Sunday, March 19, 2023


Ukrainian officials so far have documented more than 16,220 cases of child kidnappings by Russian forces, many placed in "re-education" camps.


Anonymous said...

More stuff off the Internet?

This is a NEWS blog, after all! ja ja ja ha ha ha

Nothing but big news here, ese. Now, reporter, how about some LOCAL news!!!

(you're regressing like crazy, Monty)


Anonymous said...

He's friend of the groper ex presidente, One gropes women and the other abuses children.

Anonymous said...

When Russian tanks were first observed moving toward the Ukrainian border, the world powers should have joined and acted promptly in stopping Russia from any further aggression. Now after a year of war Russia is becoming more powerful joining forces with China. Some may say it’s not our war, if that’s the case why are we sending so much military equipment and money to the Ukrainian government? If our government officials are hoping that the Russian people will turn on their own government and change the outcome of the war they are sadly mistaken. We are all sitting back like a bunch of fags waiting for the Ukrainian military to do what other counties including ourselves are afraid to do, which is confront Russia. The Ukrainian military will not win this war. At the end of the day only lives will be lost. In our next presidential elections please, please forget political affiliation and vote for a person with wisdom and expertise in foreign affairs and foreign policy. Only a strong leader can stop future aggressions by bullies who care nothing about human life.

Anonymous said...

Vote Joe Biden in 2024

Democrats know the value of life; Republicans the value of money (bribes, grifting, gifts from dictators, as Trump so showed you)

Anonymous said...

Putin is a piece of shit and will burn in hell. Same goes for all “ supreme “ leaders that have no regard for human life, freedom and overall humanity. The world is overflowing in hate , violence and death and yet some of these so called world leaders insist on creating more chaos!!! There is no place in our children’s and grandchildren’s world for these assholes. A bright man once said: “THE ONLY THING NECESSARY FOR THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IS FOR GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING “. Thats my opinion. Thanks

Anonymous said...

The same court that is not recognized by the USA because they would charge our armed forces with the same crimes.

Anonymous said...

March 19, 2023 at 6:35 AM
otra vez como pones gorro pinche guey open your own blog pinche pendejo

Anonymous said...

ese pendejo that keeps insulting people and the owner is one of the supreme leaders so he thinks. Pero es un pinche mamon idiota open your own blog baboso

Anonymous said...

March 19, 2023 at 6:35 AM
Pinche pendejo this is not a newpaper pendejo moron go buy one at the herald estupido.

Anonymous said...

March 19, 2023 at 6:35 AM

Anonymous said...

March 19, 2023 at 6:35 AM
ese bro open your own blog ya pusistes gorro aqui jotingo

Anonymous said...

March 19, 2023 at 6:35 AM
ese joto bro dis no newpaper pendejo maricon.
