Sunday, March 12, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: After the mural in the bottom photo appeared on the wall of the old HEB storefront facing Elizabeth Street, pedestrians and motorists have tried to decipher the elements in the painting without success. We have reached out to the artist through his page to have him explain the meaning of the elements in it. The tree is shaped like a human brain and has a SpaceX rocket emerging toward the sky from behind the frontal lobe.

The rocket belches smoke and fire indicating the progress of human exploration and thought. Maybe?
And the swing tied to a branch may indicate a child's curiosity that might have resulted in the launching of the spacecraft. Other elements include a purple heart with the number "11:11."

 What does that mean? A woman passing by said that it might be a reference to Corinthians 11:11 that states "Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman."

So does this indicate the biblical verse makes this the tree of life? Who knows? We know the BTX. 
The artist later came back and glued small shards of mirrored glass that sparkle with the street lamp or when the sun hit them at an angle. Stars? There's even an interactive element in the painting, a foldout seat that  make it appear as if you're on the swing seat.

On the top photo the woman and boy were photographed when they were parallel to the large pecan tree at the Stillman House and the angle makes it appear that the tree is emanating from the pair. So what if we take a bit of poetic license? What the heck.

If the mural's artist reads his site's messages, he can contact us here or at to explain it on his own.


(P.S. The mural was paid by building owner Benito Garcia just as he paid for the mural of the kaleidoscope of butterflies on the western wall of the old Fallas Building facing 9th Street. He let us know in no uncertain terms that he had paid for them with his own money and no public funds had been used. Garcia is apparently a Elon Musk fan because he had his workers install a banner reading STARBASE on the plate-glass storefront facing Elizabeth Street which he has since removed. Go figure.)  


Anonymous said...

After he painted the mural he sent a check and el muskies rejected it, just guessin'.
Pinches cocos cuando se les va a quitar lo lambiscon y lo mamon? CUANDO??

racist republicans DO NOT LIKE MESKINS get it through your mini brains IDIOTAS....

Anonymous said...

There's that smell again. It's the coco/hillbilly/start your own blog retard.

Anonymous said...

Whitey John Cowen already campaigning - in Whitey neighborhoods. He's not going to La Southmost, D.F. this time around!

Anonymous said...

No one likes Mexicans, not even Democratic politicians. Believe what you may. When has a Democratic politician tried to save Hispanics kidnapped in Mexico? Not in the lowest, much less the highest level of government. Get it through your small minds you are no one of interest. You are just a dumb Mexican that has been indoctrinated and will vote democrat no matter what.

Anonymous said...

This so called artist must be on Nitazenes!

Anonymous said...

March 12, 2023 at 9:12 AM
You should be familiar with that smell. Its your mama baboso. Gringo/coco hediondos.

Anonymous said...

March 12, 2023 at 10:36 AM
You must be referring to el pendejo at: March 12, 2023 at 9:12 AM. OOOh excuse me he's white but in real life he's a mojado at heart y apestoso

Anonymous said...

Probably had to remove the STARBASE letters cause of copyright reason and to not cause any confusion that they are associated with STARBASE and SpaceX.

Anonymous said...

They should hire local artist Wichi for city murals. With the help of local youth he painted a few good murals around town in the 90's. Where's Wichi?

Anonymous said...

Kids love this mural. The children pretend they sit on the "columpio" and the parents take a picture. Love it.

Anonymous said...

are they from tstc?

Anonymous said...

Will somebody water that dried up tree or just cut it down and built a house with the wood, or paint it. Pinche browntown mamones.

Anonymous said...

can someone get a garden hose and water that pobrsito arbol aahhhh pero su fuera un pinche perro!!!
