Wednesday, March 8, 2023



Anonymous said...

Erasmo es joto y le roba a la iglesia!!

Anonymous said...

I see Caty Presas Garcia is back on the field, running now for the city commission. In gray hair, at that.

That alone will tell voters she's old school and from our distant past. Not needed, I say.

(Erasmo is the local clown. He can park anywhere, for laughs.)

Anonymous said...

Erasmo be too fat for that scooter. He be wobblin' ana fallin' all over da place, Montoya. He gots hips of a washerwoman and face of a sea turtle. Ana he walks like a penguin, talks like he has the loose-colon runs.

No, better Jessica's spiffy Tesla in that spot.

Anonymous said...

Caty Presas - experience, that will sue you and your local tax board!

Anonymous said...

It's NOT parallel parking if there is no car (or parking spot) in front of your spot!

are you daft, Monty?

la cagas, Juan, la cagas.

Anonymous said...

Why does the mayor of Bonsville have a parking space ? I El san Bene the x-mayor convicted WB gave up his parking space at city hall. But he would use the handicap parking space since his car had a handicap plate. Con Ganas Mr. Benjamin Gomez hopefully you win this time and don’t become a three time loser. Remember it’s not being rude it’s being truthful. Be like a teddy bear and be lovable.

-Ravan T

Anonymous said...

Erasmo, nobody wants you on any board bro... your shows are full of Fox news propaganda Brownsville edition as are the majority of your frequent guests. Puros mentiras que echan ahi. But I get it, you're lonely and you like attention...I predict you get 3 votes, those people you hide in matamoros cant vote for you baboso!!

Anonymous said...

The disappearance of the four was reported to Brownsville police on Saturday, according to a police report. The report states that Brownsville Police checked a local jail to make sure that no one in the party had been taken into custody, but no other action was taken.
Typical local action by the children in blue or black, all depends on the angle of the sunlight. The instructional manual for the local PD in missing persons situation is, if you see no end in sight, just check the jails, and that's what they did follow the manual.
That senior that was reported missing, six months ago, and last seen on boca chica is still missing, but why? Their manual states that if jail search is done with no results than the missing person will never be found so end the search. FACT

Anonymous said...

Anda pedo, como siempre. He was there asleep on the handle bars but woke up in the moring and took off.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo es honesto. Es el guardián del pueblo. Es la voz de la Southmost. No se por que la Caty Presas está corriendo. Esa mujer no sabe gobernar.

Anonymous said...

to March 8, 2023 at 11:43 AM,
Brownsville Police "chief" Chapo Sauceda is offering a reward for the identity of the commentor from March 8, 2023 at 11:43 AM. El Chapo does not appreciate you or anyone else accusing the BEST department in the planet of not doing their job!
Yes, on any given night there may only be 9 officers covering the entire city of Brownsville, but rest assured, there will always be a he/she assigned to the gym, to offer her expertise on how to work out properly.
Also please know that El Chapo will soon be featuring new Facebook pictures promoting his pendejo "thumbs up" pose.

Anonymous said...

Caty rubs people the wrong way because she tells it like it is and does not
hide behind any crept. That is what happened when she discovered what Escobedo was doing at the BISD board and they censored her for standing up to him. Maybe that is what we need!

Anonymous said...

House Republicans are readying a plan to gut the aid budget and to make deep cuts to health care, food assistance and housing programs for poor Americans.

Yappie, we don't need these gimme gimme programs right meskins? Das why we all voted racist republicans los coco tolldd meeee.

Anonymous said...

If he wins the mayoral position which is doubtful his first degree will be to change the name of southmost to cheesemost, the other alternative was pitaville, but was turn down by the local hearing clinic.

Anonymous said...

No sane person would want that gay, fruity tooty, social media clown as mayor. He jumps to conclusions quickly, he pokes fun at other's misery, he's always critiquing others for their faults yet he's quick to 360 and ignore his faults. He spends ALL his time on Social Media posting memes about our current mayor & city commision. He doesn't truly care about the people or Brownsville in general. He wants what he once had in BISD. Power. Authority. That's all he really cares about.

Anonymous said...

Do we really want someone who gets around town on one of those things to represent us? Imagine you picking up your significant other on one of those things for a date or imagine yourself getting picked up on one of those things for a date.

I know that I would never go out with someone seriously if that was their mode of transportation. The thought that would come to mind is "loser" or "desgraciado." A poco no?

Anonymous said...

Hey, how many clowns fit in Erasmo's scutter Can they do a Chinese fire drill from it? Ese scutter speaks volumes about Erasmo. I think it says "trae las nalgas en rastra." With Erasmo he might like it that way.

Asi va a dejar a Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Damn!!! Brownsville PD made national news when they told a person reporting the missing Americans that they needed to follow up with a detective on Monday! What a joke of a police department.....

Anonymous said...

Parallel to the curb not to other cars or vehicles. Don't be the idiocracy.

Anonymous said...

Al anony March 8, 2023 at 10:17 AM
Se te nota la envidia en los poros.

Anonymous said...

You March 8, 2023 at 10:32 AM , haters are going to hate

Anonymous said...

March 8, 2023 at 10:42 AM
Joto vendido que tanto te pagan las ratas para que pongas chigadera aqui pinche mamon...

Anonymous said...

Wonder what this pendejo would do if he was elected mayor?
He would make it mandatory that all citizens living here must be at a local cantina from 6pm to 9pm on odd days, and all traffic cops must be on a break between those hours. Expense will be picked up by the city. (better than throwing away property tax monies on murals and bike trails)....

Anonymous said...

The only legacy that Bernal left behind is to teach all his staff to park on metered parking spots or city commission designated parking spots and that exactly what the current city manager is doing. Instead of setting the example for all employees, she parks on the city Commission parking spots. Bunch of lazy ass people. Great example of "Total Alignment " which is nothing but total bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Caty is suing Erazmo and the mayor for that spot already …. Hahahahahaha … you can’t teach an old hag new tricks … The Red Cross is still missing 500 bones hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

mayor's parking next to the feds why?

Anonymous said...

As long as it's not your ass getting banged what does it matter if the cop is a he/she?
