Friday, March 3, 2023


By City Commissioner John Cowen
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

I wanted to provide the 6 Charter Amendment Propositions that will be on the ballot on the upcoming municipal election to be held on May 6th. The Charter Committee recommended a number of items for the Commission to review and provide input before finally approving them to be on the ballot. Their detailed work entailed looking at opportunities to improve the Charter and also survey other similarly-sized cities in Texas to see how they operate in certain aspects.

I would expect the most controversial item is the one regarding the Mayor and Commissioners receiving payment for their services which would not apply to any current elected city officials.

I wanted to state publicly that I am strongly against receiving any payment for service as an elected official to our community, and if this item should pass, I would reject in full any payment that would potentially be granted.

Charter Amendments

Proposition A: Shall Article V, Section 13 of the City Charter be amended to provide that the mayor’s annual pay be set at the rate of forty thousand dollars ($40,000) and that the city commissioners’ annual pay be set at the rate of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000)?

FOR [ ]

Proposition B: Shall Article V, Section 22 of the City Charter be amended to increase the city manager’s maximum contract length from two to three years?

FOR [ ]

Proposition C: Shall the City Charter be amended by adding section 21-A to Article V, providing for the appointment of a city attorney and defining the duties and powers of the office of the city attorney, including the obligation to oversee legal services for the City, its boards, committees, commissions, or other City commissioned entities for the purposes of accomplishing common goals of eliminating duplication of services, creating administrative efficiency, providing for joint legal service efforts and ensuring the quality of legal service to the citizens at the lowest cost in terms of fees and tax rates?

FOR [ ]

Proposition D: Shall Article VI, Section 1 (c) of the City Charter be amended to allow a two-thirds supermajority of the City Commission to appoint members to the Brownsville Public Utilities Board, with each City Commissioner making a nomination for appointment to the Board when a vacancy exists by virtue of a term-limit, resignation, death, or other incapacity?

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Proposition E: Shall Article VI, Section 1 (e) of the City Charter be amended by allowing a two-thirds supermajority of the City Commission to remove three (3) board members from the Brownsville Public Utilities Board in any twelve (12) month period?

FOR [ ]

Proposition F: Shall Article VI, Section 1 (f) of the City Charter be amended to declare a Brownsville Public Utilities Board member’s position, other than the mayor who serves as an ex-officio member by virtue of their office, vacant upon being continuously absent four (4) times from any regular meeting in a calendar year?

FOR [ ]


Anonymous said...

Cowen is fast positioning himself as some Good Guy, but he is not.

El Rrun Rrun may be faked out, but we all know Cowen, like all Cowens, is a Trump Republican. Ask him directly, Monty.

Brownsville cannot go back to an Anglo mayor form of government. That's what racist Greg Abbott wants.

Do not be fooled again.

Anonymous said...

90% of the work force here in this city is paid an hourly wage of 7.50 an hour the highest paid city employees is paid about 300,00 a year is this fair?

Is it fair to change streets names to honor gringo families that all they have done is cheat the local people here?





Anonymous said...

A successful blog can make over $10,000 per month on advertising and affiliate revenue.

I didn’t launch a blog to make money. — I launched it because I really like thinking and writing and feel it’s my personal mission to share local information that effects everybody.

The money from blogs are simply a by-product of passion for writing.

So open up your own blog pinche coco mamon, quit insulting people here its your passion to insult commenters and the owner. take a hike mamon.
Go make money E S T U P I D O! ese bro simply "LEAVE".

Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy by Cowen, Juan. He voted to approve the amendments go out for vote! Why didn’t he object or say something to keep them off the ballot? Now he is against them when he knows they will fail miserably? The ones behind wanting to get paid are Pedro Cardenas and Roy De Los Santos. These two pushed the charter review committee to add the amendment to give themselves a salary….say it isn’t so Roy…

Anonymous said...

Say it isn’t so??!! On top of all the self enriching deals these guys and gals make during their tenures as elected city officials they still want SALARIES???? This would be another kick in the nuts to the citizens of Brownsville. Ex mayor Martinez, present mayor Mendez how many real estate shenanigans have these guys been involved in?? Casa de Nylon , building with additional parking lot bought for peanuts , the multiple businesses bought and owned during their tenures as mayors. The loans these guys tried to get(and got) from city to renovate all their properties. Some of the commissioners homes designated historical so they dont pay property taxes?? Phone/ gas/car allowances and many other perks these guys also receive !!! And these are the deals (as reported in news and blogs) we know about, can you imagine the hidden deals made behind closed doors, during so many happy hours and in dark alleys. And yet they want more. You see why these guys will do whatever it takes ( even physical fights) to get elected to these coveted positions!!! Another day in Brownsville politics, where the rich get richer and the ordinary citizens foot the bill. God bless and have a good weekend Thanks

Anonymous said...

Even if Cowan wanted the salary he can't receive it. WHAT A JOKE! like him promising to lower pub bills. AAGAIN NOT UP TO HIM.

Does Pink Ape Media really think the people are that stupid? No wonder he keeps losing elections

Anonymous said...

maybe cowen should fund all the salaries for the commission $$$$$$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!! Give us our PUB money back and then we'll see about really voting for you. Everyone says wonderful things when running for office, but what you do when you are in office is what really counts and you all in office have not done much for Brownsville. We are a stagnant city thanks to you all.

Anonymous said...

You can never trust a bald-headed young man.

An old one, yes.

Anonymous said...

What does “continuously:” absent four times in a year mean?

Is it four consecutive meetings?

Usually continuous means you have been absence since…….

So four in a row and four in a calendar year are two different things…

Anonymous said...

Vote NO to everything.

Thank you Cowen for your stating your position.

Anonymous said...

Cowen Estate Avenue will be the new name of the old elizabeth st.

Anonymous said...

y toda via no gana...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your current Mayor is a Democrat and Mexican-- And look what happened?

Which broke ass commissioner is pushing for a paycheck?
If you don't want to "serve" then step down.

Vote No

They are supposed to vote on agenda items not RUN the city.
Keep your day jobs, and if it's too time consuming, get out of city hall and let the employees do their jobs.

Anonymous said...

Cowen is a great choice, regardless of color, race, political party. etc.

Anonymous said...

What about the other commissioners who voted for a pay raise? Jessica was fixing her fake hair when there was a vote? Again, Jessica the fake was blinded by the light of been an idiot and she wants to be mayor? These commissioners are living in another planet not in Brownsville. None of these commissioners cannot explain the missing millions of dollars from the Tanaska mess but want a raise to do nothing for the people of Brownsville. Don't vote for these idiots.

Anonymous said...

What happened to PUB returning some of that stolen funds back to their customers. My PUB has increased over 30% In last several months. Believe nothing. All false words.

Anonymous said...

John keep getting uglier every single day with lies about being a good guy. Honey, the video of you voting for the amendments. We don’t want you and far right agenda in our beautiful city.

Anonymous said...

I know this guy: He was dress up as a drag Queen a couple summers ago in Brownsville library reading to little kids.

Anonymous said...

Pinches muertos de hambre! Chingan y chingan y quieren chingar mas? Hagan algo para el pueblo mamones. No tienen vergüenza. Todos estan igual : hombres, mujeres, gringos o mexicanos no importa, aqui lo que importa nomas es el dinero y el poder. Si somos el alcalde y comisionados de Brownsville YA CHINGAMOS!!!! La pura buena vida !$!$!$!!!

Anonymous said...

At least Castro is looking good.

Anonymous said...

As a Republican, I can’t vote for this guy. He only care about his family. Me and my family members are going to vote for Jessica for Mayor.

I hope Jessica can work in the middle with democrats and republicans to make Brownsville better for everyone. God bless

Anonymous said...

@2:03 PM
"What does "continuously:"absent four times in a year mean?"

It means being exactly what it says. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

Anonymous said...

Not the biggest fan of Jessica but imo she's is more approachable and more connected to the majority of rate and tax payers. Ca'mon Cowen we all know your in bed with not only your family but the Lucios,Gowen,Martinez, Galonsky, McNairs etc you all only thought process is GREED!!. That shit eating grin doesn't fool anybody.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

He's going I don't need this shit all I have to do is just apply and because its ME there should be no questions. Me askin' UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Well maricon its no longer the 1800's. little boy. you run just like everybody else even the meskins

BobbyWC said...

Castro is lying about the delay in choosing a name on the ballot. Roy de Los Santos verified John was not there when they started and they did not wait for him. Roy said they could not start until they got the order denying Pat's TRO, and as soon as they got it they started the process.

Castro yesterday came out against federal grants as an embarrassment to the city. Every city and state in the country is applying for the infrastructure federal money for new bridges etc, and Castro is opposed to this. I guess he prefers we raise taxes instead of apply for the same grants every city and state are applying for.

Look, I am growing to like Roy. He read the Ordinance on running for office and the board John Cowen service on. I checked it and it clearly says that board does not apply to having to choose. He is totally withing his rights serving on the Board while running for mayor.

I just want facts.

Look I want everyone to be able to serve in elective office. But the system favors the rich. Roy got me to reregister to vote. I will pay for the salary issue. But it does not change the fact the city seemed to have hide it from the people.

You can google this. Members of Congress sleep on cots in their office and shower in the gym because they cannot afford two homes and to support their families. If a mere $25,000 allows someone to quit their second part time job so they can serve I support this because it allows for the average person to serve. Service is not just for the rich.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All I want to know is who is the "coco, hillbilly, mamon," person that keeps posting demented comments. He does'nt even make sense. Is he off his meds?

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2023 at 6:22 PM
Either you are Castro blowing yourself or you are someone with low standards when it comes to looks. I see Castro and notice how his skin looks like it is pickled in alcohol. Es un boracho.

El guapo era Ahumada en su apojeo. Ya el hombre esta grande. Age gets us all. My understanding is that Ahumada liked to drink too.

Anonymous said...

To Mr BobbyWC march 4 at 1:49 pm, lets visit your last paragraph in your comment, in a just and perfect world( im talking political world in Brownsville) yes maybe we would support “ a mere $25,000 salary” if it were an average person running for office!! But the “ average person” will never happen in our town!! Can you point out when the last average person ran for office?? That will never be allowed in our town. The same “ mafia” of people run this town.They will never allow an outsider to run. The “ average person” like you call it, is a detriment and danger to all their hidden agendas and their wheeling/dealing. In this town: If you don’t play ball, don’t dare apply. All the “ average persons”(honest,hardworking,humble) with good intentions and best wishes for Brownsville and its citizens unfortunately can only watch from the sidelines. Only the same rethreads, and “ club members “ run. Sadly in this town Service IS ONLY FOR THE RICH AND THEIR FRIENDS. Sad but true. Only my opinion. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Juan its not hard to decide who to vote for here in Brownsville, all the insiders are making money, y la gente pobre mas pobre, Have not hear any of the candidates for any city office saying anything abouT PUB REFUNDS, especially the incumbents who are running for the mayor's position, well guess what folks there will be NONE. My VOTE IS GOING TO JENNIFER STANTON, she is an outside and hope she might bring change that is badly need here. I truly believe its time for a HUGE CHANGE IN BROWNSVILLE, LIKE THEY SAY TIME TO PUT OUT THE TRASH OR CHANGE THE DIAPER THAT IS FULL OF SHIT and that fits both Jessica tetas and John el Rey Feo Cowen perfectly.

Anonymous said...

no se le quita lo mamon he still thinks the city belongs to his family and can do any thing he wants. This is not the 1800's.

Anonymous said...

March 4, 2023 at 3:07 PM
