Tuesday, February 7, 2023



Anonymous said...

So what?

In your singularly weird English tell us why you believe this is good or bad news. Merely posting won't cut it with the local intelligentsia, Monty.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreau advertising on your blog? That's news!!!

You have whipped her here mercilessly for years, Montoya. Is she paying for it, or is it free? ha ha ha.

Shit, vato, what's next - an Ad by Sheriff Eric Garza?

(pos, porque no?)

Anonymous said...

A few other countries are also sending tanks to Ukraine, Monty. Perhaps the plan is to stagger delivery dates.

you think?

perhaps you don't.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well -

Chinese Balloon Flew Over Florida When Donald Trump Was President. A Pentagon report said a Chinese balloon hovered above a location Trump knows all too well when he was in charge.

what location: Mar-A-Lago

ha ha ha ha

idiot Republicans. Fucktards.

Anonymous said...

I just returned from that area yesterday bringing family back from Kiev. Quite dire over there for sure. I’m glad the kids and grandchildren are finally reunited here in the USA.

Anonymous said...

February 7, 2023 at 9:52 AM
Ya pusistes gorro jotingo! go open a blog estupido

Anonymous said...

Ukraine will lose this war. The United States will lose big bucks. Another Vietnam. The only winner here is Putin!

Anonymous said...

February 7, 2023 at 9:52 AM
don't like it open up your own blog idiota nobody reads nor listens to your stupid ideas pendejo

Anonymous said...

Quit harping on the past. Who cares about what happened during the Trump administration. That's old news which is debatable. Concentrate on today. The Biden administration took 3 days before deciding to shoot the balloon down. How long will it take this administration to decide what to do should China send a nuclear missile towards the United States. China was testing our government. We have shown our weakness.

Anonymous said...

looks like a roll of pesos must belong to that idiota maricon that posts pendejadas aqui. ese bro eres un maricon

Anonymous said...

Contract to give San Benito city manager $10,000 raise
Really? what they gonna paid him with FICHAS???
El cenote del valle

Anonymous said...

Why send them any? They could just ask the Taliban for US weaponry...

Anonymous said...

February 7, 2023 at 9:52 AM
there you go again mamon lambiscon vendido.

Anonymous said...

I just don't get it? With the money that this worthless POS democrat President has sent to Urkraine? They could buy their own tanks! When is enough?
