Friday, March 3, 2023



Senator Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston) filed Senate Bill 3, and SJR 3, the constitutional amendment which would put to the voters of Texas the single largest ISD Property Tax Homestead Exemption increase in Texas history.

SB 3 is among the Top 30 Priorities for the 2023 Legislative Session, and all 31 Texas Senators have signed onto them as Joint Authors. SB 3 & SJR 3 will increase the Homestead Exemption amount from $40,000 to $70,000 if approved by the voters.

The historic 75 percent increase in SB 3 will provide an additional $341 in savings on a Texas homeowner’s school tax bill at the statewide ISD average tax rate of $1.136* each and every year.

“SB 3 and SJR 3 will save 5.72 million Texas Homesteaders on each and every homestead property tax bill by raising the ISD Homestead property tax exemption to $70,000 from $40,000,” remarked Bettencourt, principal author of SB 3 and SJR 3. The bill cost estimate is $3.5 billion.

“The fact that unanimously every Senator in the Texas Senate signed on to these priority bills, speaks volumes about the Senate’s commitment to property tax cuts. This bill will save every homestead $341 a year on top of the existing exemption, $454, totaling $795 per year in these exemptions, driving down property tax bills,” said author Bettencourt.

SB 3 and SJR 3 builds on top of the property tax relief legislation from previous sessions. In the 84th Legislative Session, the Legislature passed, and voters later approved, increasing the Homestead Exemption from $15,000 to $25,000. In the 87th Legislative Session, the Legislature passed SJR 2, which was approved by voters in May of 2022 increasing the exemption to $40,000 from $25,000.

“I’m thrilled that all 31 Senators have signed on as Joint Authors to SB 3 & SJR 3! I have complete faith in the Texas Senate passing this first bill out of $15 Billion in the base budget of property tax relief, and full faith in Texas voters, who just approved increasing a Homestead Exemption by 85 percent, in May 2022,” Bettencourt added.

“This is one of the keys to control the growth of property tax bills and in this case actually reduce them for as long as you own a home in Texas! Just the additional $30,000 increase in a Homestead Exemption for homeowners will save them over $10,000 plus in their lifetime and nearly $25K overall,” he concluded. Bettencourt will be filing additional property tax legislation.

The bill will permanently fix crediting over 65 and disabled homeowners with these exemption increases in the future, including, retroactively, the increase of $15,000 from May 2022 approved by the voters.


Anonymous said...

Somebody has to control these run-away school districts and it was about time. They have almost 5 months off with pay. This is uncall for. Rein in all these districts, higher property taxes are killing everybody. City are next, county and ports the same. PUROS PINCHES MAMONES!!!!


Anonymous said...

Uh, you could find no other BIG story to offer?

lame, ese.

so much else going on. Go to Miami and do a story about Florida's fucking crazed fight against immigrants. See if they collar you and fly you to Martha's Vineyard, Juan.

Shit, if you're going to blog, BLOG BIG!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, your mother at 90-plus is old enough to have had this exemption years ago! Why is this a story for this fighting blog? Real shit: Republican Carlos Cascos is said to now be interested in the mayor' job (if they approve a sizable salary)

chase that lead, ese.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Alex Dominguez think of doing this?

Why, boys, he simply didn't.

Anonymous said...

Person of interest identified in connection with lockdown at Brownsville middle school
Even if you draw a pistola on a piece of paper the school PD will arrest your ass and you are labeled a terrorist and there is no age limit here.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreau is planning a huge, cafeteria-style food giveaway as part of her campaign for mayor, sources say. From pans and pans of mini-tacos to loads of home-made pizza and even Bolis for kids.

What is John Cowen doing?


Cowen does not have a sympathetic bone in his body, and we do not need a mayor who has a hair-loss problem. That is a problem Jessica does not have.

Anonymous said...

Alex Murdaugh Is Sentenced to Life in Prison for Double Murder

Here life in prison is if you steal fajitas for food. Gringos have to kill at least 3 or more to get life.

Anonymous said...

A Warning for the Newest Victims of Federal Neglect and Corporate Greed
Gringos, with everybody else like blacks and hispanics it was alright but nnoooooooooooooooooooooo son blancos no esta bien.

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2023 at 10:33 AM
open your blod and chase all those whities that you adore mamon y tu mama tambien like mother like son maricones

Anonymous said...

So what does Jessica Tetreau think, that Hispanics are a bunch of hambrientos? Hell, you can’t buy my vote with some cheap ass tacos.

Anonymous said...

San Benito requests sewer system overhaul extension a new resident el pendejo at: March 3, 2023 at 9:56 AM has just moved to that town as he is known as el caga palos and residents are concern. pobresitos.

Anonymous said...

Educators work 184 days a year
We don't have 5 months off
We have 172 days off

That's 5 month and then sum

Anonymous said...

The state of Texas needs a new educational system. We currently have kids being sent to school not to learn but to be provided with free meals and daycare services. The system in place focuses on numbers not results. A lot of money is being misspent to produce nothing but idiots. It’s all about the money, our money.

Anonymous said...

What does Jessica Tetreau think that all Hispanics are a bunch of hambrientos? You can’t buy my vote with some cheap ass tacos! She has been in office for some time and has done nothing. Out with the old and in with the new!

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2023 at 9:56AM

Shit, if you are going to criticize Juan, just go start your own blog. This is not constructive criticism. Your comments drip of envy and toxidity.

Better yet, why go fuck yourself? La envidia te esta matando.

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2023 at 9:56 AM

Anonymous said...

March 4, 2023 at 6:28 AM

There should be more posters criticizing este idiota. he gets paid by the elected officials that have formed A CONSORTIUM OF RATAS, to try to close this blog by creating vulgar comments. ES UN VENDIDO. He gets cash from this newly formed consortium.

This has become a very important blog as it informs the public of what the elected officials are doing or not doing. Informs us of our history and other very important local and national news and its free.

Anonymous said...

Hurrah, Jessica saves the day!! This idea is so innovative, feed the natives and they will come. But instead of a mere chicken plate, its Tacos, Pizza and a BOLIS!! for dessert. Hey Jessica, instead of sitting on your ugly ass, why didn’t you do your job as a commissioner first and then try to run for mayor. Why didn’t you set the example and take care(or at least try) of all the bad issues facing our town. ALL the self serving city commission has failed our town. And now you want a bigger piece of the pie (Mayor)!!! Its the same narrative every election cycle, lets give away some food and try and fool these people into giving us their vote. All these candidates are pathetic but hey its FREE FOOD FOR ALL time once again in Brownsville. Lets all eat, enjoy and be merry!!

Anonymous said...

Tell us what is your plan? You know what you stand for, things like that. Are you going to repair the streets, fix the traffic lights, improve the airport employment situation, fix the flooding problems you know infrastructure? You know like you fix your face every morning, are you going to do the same for the city?

Reduce salaries of directors making over the norm? are you going to appoint all your compadres and comadres and cronies and family and voting friend?

Are you going to demand that BPUB be investigated by a law agency? And file charges to BPUB if found guilty of ANY wrong doings, and are you going to charge them?

Tell us when is BPUB going to refund US ALL THE STOLEN MONIES? Who will be the next president of the pub board? I hope you don't keep the one there now. That one needs to be investigated separately and held accountable if found that crimes were indeed committed..

Tell us what is your plan and goals if any???

Anonymous said...

juan have not heard pip from jessica Tetas la queenie or John cowen el rey about any forecoming BPUB REFUNDS? WHY NOT? hell i guess i will be applying for the CEO Job that former ceo John Brusiack had at $330k per year acabo que sigua el robo and no one gets charged by our famous mostachio DA with anything RIGHT? Is PUB still accepting applications? I got a PHD in robbery and with that i should qualify. PEPE JONES

Anonymous said...

Make them work 12 months not 5 months huevones... ooooooooooh its in the contract sooooooooooo soooorrrrrry.

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2023 at 11:59 AM
He now lives in las vegas spending our tax dollars.
