Thursday, March 23, 2023


No wonder the city has no money. It's all top heavy for these pampered bureaucrats who kiss up to the city commissioners. Can you tell these overpaid  hot shots are doing a great job for the city in its appearance? Hell no!

The city is a dump, the alleys are choking with trash and weeds as are the medians and basic services like drainage and electric power are, at best, minimally serviceable. These – along with current city manager Helen Ramirez – are the remnants of former city manager Noel Bernal's "Total Alignment" BS which aligns the city treasury directly into their pockets. How long with citizens put up with this?


Anonymous said...

juan if the city manager is getting $300k to $330k per year well then the asst city manager and deputy dog manager need to get around $200k plus, lets not forget the BPUB ex CEO Johnny (banana peel) Bruciak was making $350k per year. If you want to attract experienced management team to assist Helen Reddy then you got to pay, my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Almost $450,000 dollars in 2 salaries. And if you add the salary of the city manager we maybe talking close or above $700,000 for the city managers posse. Who says Brownsville is one of the poorest cities in the USA. The city/ citizens may fall into that category but not the city government and its officials. WOW life must me fabulous for a select few. Not only are these salaries so exorbitant but yet the city itself is in shambles as the article points out. When will this abuse stop. And now a new group of crooks are lining up to take over the city commission. I ask what is the solution to this. Ideas are welcome!!! Something has to be done.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a hell of a lot of money in the valley. Reminds me of the little city manager of san benito. Looks like he is kissing the rear ends of his thee favorite commissioners. Yes y’all knows the three that always give him raises and a near perfect evaluation. Those three commissioners needs to open their eyes and see the city manager is just using them and playing they like a fiddle. What y’all commissioners need to do is be good guardians of the taxpayers money. Like really what has the city manager done to deserve at outrageous pay he is getting. Wake up commissioners. Hopefully May will change and we can get a city manager that cares for the city and it’s citizens.

Ravan T DLR

Anonymous said...

Oh, button it up, Monty.

The city has administrative positions for a reason. Departments are many and you would be the first one to raise Hell if the city cut a program, like parks, which it should. Cause Mexicans are not really "park" people. You're not. You're cantina people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Paying for way to many Chiefs that don't do shit and get rid of Brusikaks wife and that salary to.

Anonymous said...

The city is a dump. You're right. Worst town in the Valley.

you finally said it, Monty.

you slept better, right ese?

Anonymous said...

Those are overinflated and ridiculous salaries for a city this size. On top of that, fringe benefits which include hefty car allowances are also paid. The "Total Alignment" bullshit that Bernal implemented was the concept of "Do as I say not as I do" True leadership is nonexistent on the entire city management staff including some directors. City commission should revisit the salaries and adjust them accordingly considering that most of the work that city managers staff should be doing are outsourced anyway.

Anonymous said...

I think that, with those salaries they already know who they are going to hire. Yes, they post the jobs but the posting is just a motion they go through. Those jobs have already been bagged and distributed.

Anonymous said...

Helen Ramirez and her entourage cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars. She knows and does nothing. Neither do her minions. That is why it takes a year to get a permit and other very inefficient departments. Imagine how many policemen you can hire with the almost 1 million dollars these people get? Yes we need police, ambulances etc. Get rid of all that dead weight. She has the best job. Claro que si. Mucho dinero y poco trabajo. No stress. Ah but Trey chose her so he can continue to have an inside connection. Mañoso to the max. We couldn't find a better candidate really?

Anonymous said...

Helen Ramirez and her entourage cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars. She knows and does nothing. Neither do her minions. That is why it takes a year to get a permit and other very inefficient departments. Imagine how many policemen you can hire with the almost 1 million dollars these people get? Yes we need police, ambulances etc. Get rid of all that dead weight. She has the best job. Claro que si. Mucho dinero y poco trabajo. No stress. Ah but Trey chose her so he can continue to have an inside connection. Mañoso to the max. We couldn't find a better candidate really?

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2023 at 12:48 PM
zip it joton open your own blog where you can insult everybody and even yourself pendejo joto likes men maricon

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2023 at 12:48 PM
Ya cortale maricon open your own blog so you can insult everybody pinche joto maricon likes men...

Anonymous said...

Want some money, run for an elected office or help some of these RATAS get elected. some of the benefits are high salaries, no work, life insurance, cellphones, lower BPUB rates, all your family and friends working at government, city, port, county, BISD, and all boards. those are just a few benefits. the rest are secret of course. use of all vehicles, discounts galore, credit/debit cards, banking benefits, vacations paid in advance, forget the bus you now can fly EVERYWHERE europe, asia, muslin countries are but seconds away.

We get potholes, red lights at every intersection, flooding, the airless airport, no bus shelters (million miles of bike trails), higher property taxes, modernization of all delipidated gringo owned businesses at tax payers expense (of course) and it goes on and on and on.

Anonymous said...

When was the last time the city of Brownsville did a salary comparison? These salaries are excessive for an area that is considered one of the poorest in the nation. No wonder our taxes are always going up.

Anonymous said...

The current salary for the president of the United States is $400,000 per year with an expense account of $50,000. The vice president Kamala Harris as of 2021 receives an annual salary of $261,400. And our city employees are earning as much or more? We definitely need new city commissioners, ones that will protect the public’s interest.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather higher more EMS paramedics than those 3or 4 bozos. You can hire 7 to 8 more paramedics on those idiots salaries Gowen your a fking doctor you got nothing to say how that would benefit Brownsville residents.

Unknown said...

Why pay them those overinflated salaries since they outsource most of the duties and responsibilities that they are supposed to do according to their job description. Also, why pay them hefty car allowances since they mostly "work"from home? And when they do come to work, some of them like James Walker utilizes city trucks anyway, so the city needs to eliminate those car allowances.

Anonymous said...

Gowen doesn’t give a shit about anything having to do with the citizens of Brownsville !!! Only about her pet projects and how she better serves her high profile friend s. Thats how she grew up, another gringa nalgas prietas . Her record speaks for itself: NADA, ZERO, GOOSE EGG . Spending millions of dollars on hike and bike trails, ritzy targeted “ farmers market” projects doesn’t translate into benefit for the community and its citizens. There are multiple needs(priorities )in the city that require immediate attention. We all know what they are, we live here. The worst travesty committed by this woman and her other useless colleagues was to allow PUB AND J. BRUCIAK to go unpunished for their dastardly deed ( Tenaska rip off). Enough said

Anonymous said...

Why can't brownsville retain and grow leaders like Alejandro Meade Homer Hanna class of 1994?

Do people like Want to come back to try to make a diffrence?

He was city manager for pharr

Anonymous said...

Well, there's two openings one for Deputy city manager and the other Assistant city manager but dont forget that there's also are two assistant city managers positions which are currently filled. So, there are five city manager staff members running this small city with a total budget salary of almost a million dollars and that's without fringe benefits. Bottom line, they dont do much work since they outsource most of the work that they supposed to do and if that is not enough, "work from home" and to give them a bonus for their unproductivity, they draw hefty monthly car allowances. Totally pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Juan esta cabron on estos deputy and asst city managers salaries, just wondering how many of these same positions they have over at the City of Mcallen and what their salaries are over there, how about city of Pharr or Edinburg? just wondering and asking for a friend. This would be a nice story for you to do and compare, just saying, is helen is making $300k or $330K

Anonymous said...

Juan someone mention Alex Meade homer hanna class of 1994, also there is a juan ortiz who is from Gladys Porter class of 1977 who was city manager in Donna for 6 years and Penitas 2 years and in Elsa Texas. Not bad, Go Porter.

Anonymous said...

Juan i know you are doing comparsion on city managers so just so you know that the mcallen city manager roy rodriguez salary is $277K, and Helen from Troy here is at $300k or $330?K really???? whats up with that. just asking for a friend.
