Thursday, February 2, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Have you, like most of us, have had enough of the mindless Payne Motors ads that endlessly repeat the "Lo que tu quieras, regardless" drivel? 

Just what does that mean? 

After all, they are selling cars. And they don't sell all  models, regardless. Do they sell Teslas? Rolls Royces? 

What do the actors pretending they are football players, Santa elves, Jurassic Park actors, rock and roll hipsters, or now martial artists, have to do with that? 

And while we're at it, how about the commercials by other car dealers saying "Dale gas," "Son buena gente," and, yes, Charlie Clark with his "Orale, Dame chanza" who is even using a caricature of his old Nana, now deceased, threatening that she will come down from heaven and give him "pau pau" if he doesn't treat his customers right and give them a lifetime warranty? Did her warranty run out, then?

Many Hispanics we have spoken to feel their intelligence is being insulted when these pitches are made in Spanish after the rest of the commercial is in English and there is a growing consensus that it is a cheap way for car salesmen who seek to ingratiate themselves to potential local Mexican-Americans customers by repeating a mindless phrase to establish some kind of cultural rapport with them.

And they are not the only ones doing it. 

Remember the HEB commercials where white, middle aged (and a young guera in jeans and checkered shirt) fruit and vegetable pickers ar e depicted as farmworkers harvesting the crops for HEB and then delivering them to Mexican American customers? It's the other way around, isn't it?

And politicians are not exempt from this cheap ploy, either. Remember when Republican Mayra Flores repeatedly claimed that she had gone from being a farmworker in the cotton fields of West Texas working with her father as a child to the U.S. House of Representatives? She claimed she had worked in those fields to earn money to buy clothes and shoes for school.

It wasn't until she was repeatedly questioned on that  claim that her Republican publicists changed the narrative and said that she had worked in the cotton fields before her family migrated to the U.S. when she was six. 

Even that was unbelievable that her father, or any father, would have had his four or five year old daughter picking cotton in the hot fields of northern Mexico decades after the cotton crop harvesting had been mechanized on both sides of the river. She wouldn't even have been old enough to go to school.

Thankfully, we have noticed that HEB has stopped with the faux white farmworker ads. 

If we see another "Cobra Payne" dojo cheap comedy repeating to us "lo que tu quieres, regardless," we'll puke. Lo que queremos is for them to stop that cheap, tawdry appeal to people who know better. 

And Charlie Clark, if you really want Mexican American clients to believe you truly loved and respected your Nana, how about you giving us a chanza and sparing us of your cheap commercialization of her memory?



Anonymous said...

The commercials are pathetic White Anglo humor. They laught at us because we are "beaners" and we laught at them porque son retards. If has always been this way.

Charlie exploiting his Nana is a disgrace. Who knows maybe it is his way of not letting go. He needs help?

Anonymous said...

They are spending big money for these dumbass commercials. But than again its their money.

Anonymous said...

Montoya's idea of a good Ad -

"Mejor, mejora, Mejoral!"

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Esos comerciales son falsos como que son para jotos.

Anonymous said...

As a Mexican I like to see commercials tell our story and I got to say this one is pretty accurate, great pronunciation of the names btw. I see nothing wrong with the use of Spanish alongside English, cause that's who we are down here.

Que no, or what?

Anonymous said...

My favorite "dale gas" in fact she's saying "DAME MAS" "DAME MAS", pinches mamones they'll ALL make great elected officials, RATAS TODAS Y this is FACT...

Anonymous said...

San Benito names new Assistant Public Works Director

Sanbene wants to be like a big city and have assistants every where. Asst latrine wipers, asst cesspool maintainers, asst garbage disposals, all must have a Junior High School certificate.

Anonymous said...

During the closing of the bridge some time back I over heard one of the local car dealer shout out loud I don't care about those people over there I will never do business with them and I don't care if they close it permanent. Now this same car dealer was the one that started those commercials targeting mexicans.

Anonymous said...

@9:08 AM

Stop thinking like a cheap, uneducated farmworker ("Ay, vamos a la uva"), clown. Work on your English, your writing and your intellect. It is all woeful as avocado shit.

you make me puke.

Anonymous said...

They know how to sell their brands. They know how to connect to the buyers, their heritage and their language. IT WAS ABOUT TIME.

Some of them are fun and creative. Remember Pronto Insurance: "Faster than a flying chancla"
Faster than chisme in feisbuk.

I like the NANA and Charlie Clark. Clarlie Clark is proud of her NANA. Charlie Clark respects and admires our culture.

I want HEB to do more commercials using the farm workers and laborers that sell their fruits and vegetables to them.

This is a great story MONTOYA.

Anonymous said...

As long as they continue selling their products they will continue with these so called “funny” commercials. And don’t forget the Hacienda ford commercials with the compadre BS and that fat clown. Totally ridiculous but if it appeals to the masses so be it. There’s worse things happening, so a bit of Tex-Mex humor is tolerable just don’t over do it.

Anonymous said...

It's like election time now everyone hyphenated their Hispanic surname
Or they start going by tencha or nacho or neto or Lupe etc etc

Anonymous said...

How about those Pronto insurance ads?

Anonymous said...

Funny, that’s the exact same methods used by your lame ass career politician, “Beto.” Think about it…

Anonymous said...

February 2, 2023 at 9:45 AM
pinches cocos mamones gringo lambiscon hillbilly idiota.

Anonymous said...

A gringo will NEVER NEVER NEVER name his children with a meskin name, its an embarrassment to all gringos to name their children with meskin names, never happen...
When have you seen or heard a gringo name his kids with an embarrassment meskin name? nunca gueyes mamones

Anonymous said...

February 2, 2023 at 9:45 AM
estas en south tedejas joto. leave if you don't like it, things here will never change. Das why you see almost NO gringos pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Yes san bene even has an assistant caboose wiper for shorty.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I'm finally leaving Brownsville and going up north for better and greener pastures as a regular citizen to a city job where I just applied one single time and was contracted honoring my education and my minimal experience without further question. They told me that my minimal experience was not a huge issue- just as long as I took care of my job duties and present to work everyday with a learning attitude that was suffice. Bye, Bucket city of dirty and nasty crabs, no life in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

At least HEB didn't show blacks doing farm labor.
Watch the show Dirty Jobs. You won't see many blacks doing dirty jobs. You'll see whites and Hispanics mostly. Blacks can be seen doing dirty jobs on shows like COPS and The First 48.

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 7:58 AM
si pendejo greener pastures during the winter some gringo poked your ass idiota.
Must be some gringos with big agriculture lands. What did he plant? tomatoes, beets, asparagus ooooooh cotton, idiota...
happy pickin' gueyon
and don't forget your sacks pinche mojado....

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 8:13 AM

WHAT?? HEB don't cater to blacks das why you never will see crack cocaine, fried chicken, kool aid, sweet potato pies, macaroni + cheese and watermelon with gravy of course at ALL HEB'S.

Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 7:58 AM

congratulations. Save some of your earnings. Have fun.
Remember Brownsville.

I love this city. It has everything to live a good life. However, sometimes people get tired and they travel to see other things. Life is like that.

Anonymous said...

Ese pinche vato that says " Shampoozie" and all the background Mexkins start dancing is keeping me from buying tires at ...well, you know.

Anonymous said...

That shampoozie guy IS Mexican American. Lives in Elsa.

Anonymous said...

"Elsa", otro pinche pueblo rascuache... y gual que sanbene

Anonymous said...

I just want to know from a car dealership commercial is what they got, for how much, and if it includes James Bond gadgets like missiles and ejector seats.

Anonymous said...

Buy a new car and get a passport, ON US!!

Buy a new pickup truck and we'll bring you across. PURA VERDAD.

Buy a new SUV and we'll fly you across, before you can say "Viva Mejico".

All prices are subject to change according to the current financial situation all adversting has ben appoved by the local and national Federal Trade Commission.

Anonymous said...

Elsa! que no le pagan o que?

Anonymous said...

estas muy viejo para ser uno de los "hay todo me ofende, me da ansiedad"

Former RGV LEO said...

I'm guessing that the writer of this article is throwing the race card or just plain jealous? If these ads sell what their peddling, then so be it? I don't think that the ads were intended to be racial because if they were? We Mexican Americans would be rioting, looting and burning towns down? But, we all know that Mexican Americans don't do that because we have more respect and know that if we break the law, we go to jail. That simple! Mexican Americans are not like the racist black people who throw the race card every chance they can get OR use the race card to justify their chance to riot, loot and burn down things, period! These racist are the same ones who get on the pulpit and holler and scream about whose at fault. To the writer, get over it!

Anonymous said...

February 5, 2023 at 1:45 PM


Anonymous said...

These comments are hilarious. Juan Montoya: there are so many smart people reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

February 5, 2023 at 7:54 AM
pinche mojado correle correle ay viene la migra guey. correle pinche mojado...

Anonymous said...

February 2, 2023 at 9:45 AM
te dolio joto pinche coco lambiscon

Anonymous said...

February 5, 2023 at 1:45 PM
were you locked up?

Anonymous said...

".......A gringo never names his kid with a Meskin' name"?? Ever heard of Joaquin Phoenix? Only one example, friend, there's many more. Research (read?)and confirm before you comment and, who knows, you might show intelligence. Just saying....

Anonymous said...

Joaquin is mexican idiota moron, showing your stupidity here is a natural thing for morons like yourself and there are lots of them.
Its like wiping your ass before los mojones get ejected retard.
