Friday, February 10, 2023



Anonymous said...

COB and city commissioners need this treatment fast. The current mayor is a hopeless case.

Anonymous said...


From what you know and have read or seen, who eats more pussy?

1.) Browns
2.) Blacks
3.) Whitey

Anonymous said...


Pentagon shoots down "high-altitude" unidentified object over Alaska just week after fighter jets downed Chinese spy balloon off Atlantic Coast

(he ain't bullshittin')

Anonymous said...

Is that the one running for an elected city position?
If not well.....

Anonymous said...


As a reminder, Trump has literally been described as Epstein’s wingman, and he once called the deceased predator a “terrific guy” who was “a lot of fun to be with.”

Trump already trying to ruin opponent DeSantis ahead of the Republican Party's 2024 presidential nomination brawl.

Anonymous said...

The lineup of potential mayors continues to grow ahead of Brownsville’s 2023 mayoral election in May.

Former Brownsville mayor Pat Ahumada announced his intentions to run for mayor, following previous campaign announcements from two current city commissioners, Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa and John Cowen.

But to get on the ballot, Ahumada is asking for signatures. “I am collecting signatures to get on the May 6, 2023 ballot,” he said Friday.

(Vote for Pat. "No!" to Whitey)

Anonymous said...

CELIA CRUZ hace historia como la primera afrolatina en aparecer en una moneda estadounidense.

source: Los Angeles Times

Anonymous said...

A woman has to have some fun and relaxation. lol

Anonymous said...

Para Ti, Bruja:

No razonar
Cuando tenías que estar
Te echaste a correr
Lo que hiciste en mí
No tiene perdón
Y yo sé que me siento
Mucho más fuerte sin tu amor

Mucho tiempo atrás
Me hiciste sentir
Que nuestro amor era más
Y de esa forma vivi
No sé más quién soy
De qué te reís?
Y ahora sé que me siento
Mucho más fuerte sin tu amor
No sé más que hacer
No sé qué decir

Cuando tenías que estar
Te echaste a reír
Lo que hiciste en mí
No tiene perdón
Y ahora sé que me siento
Mucho más fuerte sin tu amor
Y yo sé que me siento
Mucho más fuerte sin tu amor
Oh, sin tu amor

Anonymous said...

That cut and paste artist that does ALL the government agencies print work (without bids of course) does the charro posters again for millions of dollars. Cut and paste does wonders verdad vieja...

Anonymous said...

Meskins are NOT allowed to cut and paste free hand only, and must submit bids.

Anonymous said...

Oooops I didn't think we needed experience and service. If we do WE HAVE NEVER GOTTEN IT BEFORE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah charro days.

Anonymous said...

Juan reminds me of that Ken Paxton Texas AG who just settled a case for $3.3 million dollars with 3 ex employees but with taxpayers money not his que pinche puto. He should pay out of his pocket or ASS.

Anonymous said...

Adding to the Democratic chorus of condemnation for Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott's proposal to "sunset" all federal legislation every five years -- including Social Security -- is Republican leader Mitch McConnell.

"I mean, it's just a bad idea," McConnell said

Continue voting racist republican and lose social security, the right to vote, increase cop terrorism, shootings at every mall and get used to seeing white men with aks and ars at your neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

My first time in Brownsville I was very surprised by the number of bars/cantinas and prevalence of porn in general.

Anonymous said...

must be from the city commission, full of brujas now, but which one is it?



Anonymous said...

U.S. Jet Shoots Down Object Flying Over Canada
Universal war is coming! Now watch them shoot down a muskies rocket when it violates martaian air space or the moonies air space.

What canada don't have airplanes? mamones

Anonymous said...

We need a LIMPIA or a PURGA DE CABALLO for the City of Brownsville to get rid of all crooks from elected offices in Brownsville plus Cameron county and especially BPUB. As for all you City commissioners and candidates for Mayor will anyone really push for a Refund of any remaining funds back to the residents? I dont think so because that would be unpopular. So the stealing, lying continues in Brownsville and thats the reason McAllen is way ahead of the game. So voters dont cry next time elections come around, we always just get recycable elected officials who wont do their homework or work, for example Jessica la Miss tittys of the year award oh I cant run for commissioner anympre so now i will just run for mayor, i done many thing for Brownsville except address the BPUB SCANDAL and that goes for John Cowen too. Por favor we need NEW Blood.

Anonymous said...

The Volkswagen company was founded on May 28, 1937 by the German Labour Front, a Nazi labour union. Volkswagen translates to “people’s car” in German.
Carcacha is a meskin car that normally you'll find in every junk yard in the country, founded by the hillbilly labour union a recist republican gang and translate to a poor people's wyin.

Anonymous said...

A la Jessica Tetreu Kalifa so le sirvio la barrida. Ella tambien pidio que le quitaran lo pendeja y la barrida se lo multiplico. Aparte de Borracha y Loca ahora es Super Pendeja.
