Sunday, February 26, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: One of our eight readers sent us this video of Lubbock native Jennifer Stanton throwing guante against an unidentified woman who was sitting at a table chatting with former city commissioner and municipal judge Ben Neece at the popular Hueso del Fraile night spot in downtown Brownsville. 

Stanton is one of five candidates for mayor of the City of Brownsville which include city commissioners John Cowen and Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa, former two-time mayor Pat Ahumada as well as former Brownsville Independent School District trustee Erasmo Castro 

The video shows that the staff at El Hueso moved in quickly to separate the two women caught in a death grip after the initial verbal confrontation, but Stanton persisted and wrestled the woman against the tables and tried to kick her before the two were separated. All the action took place against a delightful folk music background. We looked through the Brownsville Police Department blotter but found nothing to indicate that a report or arrest for assault had even been filed. 

[Some local pundits speculate that supporters of Tetreau – with a history of feistiness herself – may have deliberately released the video to discredit her mayoral rival, but offer no proof to support the charge. Our reader did not identify the source of the video.]  

Ahumada, by the way, reported through Robert "Capt. Bob" Sanchez CBS podcast that the Texas Supreme Court accepted his  Emergency Stay against the city requesting that they rule that the city's two-terms limit does not apply to him since he served his terms before the voter-approved term limit ordinance amending the city charter was passed in 2021. Take this with a grain of salt because Sanchez is listed as Stanton's treasurer. 

According to a court-savvy source, a decision is expected this Monday, since if they do not rule by late Monday it will be too late and it probably means Ahumada lost because Texas election law requires that ballots must be requested by Tuesday, according to the brief filed with the court city attorney Will Treviño.

Ahumada had already put up his signs around town pending a response to a letter he sent the city secretary asking for an opinion on his candidacy. That answer came February 16 from City Secretary Yolanda Galarza-Gomez that Ahumada was ineligible. 

The former mayor then asked for a Temporary Restraining Order and it was denied by 404th District Visiting Judge Jose Longoria. He then filed a writ of mandamus with the Texas Supreme Court for a stay of Longoria's order. 

And we thought the carnival had already left town. "But where are the clowns? Send in the clowns. Don't bother, they're here."


Anonymous said...

And Ben Neece just sits he did for 4 years at City Hall.

Anonymous said...

Now that, right there, is Brownsville.


Anonymous said...

Neece crosses his leg while his girl is getting her ass kicked. Typical Neece. Wear the skirt more often, bro!

ja ja ja

puro escrape. Por eso estamos como estamos.

BobbyWC said...

First the woman with Ben threw the first punch - typical Neece trash. What, Stranton was just to be assaulted and not defend herself? We have no idea what this woman said to her.


If Pat wins his story will go statewide because the decision impacts the entire state. It will also make Brownsville look bad, not that any of the city commissioners care.

Pat could end up with a lot of money donated to him from all over the state.

He gets the campaign slogan, "I challenged the corruption at the city of Brownsville and won,"

If the city commissioners were smart, LMFAO, they would individually notify the city manager today to tell lying Will Trevino, to efile first thing Monday morning the case is now moot because the city will put Pat on the ballot having decided not to apply the ordinance retroactively. That will then allow Jessica to withdraw for mayor and then run for district two.

With John's money and no one able to compete against him he could win without a run-off. But if Pat wins he is going to get a lot of donations and a lot of free press locally, statewide and possibly nationally, all of which will help Pat and make Brownsville look like a banana Republic.

But alas I know this city commission they will hang themselves before they follow the law.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Last sentence - ripping off popular song lyrics now, Monty?

at least credit it to the singer.

Anonymous said...

February 26, 2023 at 6:55 AM
eres un coco bro lamiscon. no se te qita ese jajajajaja ha

Anonymous said...

SHE'S GOT MY VOTE DAS WAT WI NEE EAR. Is she a racist republican? Pat voted with his left shoe several times when he was governor oooops I mean mayor.


Anonymous said...

Anyone willing to fight over the trash that is ben Neece needs to have their head examined.

Anonymous said...

Better stick with the Sportsman Bar. Safer.

Anonymous said...

All these political candidates ,will do whatever it takes to be able to take their turn at sticking their hand in Brownsvilles “cookie jar”. There’s a lot of $$$ and deals to be made!!! Things will never change. Greed and apathy run this town. So sad but true

Anonymous said...

Y Ben "saca el toque" Neece ni se movio.

Anonymous said...

February 26, 2023 at 7:50 AM
You don't run this blog pendejo if you don't like it OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG MORON

BobbyWC said...

Thanks Juan for publishing my comment. I cannot find your email and I want to send you a private email. We may have another Tenaska in the making and I know you can get the needed documents and publish the truth.

Your choice

I am not blogging because my time is spent working with federal and state agencies. It is the only way we are going to bring meaningful change to Brownsville. I do believe the possible Tenaska mess I want to send you will help your readership. Maybe it will help with more ads.

People just want the truth. Look every news network kills stories based on politics and money. They also spin the story. So what you do is no different than the networks. I believe the bloggers spent too much time fighting each other instead of getting to the story. I do not want to fight anyone on social media. I just want to keep my work going with the federal and state agencies.

To the readers who do not like Juan - in reality under new journalism he is just doing the same thing as every major network. Consider and ad. The more ads he gets the more independent he can become.

No I do not agree with all his posts, but that is the nature of freedom. My job is to fight public corruption and not the bloggers.

You can dislike Juan but if is blog can bring you business post an ad.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

One gringo, one gringa, one coco, two mex-am and one meskin. Voters here didn't decide who wins. So who does. 3 white votes vs 3 non-white votes tie breaker a coco. Need say more?
We don't need another whitey nor another coco!!!

Anonymous said...

Remember when Neece said he'd been kidnapped in Togo, Africa? Before he became a city commissioner. Twas a lie. Ask him.

pero parece que su chava sobrevivio los ganchos y los jabs de la chapete gringa. Mayor? Cual mayor, bruja. Quiero verte en quince rounds contra Amanda McDonald at Cobbleheads. Si ganas, cirol voto por ti.

Anonymous said...

February 26, 2023 at 6:55 AM
estas, jotingo!

Anonymous said...

Chingow that Hippie in the yellow shirt did nothing just picked his nose. Those two females were locked on like two savage pit Bulls. N where is the Cops? Well the Hippie is a star witness to the assault. Viva La Raza.

Anonymous said...

This video is in Jerry McHale’s comments. And the one that posted it TWICE in the comments works at El Hueso. Tetreau not involved. Stop with your shitty speculations.

Anonymous said...

BPD attitude:
"Nothing to see here. Just two 'Viejas pendejas' figuring it out

Anonymous said...

Wow this lady want to be mayor of Brownsville! Hell no!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, this is the consequences of hanging out with Captain Bob and smelly Ben. She should be removed from the ballot.

Anonymous said...

Wasn’t Stanton “grieving?” Why was she there? Was she dating Neece?
Women are trying to do their best to get their voices heard. Many women still believe in breaking the glass ceiling. But with women like Stanton, they ruin it for the rest of us. Not too long ago another woman politician assault another woman in a downtown restaurant. That is why women are not taken seriously because of women like these two.
From ~a woman

Anonymous said...

Now that We all seen how Ex Mayor Martinez plays and with his puppet Cabler i wouldn't doubt they set up Pat with easy cheese.

Anonymous said...

This Tuesday in the alley behind the Palm Lounge Jessica “La Perra”Tetreau will be accepting 1 minute rounds, bare knuckles, against any mayoral candidate challenger. Ben “El Tóque” Neece will be Judging the the fights from atop the trash dumpster. Trey “El Enáno”Mendez will be your referee because he doesn’t give a shit who wins. Capt. Bob “La Voz” Sanchez will be your announcer along with former welterweight Jerry “Kid Lona” McHale with the color commentary. All fighters, male or female, will be required to fight in stiletto heels and at least one article of clothing must have sequins. As an added attraction, Juan “Playboy “ Montoya will be your Round Boy clad only in his Island Speedos. The last candidate standing in this single elimination competition will determine the City’s next Mayor. First bell at 6:30 PM. Come downtown to support your favorite candidate. More fun than an election and just as fair. Massive consumption of alcoholic beverages and heckling will be allowed and encouraged.

Anonymous said...

is that Tetreau fighting for Neece??? Hell no we cant vote for Tetreau... HELL no!

Anonymous said...

I know a friend who knows a bird, this bird told me all this was planned by the Tetreau camp, coincidence there's a person in the perfect angle filming the entire altercation? Apparently Tetreau believes there can only be one FAKE blonde running for mayor!

Anonymous said...

Juan i like this woman she is a fighter, out of towner and will not back down, perhaps that is what this City really needs a fighter, we got too many clowns on the city commission and they do nothing. My family and I am are voting for her, we got mothing to lose. BTW I have not heard a single comment or press release or thing from any mayoral candidates about a refund to the PUBLIC from BPUB Coffers? After all it was just a few MILLION dollars, S129 Million more or less, , that the PUBLIC was ripped off? any word from the current mayor or current city commissioners including those running for MAYOR POSITION on THAT? BROWNSVILLE RATAS TIME to SPEAK UP NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE AND DO NOTHING. Business as usual in Brownsville, NO ONE WILL DO ANYTHIING ANYWAY. THANK YOU FOR CALLING.

Anonymous said...

So what happened with Pat the big dog? Is he running after all?

Anonymous said...

Now BPD needs to make an ARREST.They have video evidence and witnesses to the assault. Arrest those involved just like the Graffiti Lady they arrested a few months back. We are watching how this turns out. Equality of the Law on all not just some. Get on it BPD.

Anonymous said...

From a woman

February 26, 2023 at 4:11 PM

Puro pedo es un maricon and we know who!

Anonymous said...

That campaign poster picture was taken 25 years ago GET A MORE RECENT PIC!!

Anonymous said...

I bet this stroked Neece's ego. Then he took the drunk and stoned dumb woman with him and had her stroke him again. Tawdry women from up town who grew up like as if they were raised in la 14.

Anonymous said...

Again, democrats stuck with no one worth a centavo. Sad, but thats what happens when the majority of the Brownsville population votes strictly democrat. Its the same old same old. And may the corruption continue.

Anonymous said...

A continuation of the same old shit. Give taxpayers money away, land, buildings, anything of value owned by the city AND ONLY TO SPECIAL PERSONS, like say family, voting friends, compadres, comadres, cronies etc etc.
and their only solution is: RAISE PROPERTY TAXES see if this wakes your asses up and vote every RATA out.


Anonymous said...

BPUB To Resume Service Cutoffs For Overdue Bills BPUB



Anonymous said...

Onta El Pedro Cardenass trai chanclas

Anonymous said...

Cardenas anda con su Cartel

Anonymous said...

The local boxing champ over at the southmost area and his supporters are looking to built a boxing arena or a training building. Maybe these two lady boxers can help in providing financial help or any type or assistance in this area. If so they can sponsor some type of support. Then both of you can settle your differences in the proper manner. Game or no game?
