Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

(The raging dispute between mayoral candidates Erasmo Castro and city commissioner John Cowen reached a pitch on social media with Castro challenging Cowen in his popular podcast over him doing "nada" on the PUB-Tenaska plant fiasco. It should be noted that neither Castro nor Cowen were in office when the COB and Tenaska reached their Memorandum of Understanding to build the $500 million plant and raised utility rates by 41 percent. Here is Cowen's response which is posted on his Facebook page.)

I knew from the moment I posted this message that many would ask this question, and I was ready and not afraid to answer it. I want you to think about the word "Nada" (Nothing.) 

Does "Nada" mean: 

*I wasn’t chairman of the audit committee, which uncovered the mishandling of funds.
*Nothing means that based on those results, the proper law enforcement authorities wouldn’t have the needed information to start their investigations. 

*Nothing means that the process of returning the money to the ratepayers wasn’t set in motion. 

*Nothing means we wouldn’t be talking about this. 

Now, do I agree this shouldn’t have happened? Absolutely. But remember, I wasn’t there when it did. My job is to clean this mess and ensure it never happens again. I don’t expect you to agree with me, but I am trying to offer solutions to the problem.

Also, as mayor, I would sit on the PUB board and have enough influence in the matter as I do not have as a commissioner. Believe it or not, only some things can be done if you are on the PUB Board.

Several of you have asked me how I intend to lower your bill, and I am providing my solution to this issue which affects every Brownsville resident and business. Other candidates like to point out obvious problems, but who else is proposing solutions?

Here is my plan:

1. Eliminate wasteful spending through the budget process.
As your Mayor, I would become an ex-officio voting member of the PUB board, representing the City Commission. I will ensure efficiency in the yearly PUB budget and eliminate wasteful spending. Running a more efficient and cost-effective utility will lower your bill.

2. Eliminate unnecessary fees on your bill.
A fee will only go on your bill if it is absolutely needed to provide the best services to our customers.

3. Work to ensure the lowest possible rate.
Several factors affect the PUB rates for electric, water, and wastewater services. Careful planning and smart contracts to lock in low long-term costs should reduce your bill and prevent the significant spikes on your account that we experienced last year.

4. Provide credit to the ratepayers for the funds raised for the failed Tenaska project.
We are actively working on returning the $29 million held in reserve. The City should also return the $11 million it received as part of the rate increases.


Anonymous said...

At least he is talking about it and offering a solution. Erasmo doesn't have a clue.

Anonymous said...

El Chief Chapo Sauceda se la come !!!

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't anyone talked about this? PUB is a mess! I know where Cowen stands; how about others? How about Tetreau?

Anonymous said...

Fuck yeah! Let the hammer fall!
Prosecute the guilty and give back the money they took!
I like this guy. He has balls!

Fuck Erasmo and his bulshit show!

Anonymous said...

Talk is cheap for politicians.

Now, if only Whitey Cowen and Loser Castro were actual politicians!

They're amateurs. Brownsville needs better caliber candidates!!!

But how many times have I said it?

Anonymous said...

Brownsville has always been viewed as the anus of the United States of America. Which begs the question why would Cowen want to be the Mayor? A. To rescue the Indians that live here, B. To enrich himself by selling out the Indians, C. To return back to the days of Colonialism "yes, Sir, whatever you say patron." D. All of the above

Indios del pueblo, because this is how they see us, no se crean y por favor no eligan a "Nalgas Enrastra" Erasmo tanpoco. A vote for Erasmo is confirmation of us being the Indians they think we are. Talk about needing to be rescued.

Anonymous said...

if it's only between Whitey John Cowen and loser Erasmo Castro...take Whitey.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Once more -


It's a loser for local residents. Rates are lower with other providers, of which there are many in the state.

Sell BPUB today!

Anonymous said...

You meskins that own land here you have to go to the court house and check your land deeds to see if they are still under your name. OTHERWISE... you have been warned!
and pay your property tax.

Anonymous said...

If its white and moves DON'T TRUST IT.

Anonymous said...

The "lowest possible rate" for a city-owned utility will ALWAYS be higher than the per-KWH rate paid by other Texans.



Anonymous said...

A dispute between Cowen and Castro: Not enough hair in the fight!

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

How about 5. Pursue hard time in jail for those who violated their fiduciary responsibilities?

What will you have us do when you get elected and you suddenly develop amnesia and don't do shit?

Anonymous said...

District 2 candidate Linda Macias does not carry bad luggage from failed public service.

Vote Linda Macias!

Anonymous said...

The answer that Cowan issue is not even worth clean shit. He was one commissioners of six and had not heard the complaints and concerns of PUB and Tanaska? Jessica also has no explanation and adds stupid for hearing for years the cost and high rates for utilities. Jessica I heard you voted to lower PUB rates but look at utility bill, NADA! There's word going around that the city will give 50 dollars credit for what at ever is left of hundreds of millions of dollars. The city commissioners just want wash their hands and move forward. What about the other millions of dollars? Thank you Jessica and the rest of rats on the city board for a job well done.

Anonymous said...

I's rather go with stupid then with a back stabber traitor, any time..

Anonymous said...

Chubs Erasmo Castro going nowhere. No tiene pegue, ese guey!

Anonymous said...

something about a gas station on elizabeth st. forgot but I will remember and share it...

Anonymous said...

Juan any chance anyone will be held accountable for this gran Robo like el Johnny Bruciak, el former COO and Former Finance director from PUB, or ya se paso el storm and no one cares or will do anything about it.??? just asking for a friend. ? Y los refunds? I want mine in a single check and not a monthly credit on my PUB Bill.

Anonymous said...


Por primera vez, el Departamento de Justicia afirmó que Donald J. Trump puede ser acusado ante una Corte, por incitar a la violenta insurrección del 6 de enero de 2021, que culminó con el mortal ataque al Capitolio, luego de múltiples fracasos para permanecer en el poder.

Desesperado Trump acudió a un Tribunal Federal de Apelaciones argumentando que el incendiario discurso en que urgió a millares de sus simpatizantes a que fueran al Capitolio y “pelearan como un infierno” para impedir que el Congreso certificara la victoria de Joe Biden, no fue una incitación a la violencia.

El Departamento de Justicia señala que el expresidente esgrime una supuesta “inmunidad absoluta” que perdió al dejar el cargo; estaba en un acto de campaña, no estaba en ejercicio de su autoridad presidencial, en el discurso no habló de temas de interés general, tampoco está amparado por la Primera Enmienda Constitucional, “porque constituye un llamado implícito a la violencia e ilegalidad, instigando a atacar el Congreso”.

Anonymous said...

The Cowen-Castro debate has been delayed. And pussy is 15% off for the next hour.

Anonymous said...

Candidate Linda Macias: "I'm not yesterday."

Anonymous said...

At least he is saying something! La otra guera se la pasa mamondose en Matamoros.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo es un pendejo. Siempre anda borracho, por eso lo corrieron del BISD

Anonymous said...

Ok, so you brought the issue to the authorities. That's good. But can you really lower my bill? I give you credit for at least uncovering the issue. That's more than anyone has ever done for our city.

Anonymous said...

Prosecute the Ratas! Pinche County Judge should respond to the allegations. Lower my Bill!!

Anonymous said...

Pinche guero! He has some balls!

Anonymous said...

Dallas Cowboys release running back Zeke Elliott, #21

(watch him go to Philadelphia Eagles and kick Cowboy ass next season)

Anonymous said...

Nothing good is going to happen for the citizens of Brownsville. PUB has and always will take advantage of the citizens.

Anonymous said...

John appears to be doing something.

Anonymous said...

Whitey is warning us, he said it himself, his favorite word is NADA, he has an excuse already. NADA will be done to the existing problems we have right now. It is the interest of the rich and famous that NADA must be maintained.
The cocos which number more than a dozen will side with whitey, los pobres will not vote AGAIN, NADA will rule this RATA community AGAIN.
I have been checking my land deeds and have paid my property tax which are a lot. I will not lose any more land that my family lost sometime back to the RATA gringos AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

We have "Nalgas En Rastra" Erasmo, Tetreau who has created her own reputation, and a woman who fights in coffee shops whom I am told can't speak without using the F word and who is whitey as well.

I have thought about this and consider Cowen the best of all evils.

Anonymous said...

Realistically none of them are going to do shit to the PUB fiasco people. The money that was stolen from us is a lost cause. We can bitch and gripe about it it but nothing is going to get done. In real life we do not have a BATMAN.

I understand that we ponder what happened but there will be no justice. As I key this in I think " If Martinez et al knew that nothing would come of TENASCA why did they continue to spend the money? Why not just leave the moneys there?" and I know why " greed and easy pickings" but still nothing will get done.

Cowen is the better of all evils.

Anonymous said...

At March 15, 2023 at 10:40 AM

I like your way of thinking "do not even consider las viejas" vote Cowen. These Viejas are no Blanca Vela. Both have been their own worst enemies.

Anonymous said...

March 15, 2023 at 8:13 PM
of course he's letting you kiss his ass pendejo. ese bro le encanta mamar

Anonymous said...

I actually like all three candidates. At least they're not corrupt. But I will vote for John.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone vote for a 50+ year old still living with mommy and daddy? Doesn’t even have the balls to come out of the closet…..what makes you think he can lead?

Anonymous said...

PUB should also be forced to sell the property they bought for the plant and also return those funds to their customers.

Anonymous said...

Why you censoring comments?!! Is the bearded lady yours
