Wednesday, March 1, 2023



Anonymous said...

You're a biased journalist. Why haven't you posted about Hunter Biden's laptop?
Zelensky is being helped to hide the Biden's corrupt deals in Ukraine. Only the coco/hillbilly/start your own blog retard believes you.

Anonymous said...

I remember when I was going to cummings before the zoo was built all of a sudden a dry cleaners opened shop there. It amazed everybody. What is a dry cleaners doing en este barrio? On the corner of ringgold and sixth st. Nobody in this area even thinks about a dry cleaners. We all noticed that it was never opened. Well than the city ran everybody living there out of that area and that store remained. Why? The zoo was coming, and who ever that store belonged to more than likely made millions. El ratismo sigue and will never stop. Downtown is the same. People that are related, cronies, compadres are given tips that are worth millions. It will never stop. RATISMO continues to this day. They fight to run for some elected office, just to make millions. That is the reason this city is a cesspool of RATAS.

there is a need to organize and fight this RATISMO. an organization of honest citizens needs to be organized NOW.
One that will expose all RATAS. Volunteers are needed we need to organize NOW. No families of RATAS will be allowed to join. ORGANIZE NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

If only on the Trump/Putin part of this cartoon strip!

Trump is Putin's pussy.

That's the correct positioning of those two.

(btw, Hunter Biden is NOT an elected official. If he breaks laws, the law will arrive. Most of the sensationalist stuff FOX News posted on the laptop has been debunked, as in it was not true. Be an American, buddy, not a racist Trump Nazi))

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2023 at 7:25 AM
Remember: American politicians are corrupt. Nobody investigated Bush, nor the Gulf War, nor the attack on the USA 9/11.


Bush’s Middle East policies was his friendship with Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador to the US.
After his presidency was over, Bush and a number of his former cabinet officers also began participating in the Carlyle Group, a giant private equity firm heavily funded by Saudi billionaires – including the Saudi family of Osama bin Laden.

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2023 at 7:25 AM

Open your blog idiota than you can read your own shit and not complain.. idiota pendejo! Maybe the teacher can post there since they know how to correctly write and espeak. mamonas/es

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2023 at 7:25 AM

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2023 at 7:25 AM

Go open your own blog idiota ya pusistes gorro pinche pendejo. Mamon coco

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2023 at 11:13 AM

el pendejo at: March 1, 2023 at 7:25 AM es un racista republicano que se cree gringo. Cocos nunca se ven la cola porque creen que es blanco. Lambiscon coco idiota ese vato de a donde sacas "ese vatoz" pendejo tu heres un coco...mamon ese vato bro hahahah jajajaj JOTINGO

Anonymous said...

@10:31 AM
Yes you are correct, Hunter Biden was not an elected official BUT HIS FATHER WAS VICE PRESIDENT. His father is the Big Guy. Remember he's the one that gets 10%. Who do you think gets the other 90%. And what's worse is that the FBI said the laptop was Russian misinformation knowing it was fact. They did this before the election. That's directly influencing an election. Can you get more corrupt than that? How can you possibly be okay with that? How can you possibly ignore that? How can you possibly be so brainwashed that you ignore facts?

Anonymous said...

Kissing the flag is like kissing the bank trumputo's theory.

Anonymous said...

New North McAllen high-end restaurant to offer ‘globally-inspired’ menu.

Are you serious? North FAT City? Pendejos they all went out to purchase a global map. What for? To order tacos, pinches idiotas. FAT city “never cease to amaze el valluco”. son puros mojarrettes.

Anonymous said...

Japan just found 7,000 islands it didn’t know it had. At the end of the month if I find a dollar in my account I know I didn't have it, but what can you buy with a pinche dolar????
japos pendejos

Anonymous said...

Historic ‘El Jardin’ hotel in Brownsville to undergo $17M renovation

Historic ‘El Jardin’ hotel in Brownsville to undergo $17M renovation to be completed around 2024 December hang on there granny its coming.
El primo used to work there until he retired at close to 70 years.
The fat city get a hotel restaurant and motel for the rich and famous and browntown get a very low income hotel and funded by an unknow source ashamed to be identified.

Anonymous said...

Once the World’s Largest, a Hotel Goes ‘Poof!’ Before Our Eyes
Don't knw poof but the NYT is using it oh well poof it

Anonymous said...

Y cuando investigan a jared? 2 billones recibio de los pinches arabes. Estos REPUTINKKKANS no se ven la cola porque siempre viven con la cabeza sambutida en el OJETE del NARANJON!!!!

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2023 at 7:19 PM

racist republican lies and misinformation. THEY ARE ALL (hispanics) RAPIST THIEVES AND MURDERS, now this is on tape.

"How can you possibly be okay with that? How can you possibly ignore that? How can you possibly be so brainwashed that you ignore facts?" really?

Anonymous said...

Trump for 2024? Do we need another January 6th attempted coup just because a sore loser can't accept to lose? Wake up people, we know who the big liar is and also the biggest instigator.

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2023 at 1:05 PM
Aaah let me guess - trumputo?
