Wednesday, March 29, 2023



BISD parent said...

How safe are the students teachers and staff at BISD?

Anonymous said...

March 29, 2023 at 6:51 AM
go to the board meeting moron and ask them estupido!

Anonymous said...

Comment at 8:35 you must be real pendejo because the the school board doesn't know if we're safe estupido pendejo.

Anonymous said...

For the anonymous comment at 8:35 for your information the school board members do not know if we're safe the parent does not need to go to the meeting to ask you must be real pendejo in English you're a f****** a****** with no idea what happens in in the schools

Anonymous said...

8:35 its your type of mentality that’s indicative of whats wrong in today’s society. Your aggressive and ignorant comment is whats so common nowadays. 6:51 was merely asking a question. So I don’t understand the hostility. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but insulting someone that has a legitimate question is uncalled for. Especially on such an important subject. Chill out my friend

Anonymous said...

March 29, 2023 at 12:24 PM March 29, 2023 at 12:13 PM

the board runs bisd bola de idiotas they are the first to know what happens at any school that is under bisd control, estupidos los dos idiotas MORONS. MUST BE FROM SAN JOSE know nothing mojados..

Anonymous said...

March 29, 2023 at 12:24 PM
You must be over 20 years old and still with a mentality of a kindergarten school education MORON.
Don't need to look up what moron means, just look in a mirror MORON

Anonymous said...

its as safe as your toilet pendejo

Anonymous said...

Anonymous BISD parent said...
How safe are the students teachers and staff at BISD?

March 29, 2023 at 6:51 AM

Very good question.

Parents always check the backpacks of their all is clear.
Parents always call the school to verify information about their children. Total communication.
The grandparents are constantly telling their kids to behave and not to be "chiflados" at school.

The rest is just hard work, following the rules, checking and correcting student behavior....on a daily basis.

BISD is serious about the safety of their students. They have locked doors, guards everywhere, police officers and even other agencies are protecting the students.

Anonymous said...

Comment 8:06 pm

I hope so
