Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Even though the filing period for city commission candidates isn't even over yet (Feb. 17), one of the candidates vying for the At-Large-A position now held by commissioner John Cowen has already lashed out at her opponent Celestino "Tino" Villarreal's attendance record as a member of the Brownsville Public Utility Board.

Susan Ruvalcaba, who lists herself as Owner/Administrator/ and Director of Nurses at Mesquite Home Health LLC, took to her Facebook pages to criticize Villarreal for his absences from the period from October 2017 to January 2019. Obviously, that attendance record is part of an information request that Rubalcava made to the PUB.

"Commitment is important," she warns her social media followers. "Think twice before you vote...We need real members of the community to protect each other."

That sounds legitimate. 

What isn't legit and perhaps a deliberate oversight on Ms. Rubalcava's part is that other PUB records – readily attainable from PUB  at the time –  show that Villarreal had written PUB CEO John Bruciak that as an only son, he was dealing with the fact that his parents had been ill for some time and that they both had been diagnosed with stage 4 and stage 3 cancer. 

His mother eventually succumbed to the disease and his father is fighting as a cancer survivor.

Rubalcava is right. Talk about commitment being important. And members of the community to protect each other.

"Both my parents have been diagnosed with cancer," Villarreal wrote Bruciak when he resigned effective immediately March 6, 2019. 

"They will be having hospital visits and procedures over the next months. As an only child my responsibility to attend to them is going to be my main priority...I believe our city needs individuals who can attend all the meetings and serve the interests of our citizens better than I can due to my present circumstances."

If an only son removed himself willingly from the BPUB to attend to his cancer-stricken parents, what kind of compassion and "commitment" is she demanding from him, or any child whose parents have been stricken with a terminal disease and need his help? 

And just to stir the pot, she mentions that he was there when the Tenaska debacle was closing. In fact, by 2015, two years before Villarreal came on the PUB board, Bruciak and then-mayor Tony Martinez already knew the plant was not going to be built. Tenaska officially removed itself from the project in 2017, the same year Villarreal was appointed to the PUB.

Villarreal wrote in his Facebook page that he apologized to Rubalcava and Brownsville citizens for serving only two years of his four-year term and did miss the meetings she cites on the record.

"You see, what is wrong in politics today is that candidates lower themselves with ruthless attacks and fail to to research issues properly," he wrote. 

"They only grab one part of the story and transpose ill-intended lies into the narrative...In a matter of three months, my life as an only child changed completely. I became a care giver and the only source of support for both of them...

"It sickens me that I have to go back and remember those terrible days just because a cold-hearted campaign wants to use this as a political banner. It is shameful not having empathy for others...I visited my mother's grave not too long ago and asked her for guidance...What I heard was what she always yelled at me from the stands before I put my helmet on and ran into the field: "Tu Puedes Mijo. 


BobbyWC said...

I get Villarreal's story. It is not an easy position. I have been there. When my sister first got home after her first cancer surgery I made sure I was there. We laughed because we did not know who was holding up who during the mandatory daily walks.

She is clearly wrong, but maybe he should have resigned earlier. No judgment, I am not in his shoes. Although I will not be voting, I hope people see her attack as vile.

But while we all hope his father gets better, if he does not will he be able to attend city commission meetings? I commend him for caring for his parents. Sadly she played her cards and I cannot imagine anyone voting for her. But it does not change the fact he may miss city commission meetings while caring for his father which is were he should be.

Watching a family member dying of cancer, and dealing with all the toxic drugs is very draining. My sister chose to stop the toxic drugs in October the year before she passed. She felt a million times better. She lived her last 4 months on her terms. Two weeks ago makes three years since she passed. She knew she had reached the point all the drugs were doing were making her too sick to enjoy what life she had left. I got in Thanksgiving day. As I walked into my nieces home for dinner there was my sister yelling at everyone to get out of her kitchen. It was her kitchen and she never would have had that strength had she stayed on the toxic drugs. The following Saturday was her oldest granddaughter's sweet 16. As a child my parents made sure she was taught every Latino dance known. her granddaughter made sure they were on the play list. She danced the night away. She never would have been able to do that on the toxic drugs. I am told she was just as feisty setting the table and cooking for Christmas. She went back to work three day a week. In late January she came home and called her daughter saying she could not breath. My point is, some times we just have to let go. the hardest thing I ever did was sign the paper work to end the life support on my brother in law. They removed an oxygen helmet and he asked my 7 times to use my authority. The nurse and doctor both told me he was mentally competent in his decision making. It is never easy to let go, but sometimes you have to.

Best Wishes to the Villarreal family and may their faith guide them in the right direction so they heal.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

What a BITCH!! Must be a TRUMPSTER. There is no compassion en esta VIEJA.

Anonymous said...

This is so low. Mrs. Ruvalcaba should apologize for her comments. What a low life. There is a special place in hell for those that fail to be compassionate to people fighting cancer. I read her post afterward as she tried to correct herself. Too little too late.
Kudos to the first comment; very insightful. I wish more people would disagree with candidates but still keep the type of compassionate rhetoric like the commenter did. He showed empathy for the situation.

Anonymous said...

I care little for local politics, and I never posted a comment here, but this is just too much. What kind of sick person attacks someone going through this?
This woman should be taught manners and respect. Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Ruvalcaba is not qualified for anything. With the sailor's mouth she has and her stupid comments toward minorities and low-income families, Brownsville would be known as the land of the wackos.
I know her very well. Those comments she made against Mr. Villarreal's parents and what they went through with cancer should be enough evidence for her lack of intelligence and empathy.

Anonymous said...

Susana la Odiosa..

Anonymous said...

Montoya y la Lynda macias saliĆ³ igual de rata en BCIC. Y ahora quiere ser commissioner SUERTE!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for his loss but if he is in any way connected to Gowen, Martinez, Cowen or Galonsky I will not vote for him or any candidate running for city offices!!

Anonymous said...

Where's she from, hummmmmm let me guess, and what school did she went to hummmmmmmmm let me guess?

Anonymous said...

Fuera con los enamorados de Galonskys y Cowen. Bola de RATAS

Anonymous said...

Wait. Resigned in 2019 to care for his parents. That’s noble. That’s the right thing to do….
But the absences were 2017? Or did I read this wrong?

Anonymous said...

If she is for cleaning up the cesspool that is bpub, she has my vote

Anonymous said...

I think the point of the story is that Villarreal is running for city commissioner, not supporting the family with the time and dedication warranted by the loss of a family member to cancer.

Villarreal was in fact at PUB when PUB illegally deposited a large sum of money (around a mill) into a stranger’s bank account as payment for construction-related job. PUB later said it made a mistake.

Villarreal was at PUB when their systems got hacked.

Villarreal was at PUB when PUB denied the public, even Juan Montoya, I believe, requests for public information asking about Tenaska deal status. Villarreal was at PUB when PUB used the COVID restrictions as the reasons not to provide the public with any info taking advantage that organizations didn’t have to provide such responses due to pandemic.

Is Villarreal a saint?

Anonymous said...

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Ruvalcaba received $312,300 in PPP money for her home healthcare company and she still laid off some of her employees! Why isn't the DA investigating this?
This is why she can go from public meeting to public meeting - because she's living off our taxpayer money. Tell me what business owner can run their business while they're wasting time at these public meetings?
And why does she have such an interest in being a commissioner? Because maybe she found another way to profit off government money? I'd like to know what scheme she has cooked up to funnel city money into her home health care business. Enquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

RATISMO here is in full throttle and running wild. Not only is it fashionable and classy its become a daily occurrence like some type of a game a Kleptomania or a compulsive desire to be better and look better and live better than everybody else and the only way to achieve this is RATISMO. OCD they have low levels of serotonin: eat the following to increase your level of serotonin such as
Animal protein, such as turkey, chicken, and fish, eggs, milk, soy products tofu, soy milk, nuts, seeds.
Next time you see a RATA encourage him/her to increase their intake of SEROTONIN.
They will thank you for the advice and increase your taxes.

Anonymous said...

If the story is authentic regarding the “attack “ on Villareal, that was a bad move Ms Susan. Doing your research, especially for political newcomers is crucial. If you made a mistake Ms Susan own up to it and move forward. ( You’re swimming upriver against the current now) but if you really believe you can make a difference in this town GO FOR IT. But if you’re just another one of many other selfserving candidates running for office just STAY HOME!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting start to race between S Rubalcava and T Villareal’s for city commissioner. Unfortunately what people fail to understand is that attached to every candidate running for office, there are families and family issues involved. And many times during these heated races these candidates sometimes (knowingly and sometimes unknowingly) cross the line . The race should solely be about the issues period. Believe it or not this is one the main reason many “new blood “ candidates are dissuaded from seeking office. We shall keep on eye on this race

Anonymous said...

Give that guy a trophy and the sympathy he wants
Tanto pedo

Al Chile corrio a la Hora de los putazos sin offender a Roy

Anonymous said...

Tino is trash …. Susan is the gunk left inside of the trash can you have to scrape off…. Pick your trash wisely!

Anonymous said...

11:14 PM - you fool, if you’d actually pay attention to BCIC you’d realize Linda Macias, Morad, as well as several others are doing a fine job of distributing the assistance programs …. No longer do they seem to be a cash cow for the same 5 businesses. I attended a workshop hosted by Linda Macias informing small businesses of the opportunities provided by BCIC, if it wasn’t for her help I would have not received my grant to keep my business afloat, thanks to her were still fully functional. Remember, when you decide to slander and literally make stuff up, you best do your homework! Macias would be a fine commissioner for the city of Brownsville, if she lived in my district I’d vote for her! Best of luck Linda, you got this!

Anonymous said...

Susan Rubalcava is a big fat MAGA Trumper. She had one of those big Trump flags in her house. Brownsville don't vote for this lady. She is crazy and she has ties to corruption. Galonsky and Cowen are supporting her. Say no to John Cowen for Mayor and do not reelect Nurith Galonsky. The Captain Bob guy had Nuriths bff and he said that Galonsky did a street repair here and there for show but her big interest is $$$$.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the Saint Joe mafia! Arriba con Ruvalcaba!

Anonymous said...

Is it really that important to get elected here. Why? Is la mordidas really that important, but why? Is the salaries of these elected officials worth losing your respect and your dignity where you live? Is the oath of office that one takes to promise to preserve and protect not no longer mean anything to these elected and appointed officials?
who enforces the oaths of office?
“Who, if anyone, will hold all of them to their oath?”
The DA hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.


Anonymous said...

Juan if you are not a Bandido you are not qualified to run for any elected position be it a city, school, county or state job. You have to know how to outwitted everyone just like Eddie Lucio Jr. prime example.
