betterments bring in more taxes, GIVING AWAY MONEY WILL NEVER NEVER bring in more taxes, specially to other foreign government, those fundings go to las queridas, to line other people's pockets y otras movidas chuecas.




Anonymous said...

February 8, 2023 at 6:23 AM
open up your own blogs and advertise for free of course the giving away city funds to your mamones ESTUPIDO. fund your idol el cherife mamon como tu, ERES PURA MIERDA JOTO...

Anonymous said...

February 8, 2023 at 6:23 AM
How much are you getting paid, mamon, for making negative comments on this blog idiota? Now the city commissioners are paying your ass to make negative comments? who else el cherife, el pub el puerto el condado, ERES UN PINCHE MAMON VENDIDO. MARICON!!!

Anonymous said...

February 8, 2023 at 6:23 AM
If it gets old what are you doing here? earning your pay? pinche maricon... open up your own blog. idiota

Anonymous said...

February 8, 2023 at 6:23 AM
must be from el rancho viejo and went to st jose. puros mamones chiflados don't go their guey they get mad. QUE BUENO GUEYON

Anonymous said...

February 8, 2023 at 6:23 AM
incorporate el rancho viejo into brownsville and raise their taxes sky high they need that and gives those funding to el cartel. st jose is full of cartel members so i hear..y este pendejo mamon guerquito can open up his own blog if he can idiota

Anonymous said...

House Speaker KEVIN McCARTHY had warned his colleagues ahead of the speech to behave, but they ignored him and the new speaker had to resort to shushing them repeatedly from the rostrum.
Sounds like ese bro was up there mis-behaving like usual ES UN PENDEJO frijoles for brains.


Anonymous said...

In regard to the negative response and ignorance of such idiot, first of all, the land that is involved in the transferred community college was stolen land from the heirs of Juan Cortina. This is grant monies that was impropriated by the gas and oil companies to hide monies from the heirs of such grants. The oil and gas companies were supposed to report these grant monies to a 1986 trust fund set-up by these very corrupt losing gas and oil companies, in the Getty oil settlement, but instead these evil, greedy bastards created such hidy holes to camouflage their corrupt stealing. All of this is with the blessing from our so-called Legislatures, such as Cuellar, Filemone Vela, and now Vicente Gonzales

Anonymous said...

Where were you Commissioner Jessica , did you voted this shit too. Been stupid is ok but Been an idiot is not.

Anonymous said...

Instead of offering the usual, brown-flavored, road-tired bitching, why don't you angry peasants do something about the state of business/government affairs in Brownsville? Asking that commenter to "open a blog" does what for you? He's right. Brownsville is the worst city in the Valley. Even San Benito is coming on!

My advice to Brownsville: DO SOMETHING!!!


Anonymous said...

How did jessica vote? Need to know is she also involved if yes we don't need her at ALL...

Anonymous said...

Does jessica pay any property taxes? any exemptions anywhere we need to know.

Anonymous said...

CyberPowerPC - Gamer Supreme Gaming Desktop - Intel Core i9-13900KF -64GB Memory - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 - 10TB SSD - WHITE

Pendejetes fullmonty went to best buy to purchas an i9 with twenty pesos. Idiota nomas los de sanjose y rancho apestoso.
Open your own blog estupido. MARICON

Anonymous said...

Police, baseball players catch alpaca (possibly llama) running amok in McAllen

Here the only pendejo that runs amok es ese bro del rancho apestoso y de sanjose
Idiota open your own blog and make sure every word is espel correctly PENDEJO.

Anonymous said...

Wow! A lot of hate and anger from one person in this blog.

Anonymous said...

February 8, 2023 at 6:23 AM: Shoosh



Anonymous said...

There is a major difference between investments and waste. Only in Brownsville is waste considered an investment. Lets get rid of all these corrupt city commissioners and lets not forget the mayor.

Anonymous said...

Lol if Constanza Miner supports something then the logical thing to do is run the other way. She’s a joke who never should have been in charge of the Planning Department and shouldn’t be considered to lead GBIC.

Anonymous said...

Juan the investment in Downtown Brownsville is a huge waste of taxpayers and sale tax revenues. Downtown is the not same downtown it once was full of glory and many merchants, buyers from Mexico. Those times have indeed passed, city planners must look away from the downtown and head out to other areas or greener pastures. Stop pouring all these money downtown, it is not what it once was. Look else where.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Public Utilities Board has announced the closing of one lane on Highway 77/83 from FM 802 to Pablo Kisel Boulevard to repair lights on the portion of the expressway.
Bpub has annouce the closing of several banks due to the ex patron will be withdrawing all his feria que se clavo.
Jessica its Brownsville Public Utilities Board so you know what BPUB stands for.

Anonymous said...

There’s a ring around this dwarf planet. It shouldn’t be there.
So where should it be? Boca Chica?

Anonymous said...

Brazil’s president promised “more books in place of guns.” Can he make it happen?
Can't do it here hillbillys don't know how to read

Anonymous said...

These Black and Latino citizens had land taken from them. Now, they want reparations

Anonymous said...

Doctors expect more infections from tainted eyedrops that have been recalled

Anonymous said...

Heckling of Biden Reflects a New, Coarser Normal for House G.O.P.
A newer low for the racist republicans. Fresh out of the chicken farm to the white house what you expect from these bozos....

There is one of them here, believe it or not. If he were to open his own blog all would be fine but noooooooooooo he's got to have his 1/2 a second of publicity IDIOTA.

"“Shush"! The best weapon for malcontents.
The malcontent is a character type that is discontented with the social structure and other characters and is often an outsider y un PENDEJO.

Anonymous said...

More migrants are crossing the northern border into the U.S. as Mexicans fly to Canada and then head south

Like the yellow bellies during the vietnam war. Head to canada or mejico...
different cause one is a traitor and the other one just wants a better life.

Anonymous said...

GBIC is funded by the taxpayers of Brownsville and it should even give a penny to a foreign entity. But then again, Brownsville politicians are so corrupt that anything can happen. Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

And we wonder, what types of credentials does Miner has to manage such corporation? Is it because is not what you know but who you know?

Anonymous said...

I agree. This money should not have been given for two reasons: UTRGV is part of the oil-and-gas very wealthy UT system. They have money to burn, period. Second, we shouldn’t be giving Mexican companies, in Mexico, our money unless they first move to the US.

I was thinking about my vote for a Cowen this term. Not anymore.

Good piece Juan. I like how you bring up the past and hold those accountable to this day. No skeletons left in UTB’s closet in this piece.

Anonymous said...

Group Protests Arrest Of Activist In Brownsville Mural Vandalism
El pendejetes local daily calls it vandalism, how can it be call vandalism when it came out of taxes paid by the citizens and not out of the pockets of the elected RATAS? The citizens did not approve of this or any other murals.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting pro/con comments. Still, the "con" Re: why give $$ to a foreign country and the super-rich and, yes, racist UT System?.. makes much more sense. We're all in for innovation and progress but, why give our tax dollars to outside sources? Keep it HERE!! Reminds me of some churches picking up tithings $$$ so the church can "build a church in some hole in Central America because the people are so poor there". Heck, don't we have enough poor people here in our own backyard that need help? Absolutely that the GBIC needs more common sensical members. Get the present shitheads out, quick!
Ay dios mio.

Anonymous said...

Juan is very simple either spend it on this stuff or bike trails? which one do you want?

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with this? What is wrong is que ay mucha transa. You know it we know it but unfortunately we can't do anything about it. Karma when you take advantage of those who can't care for themselves. May The Lord Bless all they do.

Anonymous said...

If Tone Martinez was so crooked, does anyone have full-proof evidence that can be presented to the DA for prosecution. Where does he hide? In the DA's office? Birds of a feather, hang around together.

Es vato era papa de un padre y mira el ejemplo que pone. El pone y despone!

Tone, are you not discontent with your actions that have messed up Brownsville due to you wanting to fill your pockets. No te vas a llevar nada, y si no crees, preguntele a tu hijo el padrecito. Que dice la colecta de la iglesia?

Anonymous said...

In a Post-Roe World, These Conservatives Embrace a New Kind of Welfare

TRABAJO huevones.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the same retard posting here over and over again. It's killing your blog.

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this? Makes no sense. Free 3 d printers? Where? And they get state funds…so not free.

Anonymous said...

John Cowen is Sending money to Mexico #brownsvilleport #mexico #business #forwardingcompanies #conncetthedots

Anonymous said...

Juan i Remember some previous city EDC projects that never produced anything like the Titan tire project, and there was another one at the Airport with a former astroNUT who were given mucho dinero and never produced much oh well its only taxpayers money dont worry be happy, so who was really the NUT?

Anonymous said...

"City Commissioner, Nurith Galonsky, says due to a city-wide bus shortage, routes have been cut down leaving people that rely on public transportation no choice but to travel on foot."

Buy some buses then !
Stop pushing the trails on us

Anonymous said...

Duhhhhh. What did you expect from Brownsville leaders. They want to keep the “hacendado mentality” in place and poor plebes in their place. Basically if you look at the organization of the cartels that is the way it works. “Todo p’aca y nada Pa’ ya”. Only problem here is that now they are doing it with government money.

Anonymous said...

puros Trampas o trampolines

Anonymous said...

February 8, 2023 at 12:17 PM
Start your comments with "we" o eres un turista?

Anonymous said...

February 10, 2023 at 7:44 AM
That's all you do here insult people. You must have gotten your check for vendido y mentiroso from las RATAS. OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG so you can insult everybody and get paid to do it...

Anonymous said...

Miner couldn't manage the Planning department, so, she was transferred to the Permit and building inspection department and couldn't run it either and was fired. Moral to the story, screw up and you will be rewarded. That's COB way of handling inept employees.

Anonymous said...

February 10, 2023 at 7:44 AM
You're the one trying to kill this blog with your insults aimed at everybody here and also the owner. It would make your day but it ain't gonna come, so tell your friends las RATAS to forget about it. OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG so you can insult everybody.

Anonymous said...

NO, that picture was not taken in the 60's it was taken last year - OUT OF TOUCH BITCH, no wonder. for your info: bell bottoms were famous in the 60's verdad Juanito?

Anonymous said...

February 14, 2023 at 9:36 AM
You don't tell NObody what to do IDIOTA.
