Saturday, March 18, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: One of our eight readers was kind enough to send us this photo of a new mural that has sprouted in the same spot downtown where the George Floyd mural used to be. We are reluctant to reveal the place where the mural is located, and the wall art is colorful and creative. But to tell you the truth, we can't make heads or tails about the subject or what the "writing" says. The George Floyd mural was defaced by someone with a black spray can and we hope this work doesn't suffer the same fate. It resembles the work of a muralist who adorned walls adjacent to the Model Laundry Building and the hike-and-bike trail on Elizabeth Street. Can anyone decipher the work or know who the artist is?)


Anonymous said...

That's no artist. just another graffiti vandal.

As for you criticizing the writing, well, how about that? Like we often criticize yours?

Pos, simon.

Anonymous said...

Yes its that pendejo that keeps insulting people and the blog owner looks like him, a highly intelligent person ooooops I mean pet.

Anonymous said...

I can read the word "reset" which one of the meanings in slang is for someone to slip you a drug without your knowledge or consent. Granted I am shooting in the the dark. The other letters I can't make out.

However, I honestly think that someone in town has talent. The use of the tan or brown color to depict the shading looks good. Furthermore, the colors are not painful to the eyes. Just sharing my humble thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Toya, put up a current picture of the butterflies/heart. I passed by the other day and think the artist improved it. I need to go back just to admire the work or contribute to dislike it.

Anonymous said...

We need an artist to beautify Brownsville not make it look uglier than it is already. This artist appears to have been drafted from Kensington Philadelphia.

Anonymous said...

Es el pendejo hillbilly redneck sitting on a toilet so what else is new that he now uses a toilet? pero no se limpia joton.

Anonymous said...

Reset drugs
Cash money
Keys kilos

Anonymous said...

Looks like: reset last kiss.

Anonymous said...

se le atorro el mojon al redneck hillbilly. pujale idiota

Anonymous said...

If @1:35 is correct maybe you need to change your headline. An advertisement = commercial.

Anonymous said...

George Floyd was a piece of dog shit taken out by a piece of shit cop. Who cares? Bring your BLM riots and looting to the valley and see what both parties do to your ass.

Anonymous said...

That looks like the ex CEO of BPUB after he got canned.
