Friday, March 3, 2023


Morning Mr. Montoya. From one of your 3 readers in San Bene. Our city is very fortunate to have a Near-Perfect City Manager with practically no room for improvement according to three of our commissioners. He is of a higher standard than all and clearly for all city managers across the State of Texas to emulate.

Manuel De La Rosa is the City Manager and serves as the City’s Chief Administrative Officer. Mr. De La Rosa is appointed by the City Commission and is responsible for managing the daily affairs of the City and for implementing the Commission’s goals, objectives, and policies. 

De La Rosa has over 25 years of municipal experience, has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and is a Certified Public Manager from the William P. Hobby Center for Public Service of Texas State University. Mr. De La Rosa started with the City on January 19th, 2016.


Anonymous said...

If this is all you have to report its a sad day. Who cares about San Benito or it so called perfect city manager. I guess no news is good news.

Anonymous said...

San Bene has some of the most gullible people in Texas. De La Rosa is no Einstein, and he knows it.

What is this nonsense doing on this blog?

San Bene is a dusty Big Nothing!

Anonymous said...

Poor John, after voting to put the salary on the agenda he now says he is against it as people show their outrage. To show just how scared he is running he says he will reject the salary which under its terms he would not qualify for.

John was never raised to be a man. And how nice of him he opposes paying people a salary to good people who want to run but cannot without a small salary because he is part of the millionaires club.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Este vato no vale verga

Anonymous said...

Good Morning! San Bene. It's about time san bene hires a human.

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2023 at 5:49 AM
Ya vete mamon open your own estupido blog y tu mama adonde anda? pinche maricon mamon joto

Anonymous said...

El wonder boy de san bene. Nombre this guy has applied throughout the valley n all over tejas. If he is one half a point from being perfect why does he bomb out on the interviews with the other cities. Well I believe it’s his attitude n lack of further education in his profession. With like 30yrs of so and only has the basic education. Well what those three commissioners need to do is open their eyes and do their duty. It is said he mistreats the citizens and nothing has gotten done cause of those three. It’s is even said he goes around saying he does what he wants cause he has the votes of the three commissioners and laughs about it. Wake up commissioners wake up you are being used bad.

-Ravan T

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2023 at 5:49 AM

Open your own blog idiota don't critize people here specially the owner idiota. DO NOT TELL PEOPLE HERE WHAT TO DO THIS IS NOT YOUR BLOG PENDEJO OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan este Boy Wonder is badlly needed in Brownsville instead of Helen reddy. Dont know why the City commission didnt go after him, he has plenty of City experince-25 years plus a doctors degree in municipal government and he rules with an IRON FIST, he dont fuck around, just ask the Ex Employees in San Benito that he has fired in the past, there is only one rule in the City of San Benito and its His way or the highway. adios lol. Pura crema ests dude.

Anonymous said...

Well that MEDIO MOCO I hear has very bad management skills. Why do your think high ranking city employees have left and are leaving. But he is the Wonder Boy in the eyes of three commissioners. Mr. Wonder Boy we still waiting for the Epicenter and the Crystal Clear Lagoon been like 3 years and nothing to show but overgrown weeds. Fix it tomorrow is the saying in San Benito.
