Monday, February 27, 2023


By Dionne Brandon Avila
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

I would like to extend my gratitude to my Brownsville fans and to the El Rrun-Rrun blog. Your continued support has encouraged me and motivated me to enhance my boxing performance at competitions.

Today I am the new 2023 Rio Grande Valley Golden Gloves 125 lbs. OPEN DIVISION Champion.

This victory qualifies me to the Texas State Golden Gloves Tournament at Ft.Worth, Texas in two weeks. Once again, I thank Brownsville and RGV fans and this blog for their support.

By Juan Montoya
October 13, 2022

His dream started years ago.

In 2019, Dionne Brandon Avila Rubalcava, then 15, dreamed of making it in the rough-and-tumble world of amateur boxing.
He and other aspiring pugilists jabbed and punched in upstairs gyms through innumerable sweat-drenched workouts with other amateur boxers all dreaming of one day standing with their right arms lifted over their heads in a prize fight in Las Vegas.

Back then, it was one-minute sparring rounds with kids your size and weight testing your ability to beat them to the punch and going to your corner where your manager gave you instructions you forget as soon as the other guy started flailing away and you could only flail back.

Then, amidst the ducking and flying punches you connect, not once, but twice, maybe three times and you can feel the other guy giving and now you can actually hear your corner shouting at you to finish him off.

"Hook, upper, hook!," you hear through the noise and the vortex of fists and flying leather.

Many dreams begin here, in the barrio. At Tony's Garcia Body Shop just off Southmost on Burton Road, boxing coach Alfredo Silva has seen those dreams come true, and also dissipate as some of his fighters climb up the amateur ranks, and others have their dreams battered back to reality as they walk off the ring.

After years of fighting to make his mark among local boxers, Avila Rubalcava has arrived, winning the Featherweight Open Division in October and preparing for tournaments in Victoria, Texas, and finally, competing for a shot at the National Elite Men's Title in Lubbock.

"I once saw an interview with the parents of Sean O'Grady and they said that when he was growing up he never showed any inclination to fight. I'm not comparing Brandon to O'Grady, but it was the same with him."

One can tell he is his son's biggest fan.

"When he gets hit in the ring, I want to jump in the ring, but I know I would probably throw off my  back in the first punch."

"I couldn't hear them," Brandon said. "I can only hear my dad in the corner."

Silva said that his son and his fellow fighters encountered the dark side of amateur boxing as well, losing two matches to local favorites on the road during Golden Gloves competition.

"This clique in boxing have tried to deter Brandon, robbing him of two fights, but he never gave up," Silva said. "I'm more than proud of him."  

But its not only their aspirations that they take with them. They also take the hopes of their team sponsors that include the likes of local attorney Mario Davila, Dr. Azim Zamir, Servando and Daniel Solis from Sunrise Cafe, Ana Avila, and Gaspar Hernandez of Win Sports and manager of the Golden Corral. Mike Hernandez, whose brother George is an aficionado and worked out there, donated the $7,000 worth of boxing equipment to support the club.

"It's a whole community effort, " Avila said. "They are supporting all these kids fulfill their dreams."
That dream, for Rubalcava, may finally be close enough to grasp with his gloved fists.


Anonymous said...

Good for you!!!! Good luck to this young man and all others that strive for a better future other than drugs and the streets . May all your dreams come true, stay in school and may God protect you always . Make Brownsville proud

Anonymous said...

Admirable as all get-out, but boxing dreams rarely end up being kind. Likely he'll get knocked out by better fighters. Even Julio Cesar Chavez and Oscar De La Hoya, the Olympian, got their asses kicked.

Pero, si, mijo, buena suerte. Y si vas a perder, pierde con honor de ser Mejicano!

(se que te chingarias a Montoya en medio round!)

Anonymous said...

Let's go, Brandon!

Anonymous said...

Barton blog has 2 comments today, both by Bobby WC - the failed blogger and word-shitter.

poor slob.

Anonymous said...

Dionne Brandon Avila Rubalcava for Mayor!

Anonymous said...

He's got a shot. Mexicans at the lower weight limits are tigers!

No se rajan y como tiran chingasos!!

Anonymous said...

An Attitude of Gratitude..

Is key to any and all Endeavors.

See u at the Top..Dionne
with only 11 fites under your name
It's FASCINATING what you have far.

You must have a hell of a good trainer.
Good luck at State.


Anonymous said...

Like the dreams of the everyday housewife, right Monty?

"El campeon....Brandon Avila! Y en esta esquina...Christina!".....

y alli va la campana para el primer asalto........................

Anonymous said...

Juan, hijito, you are not a sportswriter. Too many cliches, bro!

but you got the gist of it, so........

(maybe next time)

Anonymous said...


Arriba, joven! Todo para adelante.

Anonymous said...

Survey says -

Who is more liable to fart at a funeral?

1.) Blackie
2.) Whitey
3.) Brownie

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Hope your success continues to expand your growth and boxing skills to the highest level possible.

Anonymous said...

"Pelearaaaaaaaaaan....diez rounds!!!!"

Anonymous said...

En esto le doy la mano hermanos mexicanos, no hay como los boxeadores de su país. Saludos desde Argentina.

Anonymous said...

Boxer's name is SEAN O'GRADY!

not O'Brady.

sheeesh. some fan.

Anonymous said...

It is not just off south most

It is off fors don't be fooled

And yes brownsville extends south of FM802

Anonymous said...

Decenas de miles de personas llenaron la principal plaza de la Ciudad de México el domingo para protestar contra unas reformas electorales que, consideran, amenazan la democracia. El Zócalo de la capital mexicana tiene una capacidad de aproximadamente 100,000 personas, pero muchos manifestantes no cabían.

La mayoría de los manifestantes vestían prendas blancas y rosas, los colores del Instituto Nacional Electoral, gritaban consignas como: “¡Mi voto no se toca!”.

Las reformas electorales propuestas por el presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador fueron aprobadas la semana pasada. Reducirían los sueldos, el financiamiento para las oficinas electorales locales y la capacitación de ciudadanos que operan y supervisan esos centros de votación. También disminuiría las sanciones para candidatos que no reporten sus gastos de campaña.

Anonymous said...

O'Grady, Montoya.

your post has the noted boxer Sean O'Grady as O'Brady.

come'on, man!

Anonymous said...

Like pushing a kid to become a dishwasher or a circus act.

Anonymous said...


You are a very Discipline young man.

We have seen you train out of your backyard by 281 Hwy.

May the LORD give You and your outstanding coach FAVOR.

Anonymous said...

Who cares. Not me.

Anonymous said...

February 27, 2023 at 4:13 PM February 27, 2023 at 4:27 PM

toda via estas chingando pinche JOTO this is a blog idiota

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Like pushing a kid to become a dishwasher or a circus act.

February 27, 2023 at 5:57 PM

The kids are young, they experience the world by learning skills.

Some parents do not teach their kids to do: laundry, clean their room, cut the grass, take out the trash, save money, change the oil of a car, drive a car, to dance, to greet people, etc

Then as adults we are terrible human beings.

Anonymous said...

Company to sell USS Kitty Hawk, other ship memorabilia

Anonymous said...

February 27, 2023 at 7:14 PM
Idiota embidioso payazo

Anonymous said...

Mr. Avila has nurtured and mentored Brownsville boys in the Sweet Science for decades. God Bless him and Tony for providing a place for these young men to be able to lift themselves to new heights. My hope is sponsorship increase for this venture. Please, let us know how to contribute.

Anonymous said...

Audio: Ramirez: Avelo Airlines coming to Brownsville is ‘huge’
WOW give him a raise one airline in 5 years THIS IS HUGE. NOMAS AQUI!!!

Anonymous said...

China is sitting on a trove of hacked American business and personal data, report finds
Y valio now china wants to raise your property tax to maintain their servers.

Anonymous said...

Space agencies pushing for moon to get time zone
am pm mm or et ct wt mt mmt?
who really gives a shit - spacex y el enano?

Anonymous said...

Young man many of us are proud and happy for you. Just make sure you hit the books as well. Y que no te pase como a la Mantequilla. say no to drugs.

Anonymous said...

Avelo Airlines who? Oh they fly helicopter and start their engines by turning the propellers sorry those airlines I won't use.

Anonymous said...

There has always been a world champion here in browntown always and a latino.

Anonymous said...

Feb 28 ..11:18 am

Thank you for your positive words.

All we need is for a GOOD SAMARITAN






Anonymous said...

Its about time we get united on a good cause, dig deep and help, maybe some of those do noting elected officials that like to built buildings to put their names on it can come up with an idea on how public funding can be allocated for this great cause.
Elections are close and some are seeking votes maybe a pledge here and there can garnish some future plans for assistance.
Plan for a meeting, showcasing the Champ, and invite these persons seeking public office and the public of course.
Its about time these public officials built something for our children and for the future.

Anonymous said...

February 27, 2023 at 4:13 PM
this is a blog guey and you are NOT a teacher from bisd. open your own if you don't like to see informal writing idiota.
