Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 (Ed.'s Note: Numerous high-profile candidates and office holders have used Adolios Restaurant and bar at Sunrise Mall to hold events in their campaigns, most notably Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza. Will the Friends Of Adolios step up to the plate and come up with the 40K in arrears and pitch in for their friend in need? Don't hold your breath.)


Anonymous said...

Your pal Prisci Roca Tipton also had her candidate bash at Adolio's.

But, I say, so what?

So what, ese?

Businesses come and go in Brownsville like the clap. You did luck out, Montoya - this one wasn't downtown.

heh heh

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza went where he was supposed to go, Monty. What - you want him at Cobbleheads, that Whitey place? That's not Sheriff Eric's way, and you, of all people, should support him. You're Mexican too, Toya!

Anonymous said...

El Chief Chapo Sauceda se la come !!!

Anonymous said...

Pura lavado

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha jajajaja no guey...

Anonymous said...

What happened to the child labor story?!

shit, man, are you going schizo now!!!

Anonymous said...

The owner financed Garza's campaign using cartel money, feds know, that's why the owner moved to Queretaro.

Anonymous said...

Throwing even the most miniscule crumb of dust at Sheriff Garza completes your day, Montoya?

You must be one sad fucker.

Most notably, you write? "including Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza" would have taken you off the condom-less stick, but you needed to jab at him one more time. Pathetic display of Mexican balls, ese.

Get him with facts, not cagadas. You want him gone? Get serious prosecutable goods on him, not this namby-pamby crap.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you tell me who owned this restaurant. Who's the deadbeat?

remember Journalism 101: Who, What, Where, When and Why?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If I understand correctly, does this all mean that Adolios has failed to pay its rent??? If so , why should anybody (patrons) help Adolios pay their rent?? This is a business and its # 1 responsibility is to pay the rent. And its supposed to be an upscale establishment?? What a joke. Anyone thats runs a business needs to pay their bills. Basic!!! Lets see what happens now. Interesting to see how this story unfolds.

Anonymous said...

The food sucks at this place. I went their once and the chicken appeared to come from a bag from Sam's. I could not believe that they claimed to have a chef. Guess it is one of those places where people go to drink and they don't care what they put down the hatch.

Anonymous said...

March 14, 2023 at 5:34 PM March 14, 2023 at 4:41 PM March 14, 2023 at 4:44 PM March 14, 2023 at 5:17 PM March 14, 2023 at 5:34 PM
That stench is back again RATA pestilencia no se quita He must have gotten a check and an ultimatum.
Do something or the checks stop.

Las ratas have you by los pequenos huevitos que apenas tienes PINCHE MAMON now go cash your check.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance. 95% of all restaurants in Browntown are pure shit. Go to McAllen for a decent meal.

Anonymous said...

Mmm, I don't agree with the stories Montoya has been writing. How do I make my displeasure known? Do I present evidence that he is wrong in his opinions? Do I create my own blog, conduct my own research and write my own articles?

No, I better just resort to profanity and throw some personal insults at him. Yes, that will teach him.

Anonymous said...

March 14, 2023 at 5:34 PM, March 15, 2023 at 12:18 PM
MARICON usas lipstick como tu querido cherife.

open your own blog and insult yourself, talk to las RATAS (elected officials) they may give you a check to insult this blog. NO SEAS PENDEJO.

Anonymous said...

@March 16, 2023 at 9:51 AM

Reading comprehension is not that difficult friend. Do you know what sarcasm is? Google it.

Anonymous said...

March 15, 2023 at 12:18 PM

You are so full of shit. You should create and write your own blog. Don't take the easy way out, ese.
