Tuesday, March 7, 2023


(Ed.s Note: As if by magic, two business owners were surprised to see that a damaged GMS dumpster that had been missing a lid for months had suddenly been replaced with a newer-looking unit. It even has a lid.

The owners of Chef Ricardo's Restaurant and The Sportsmans Lounge in the heart of downtown Brownsville
said they pay $200 monthly and had been asking GMS to replace the missing lid on the dumpster in the bottom picture going on months until photos circulated two days ago Sunday on social media.

They complained that the garbage from the restaurant and stale beer from empty bottles attracted swarms of flies and emitted a stench which created an unsanitary and unsightly situation to their customers and the public.

Here's looking at you GMS. Now fix your rolling stock so you won't continue to drench the town with hydraulic fluid. There's room for improvement.)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Juan. Now you can piss next to it without being seen. Never go to war with a person with a keyboard, with time in their hands and their own blog.

Uneless it is Bobby Whitman Cervantes. Screw BWC. Go back to Nicaragua you freak.

Anonymous said...

andale gueyes do the job and get good ratings pendejos basureros. the owners(GMS) not the workers.

Anonymous said...

When was the last time the city went out on garbage bids for services with equipment? WHEN???

go out on bids stop el ratismo all of you elected officials...

BobbyWC said...

It is funny before elections how receptive elected officials can be.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Montoya, do a story on the smelly dripping trash trucks. As citizens we pay for the upkeep of these trucks and in the summer all they do is leave the stink behind.

Anonymous said...

Jan Montoya always gets it done. But only if it's a minor bullshit thing.

Go to Matamoros, blogger!

then I'll be impressed.

heh heh

Anonymous said...

Order another one so el pendejo at:March 7, 2023 at 12:23 PM can sit down and take a lick. MARICON.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Bobby Whitman Cervantes, go and eff yourself, you ugly-ass whatever. And stay away, jojo. Go back to your failed blog or go take a long shit on Barton's dying blog.

puros machos aqui, guey!!!

Anonymous said...

Election time baby, things change just close too that time, but NOT THE BPUB REFUNDS? NOTHING ON THAT YET JUAN? Just asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

gracias muchas gracias, los que hemos estado temporalmente fuera, no te digo por siempre se me escapan la lagrimas, desde Califas un abrazo para todos los que están fuera de su querida ciudad.

Anonymous said...

Republican Mitch McConnell Launches Rare Attack On FOX News Over Misleading Jan. 6 Footage

The top Senate Republican said the cable network made "a mistake" in showing selectively edited footage from the 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Other Republicans followed suit. FOX News is dead shit.

Anonymous said...

Now do your job and tell the truth about this election. It is Galonsky v. Hernandez. Neither should be allowed to control our city government. I'm voting for the candidates not associated with either of them.

Anonymous said...

Is the food at Ricardo’s good?

Anonymous said...


Although the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 was a global tragedy, it wasn’t until 2012 — 100 years later — that there was a Mexican “vision” of the most famous shipwreck of the 20th century.

The new awareness that the ill-fated vessel had carried a Mexican politician, who was said to have saved a woman’s life, suddenly made this a Mexican story. And Mexicans love tall tales and legends.

But is this story a tall tale?

What has been verified without doubt is that Manuel Uruchurtu Ramírez did indeed die on the Titanic. However, whether or not the heroic story of him saving a woman’s life was true quickly became the focus of controversy after his story was revealed in a book published in 2012.

source: MexicoNewsDaily.com

National News said...

National news

Anonymous said...

March 7, 2023 at 1:21 PM March 7, 2023 at 12:23 PM
Como chingas joton maricon te gustan los hombres joto?

Anonymous said...

Still chewing on the same piece of FAT
There has to be something better to write about

Anonymous said...

Good work Montoya, dont let all these negative Nancy's and depressed Dave's tell you other wise, it's the little things that count the most, one small step in the name of progress will eventually lead to a giant leap in success.

Positive Paul

Anonymous said...

March 8, 2023 at 8:20 AM
Don't like it open your own blog pendejetes idiota y MARICON. Te gustan los pelados joto.

Anonymous said...

March 7, 2023 at 1:21 PM
Impress your mama jotingo like she impresses los borrachos en la catorce guey!

Anonymous said...

March 8, 2023 at 8:20 AM
Si tu mama pendejo

Anonymous said...

Can't be a meskin on the titanic its a gringo/coco lie. If there was UNO on the titanic that means there was tomato, cotton, esparagas, beets fields, but there were no fields on the titanic so its a lie

Anonymous said...

"Algo es algo" dijo el diablo.
