Friday, March 31, 2023



(Ed.'s Note: Who is that bossy woman throwing her weight around and accusing kids of not having court side tickets? One of our eight readers who sent us this video says that it is none other than City of Brownsville At-Large A candidate Susan Rubalcava who was recorded after she confronted some kids she wrongly assumed were sitting court side without tickets. During the confrontation, a woman proves they had tickets, whereupon Rubalcava invites her to "take it outside." 

The woman asks if she's threatening her and Rubalcava just ignores her and walks away. Apparently, she was wrong, and was falsely accusing the alleged perpetrators of not paying for the tickets, but left after she was confronted threatening the students and their relative. Tsk. Tsk. Such temper. Her two opponents for the position in the May 6 are high school coach Tino Villarreal and former city commissioner William Garza. Early voting begins April 24.)


Anonymous said...

You got to be kidding me that lady is running for commissioner ahh no thanks.

Anonymous said...

Fat is not where it's at.

Anonymous said...

Hook, line and sinker! Stick a fork in her ! Need to say more, I believe this lady’s campaign is done. If indeed this is you and this just a taste of your behavior, shame on you. Everything in life has consequences and this clip is proof. Move on lady

KBRO said...

Should we vote for the politicians with ads on this page? They all "look" like nice decent honest successful community-oriented people with honest intentions.

Anonymous said...

All her friends are like her: Strong Republicans, loving Trump and rude and bossy and confrontational

God Have Mercy on us.

Anonymous said...

I see her all over town helping youth groups—-looks like she’s asking all the right questions.

When you ask the right questions you anger the groups who don’t want the truth revealed.
Interesting…suddenly I like this pistol of a gal.

Anonymous said...

Chicken fried Chicken. Any one but her.

Anonymous said...

Fat people have no common sense. Too much gordura swimming in the brain!

fuera, vieja sonsa!!!

Anonymous said...

otra loca peleando con todos

Anonymous said...

Is that a Barbacoa stain on her shirt ? Or Maybe Menudo?

Anonymous said...

Like my camarada would say puro Projecto.

Anonymous said...

Isn’t that Rebolcada gal considered a PUBLIC SERVANT since she is a candidate for office? She should be held accountable as such.

Anonymous said...

Juan, here are a lot in the GOP that are fine with the Trump indictment. We want to put this embarrassment behind us.

Sit down with local Republicans. You'll hear this from their mouths.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Juan now that you’re talking about candidates can you check to find out if it’s true that Lineberger has promised Eddie Garcia and Jessica Gonzalez all the money they need for their future campaigning in 2024 if they just give them the BISD tax collectors contract? We believe this is true because Jessica and Eddie are very low on funds in their pockets. Asking for a friend. Amazing how candidates can be so easily by those vendors who have money to buy them.

Anonymous said...

Juanito print some of the most important amendments so estos pendejos know, specially the cops and all those people who work for any government agency


Anonymous said...

She’s a fighter. How many times have you been cut in front of? Treated like a second class citizen? Dismissed for no good reason? This is what it looks like to stand up for yourself or an idea. If you think this video somehow insults you or hurts feelings, you should pick candidates who appeal to your feelings, not the ones that stand up and willing to fight back. This is why we need to vote those who, without fighting, promote corruption such as support PUB commit crimes and lie. This is why we need Susan Rubalcaba.

Anonymous said...

Party at my house when Trump goes to jail and let's invite Stormy Daniels!!!πŸΊπŸΊπŸΊπŸ˜€

Anonymous said...

Hey Republicans -

Even the daughter Trump would date if he wasn't her father is abandoning him.
Take the hint! πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

Yo si le estoy hechando los perros..πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜› puro BBW!!

Anonymous said...

We live in a very diverse community in Brownsville. That being said, when dealing with politics its like walking on eggshells. Someone is always gonna get offended. And they’re gonna want to fight, curse and insult. For that reason , i feel some of these newer candidates need to use a little gray matter when dealing with the public sometimes. Learn to pick your battles (by all means defend yourselves if your being attacked verbally/ physically) . But as a candidate, if you are really serious about making a difference for the city of Brownsville, be patient, use some restraint, and WAIT FOR IT . And if/ when your elected , then LET IT RIP!! Go after all these corrupt assholes. Challenge the status quo, defend the citizens of our town!!! Go after PUB and any other institution that’s ripping off our citizens. But in the meantime: just chill , be the bigger person and keep your eye on the prize!! BUT AND THIS IS A BIG BUT, if you are out there showing your true colors and being a BULLY ! just stand down and step aside, WE DONT NEED ANOTHER FREAKSHOW on the city commission. Thank you for your time

Anonymous said...

Anoche Elia Cornejo

Anonymous said...

She’s a fighter. How many times have you been cut in front of? Treated like a second class citizen? Dismissed for no good reason? This is what it looks like to stand up for yourself or an idea. If you think this video somehow insults you or hurts feelings, you should pick candidates who appeal to your feelings, not the ones that stand up and willing to fight back. This is why we need to vote those who, without fighting, promote corruption such as support PUB commit crimes and lie. This is why we need Susan Rubalcaba.

March 31, 2023 at 12:27 PM

She is not a fighter. SHE thinks others close to her are not paying good money to be close to the stage/arena. The lady she confronted was the fighter...she talked back and explained the situation. She wanted an explanation why she was targeted. That is when the lady in the pink shirt started to move away to stop the argument. Sometimes, we get confused and we think ONLY US can go and participate in certain events but NOT others. Also, some people get nervous in social places....and create negative moments for others. There is a word for this in Spanish: Yo soy la mera mera, yo soy la fregona or something like that.

Susan is used to being la fregona, but sometimes other ladies do not put up with that type of attitude.

Anonymous said...

Look at her platform. Compare it to Tino's. Decide on that.

Anonymous said...

Ruvalcabda MAGA

Anonymous said...

Where is this highly coveted event
Are we talking about division 1 or pro basketball?

Anonymous said...

We have no choice….
If Susan wins then at least someone will hold them accountable.

Right now everyone is trying to get a majority= promises being made….deals being made…

Anonymous said...

Caty, Pat, Susan, and any other disciple of the Trump Cult do not have my vote. If any Trump lovers brain was cotton, they wouldn't have enough to form a Kotex for a piss ant.

Anonymous said...

She lost my vote and my family’s vote when I saw her rubbing elbows with Erasmo Castro. A pair of clowns that think they know it all… she needs to push away from the table

Anonymous said...

Obesity is an illness
We should not shame people
However it is treatable
Over weight individuals make a choice to not eat right to not excer is because it's hard or takes time or not at rewarding as eating unhealthy or laying on the couch
This just tells you about their perso m amity
They do what is easier
Not what or right or better
Think about it when we vote

Anonymous said...

susan? is she a gringa? or meskin, gringa fat, meskin skinney.

Anonymous said...

Maybe ypi should sit and have a conversation with her. You have one-sided information. Video was edited and they were sitting in seats that did not belong to them. As usual, Brownsville just likes to read negative and anything that makes good chime, no wonder I left. At least, speak to all parties involved and print it. I think the people of Brownsville could use their brains and make their own conclusion. But the bad chisme seems to be the preference! Ignorance is bliss.

Anonymous said...

Que vieja tan fea. What an ugly hag!

Anonymous said...

CHINGAO te llenaste de manteca. It must have been the Barbacoa taco i had. No pendeja que se te lleno toda la pancita the manteca. HAHA

Anonymous said...

She garbage, has no business running for any office.

Anonymous said...

For all of you fat shaming Rubalcava remember The RGV is no one in obesity. So by that your mom, abuela, or tias is also obese. But al your fools who look at weight are dumb.the video does not show but piece of what happened. Susan R. probably bought the tickets the women taping was siting on. When asked in the airplane for the seat number you don't get upset. It has happened im in the wrong seat. But no the lady wanted ringside seating without paying for it. She the mensa not the Ruvalcaba lady. But you want the make an issue. She is the only one standing to help the city and some of you don't get it. Pobrecitos. No wonder we always pick the wro g candidate. Susan is the best candidate. Por eso le hechan. VOTE FOR her. She will stand up to the corruption.

Anonymous said...

Gorda tu madre y tu abuela. Tan mensos que no mas en eso se fijan. Tienen razon pero no tienen verguenza. I am an overweight female and I will be damn some idiot wants to fat shame me or my friends or family. Since when are we so mean and nasty to keep making those type of comments. So man aren't fat. Only women. Most of you. Tell me is your mom fat? Look at the candidate. Not at bull shit stuff. Of she's too fat. Oh she dresses wrong. Blah, blah blah.
Me dan verguenza que no sean mas inteligentes.

Anonymous said...

Is this woman going to do things for the city? Yes she will. She is standing up for the corruption in Tenaska. Who else but her? But some of you don't care if we get ripped off. Let's vote for our buddies, the ones who don't do shit for us. A vote for Susan means a vote for all of us. This is not a republican or Democrat thing. Open your eyes. She will defend all the residents. Ah but you want to make it a party thing. Local races are not about party they are about all of us. It's some of the democrats who jump and get bothered. Well if she's republican then she must be bad. McAllen voted for a republican mayor because he was the best candidate. It's about who is the Best.
Susan will fight for you. I don't even know her but I, my friends and family will vote for her. To bad she's not running for mayor.
