Thursday, March 30, 2023



Anonymous said...

En el PUB Que!! El sleepy Saenz

Anonymous said...

As yourself: "What has he done?"

nothing of any import.

voting NO.

Anonymous said...

Just like that gringo articulated progress NADA NADA NADA Y NADA das what ALL elected officials here do NADA NADA Y NADA, well maybe just one thingy, open a bank account overseas.
If you are poor, this is a bad choice for you, your family and friends. He'll go after your asses. FACT

How many rich and famous RATAS has he busted (and with proof) NOBODY RICH AND FAMOUS NOBODY...

Anonymous said...

I have a plea bargain for you.

Anonymous said...

Negative! He look the other way on all problems happening at the Sheriff's Office, including Gracia impersonating a peace officer.. I'm sorry saenz you need to be voted out

Anonymous said...

If he wants to support law enforcement, why is he employing black assistant DAs?

Anonymous said...

the rich and famous are immune to any type of prosecution here in this county. Only the poor can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Anonymous said...

BPUB scam $140Million dollars and he has done nothing? Really luis????? what a joke.

Anonymous said...

A total LUMP ON A LOG!! His putrid legacy speaks for itself. It’s exhausting to speak about this man and his never ending list of failures and disappointments. Worst DA Cameron county has ever had. ( Yes I know Villalobos is on the list, but he got caught and has payed the price). Expect absolutely zero change as long as this so called DA is in charge. God help us all !! This man deserves a profanity laced comment but i shall refrain from doing so. Don’t want to ruin my day!!

Anonymous said...

Now "Saenz" wants something from us and what loyalty has he given the citizens who got ripped off by BPUB? No one was charged for their white collar crimes and he continued to look the other way. He continues to protect his "Who's Who List"of Rat friends. No way!!!

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz: massive failure!

Anonymous said...

Saenz is as useful as a tit on a hog!

Anonymous said...

Pinche pelado inutil.

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz another loser just wanting to stay in power. He's afraid of making waves. He has done nothing with any of the issues confronting our citizens. We need change my friends.

Anonymous said...

We need new blood. Puro overhauling is needed and all the fat trimmed.

Anonymous said...

Viejo bigoton! He needs to call it quits! Oh, I forgot, he quit when he was first elected. How can he quit something he never started, unless you are talking about making sure his family and his buddies are protected.

Why does he close all the maquinitas in town? Why does he not touch the ones at La Posada? Who do they belong to and how much money is he making out of that? Yes, they are illegal, but to whom? Why do some get away with it and others do not. All of them are paying with cash and not with silver like they do up North of the Valley.

Muevate, Vato, do your job. Vote no for what? He hasn't done anything to make anything better. Why does he seal so many indictments and they are never opened? Pura tranza!

Anonymous said...

Ya largate tu y tu pinche bigote chafas. Estamos cansados que todos( PUB, BISD,COB ETC) roban y rompen la ley y tu con el dedo en el ya sabes donde. Pero que un pendejo se robe una bicicleta y le das 20 años de carcel. Pura corrupción. Bueno para nada .

Anonymous said...

Voting no until DA speaks out against PUB crimes and misdemeanors. He has yet to investigate PUB despite the forensic report clearly uncovering CRIMES were committed, written in black and white. What else does he want?

Anonymous said...

The DA is on the top of the LIST of, I don't do notin' here, just get my check and if some poor sonso breaks the law I will go after him, but not the rich and famous. they are my friends. The poor only during elections no other time. SONSOS.


Anonymous said...

Nope luis needs to go

Anonymous said...

Voting NO for Saenz, says something and does the opposite. This time he will have to work harder to convince the city of Brownsville that we should vote for him. Throws the book at the defenseless and helps only the ones he wants to help. He should help everyone or no one. Each case is different, he needs to listen to peoples pleas and not only go by what his Ass.DA's say. Some of them are biased and he needs to be more involved in decision making.
VOTE HIM OUT, he is not running his office, he needs to be more involved or let someone younger take over.

Anonymous said...

You done, retire bigotes de longaniza.

Anonymous said...

@12:40 PM
You obviously don't know the difference between facts, opinions and pendejadas. I just hope you're a child that is writing this. If you're an adult please don't have children.

Ben said...

I know Luis to be a person of High Integrity, Honest, Fair, yet always willing to help his constituents. I marvel at all of the Anonymous posts who are trying to make this man anything less. Luis has made a good difference in our county and has been very active in providing ethics classes on the law to many prosecutors in Northern Mexico. This alone is unheard of. He has a very professional group of Attorneys and investigators in the DA's office. I applaud his work ethic and accomplishments he has achieved in Child and Spouse Abuse cases. We do not socialize, and Mr. Saenz knows I have no reason to kiss his boots, but I will support his efforts for re-election . This is a man who came from humble beginnings. He has never lost sight of that.

Anonymous said...

12:43 LOL Correction, you’re not kissing his boots you’re kissing his ass (and all its neighboring parts) Who are you really, what planet are you from?? Must be related or work for him. Or maybe your comment is just a joke altogether . Good one!!

Anonymous said...

Chafas we need to change this diaper ya apesta gaucho, i will vote for who ever is running against him, period.

Anonymous said...

Time for this inept, worthless DA to go. He protects the elite and throws the book at the poor without good representation. His brother Mario Saenz gets bribed indirectly working everyone's campaigns. E. Trevino, the judges, commisioners and on and on. Thats how they get out the votes for Luis. Pay Mario and get favors from the DA. Why has he not done anything about TENASKA. He is quiet about all important issues. Did he investigate who swindled the million dollars from PUB AND BISD. Yes ,,,, muy calladito. Mum is the word. We need a new DA. He has got to go. Has been there too long. Hasn't asked for a new trial on Melissa Lucio. The poor women is innocent. And she rots in jail. He is a parent. He should have compassion. Nope he doesn't give a damn. Please folks wake up. Please don't vote for him. Enough is enough. Ya baste de corrupts.
