Thursday, March 23, 2023


"FBI warned that those detained for the kidnapping in Matamoros might not be related to the case."
It is assumed that the Gulf Cartel was  behind the deprivation of liberty of US citizens Latavia McGee, Shaeed Woodard, Zindell Brown and Erick James Williams.

By Joel Cano

The case of the four US citizens kidnapped in Matamoros, Tamaulipas could take a radical turn. And it is because the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)  doubts the responsibility of the people who have been arrested so far and who have been identified as alleged members of the Gulf Cartel.

On March 8, five days after the kidnapping, five men handcuffed and alive were found in the streets of downtown Matamoros along with a message that pointed out that they were responsible for depriving Latavia McGee, Shaeed Woodard, Zindell Brown and Eric James Williams.

The cardboard was signed by the "Grupo Escorpión" – the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel. Through it, an "apology" was made to society for the "indiscipline" of its members, since it led to the death of two Americans (Zindell and Shaeed). 

"For this reason, we have decided to hand over those directly involved and responsible for the events, who at all times acted on their own determination," it read.

Although the Tamaulipas authorities have managed to arrest six people allegedly involved in the events of March 3, the FBI has expressed that it has doubts about the responsibility of those apprehended, reported the journalist from Milenio, Víctor Hugo Michel, in his March 19 program.

Diplomatic sources informed Micjhel that the FBI  had access to exclusive information that would point to the participation of three other people, according to their own investigations. The United States Government has indicated that the five handcuffed men who appeared on the streets of Matamoros are not the true kidnappers of their fellow citizens, despite the fact that they themselves accredited their alleged involvement.

That is why the FBI has asked the Tamaulipas Prosecutor's Office for more information on what happened. However, so far the Mexican authorities have not ruled on these new accusations.

Based on the reports made, José Alberto García Vilano, alias "La Kena," is the main suspect in the kidnapping of the Americans. This subject has been identified as a plaza boss of the Gulf Cartel in Matamoros. Due to his involvement in other crimes, authorities are offering a reward of up to $2,500,000 pesos for information leading to his whereabouts or arrest.

Faced with questions about the reasons for his trip, the Americans reiterated that they went to Matamoros for cosmetic surgery that Latavia was going to undergo. "He had nothing to do with drugs," Williams said, while indicating that he is in the recovery stage under medical supervision.

It should be remembered that after this kidnapping, it was reported that three of the four US citizens had criminal records related to crimes against health, according to court records. However, James Williams was the only one who was not involved in the manufacture and trade of drugs.

The six men who have been arrested for the crimes of aggravated kidnapping and intentional simple homicide were identified as Antonio de Jesús "V", Luis "V", Ever Noel "H", Juan Francisco "L", Gustavo "M" and José "N". All of them have been linked to the process. In these events, a Mexican woman by the name of Areli Pablo also lost her life, who died from a stray bullet.


Anonymous said...

Another ripped-off article, one the bum Toya could have written himself, if only he'd get off his battered couch and go do some Mata reporting.

But he won't. He's retired and air-conditioned.

Pos, si, Ama, ya se retiro el Guey.............

Anonymous said...

Toya is Roberto Duran.

Commenters are Thomas Hearns.


Anonymous said...

@7:43 AM

Brutal, vato!

Que chinguisa le dio Hit Man Hearns al Duran! Nocaut feo!!! ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2023 at 7:25 AM March 23, 2023 at 7:43 AM

como chingas joto buy the herald payaso joto, we all know you like men joto...MARICON

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2023 at 7:25 AM March 23, 2023 at 7:43 AM
como chingas JOTO you want news buy the herald maricon
and you are the mayorga de los jotos. ponte las chanclas y vete para el centro a llevantar viejitos con feria JOTO MARICON

Anonymous said...

Hey, Pendejo, why reinvent the wheel? BTW you do realize that you read and post stuff here too, right? Fact!

Anonymous said...

The 3 valley women missing, who cares? 4 blacks with a history of drug dealing, very important and Old man Biden strings are pull from BLM groups. What joke in Matamoros that it's a safe place to be living there.

Anonymous said...

El pendejo wearing chanclas looks like el idiota that insults people here. hasta que te pescaron pinche sardina.

Anonymous said...

Everyone know it was Jose Alberto Garcia Vilano "La Kena" that ordered the kidnaps and murders of these U.S. Citizens. It's a matter of time till they get him. He is a millionaire due to extortions to all Matamoros businesses. Regardless of size or income he charges PISO, extorts money so people can have a business. He has made himself a millionaire and made Matamoros Presidente municipal millionaire in the process.
He is due a new home, next to el Chapo or Juan Garcia Abrego.
Citizens of Matamoros like my grandmother are counting down the days.

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2023 at 8:58 AM
posting is one thing insulting is different no seas FACT.

Anonymous said...

What is scary is that those men look like my neighbors from the barrio. They look like kind, decent, and helpful young men. It gives me the hee bee gee bees

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2023 at 7:25 AM
