Tuesday, March 7, 2023



Two of the four Americans kidnapped in Mexico have been found dead, while the other two have been found alive, according to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The Mexican president said one of those found alive was injured.

(The New York Times reported that at least one of the Americans died at the scene of the attack on Friday, in which gunmen shot at their car, according to a senior Mexican official who was not authorized to speak publicly.

Of the four kidnapping victims, “two of them are dead, one person is injured and the other is alive,” said the governor of Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal, speaking live by phone at the Mexican president’s daily news conference on Tuesday.

“Ambulances and the rest of the security personnel are on their way right now to offer support,” Mr. Villarreal said. The two survivors are now in a safe location and being offered medical attention, according to the senior Mexican official.

U.S. and Mexican authorities have been searching for the four Americans since they were kidnapped in Mexico on Friday after they crossed into the country from Texas for medical help, according to officials in both countries.)

The American citizens crossed into Matamoros, in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas just south of Brownsville, Texas, in a white minivan with North Carolina plates on Friday, according to the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City.

"Shortly after crossing into Mexico, unidentified gunmen shot the passengers of the vehicle," the embassy said. "The gunmen herded the four U.S. citizens into another vehicle and fled the scene with them."

The four Americans were identified as Zindell Brown, Eric James Williams and cousins Latavia "Tay" McGee and Shaeed Woodard.

McGee's mother, Barbara Burgess, told ABC News that her daughter traveled from South Carolina to Mexico for a cosmetic medical procedure.

On Friday, the day of the appointment, Burgess said McGee called to say she was 15 minutes away from the doctor's office. Burgess called McGee later that day but never heard back, she said.

The Americans were taken after getting caught in the middle of a confrontation between groups, according to Mexico's president, who told reporters Monday that they "crossed the border to buy medicines in Mexico."


Anonymous said...

Are they Blacks?


Anonymous said...

Cosmetic medical procedure?

was she looking for a bigger butt?

oh, no!

Anonymous said...

Life is short.

Gotta enjoy every day, ese.

Anonymous said...

Matamoros is a safe city for killers, robbers, drug dealers, Kidnappers carjackers, Extortion, Intimidation, plus you get the support of Mexican government and U.S. government. Oh I forgot, Brownsville city government loves Matamoros law enforcement like our traffic cops doing their traffic tickets . Brownsville needs the cash cow cops.

Anonymous said...

Have a black lives matter protest in Mexico. Then watch as the cartels do us a favor.

Anonymous said...

You used to be a field reporter, Monty. Go to Mata!

Imagine NY Times reporters looking for local bloggers and updated info on this kidnapping/murder and then finding their own stories leading the blog's reporting?

high laughter, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Dos ciudadanos estadounidenses desaparecidos desde su violento secuestro la semana pasada en la ciudad fronteriza de Matamoros, en el norte de México, fueron encontrados muertos y otros dos están vivos, dijo el martes el gobernador del estado de Tamaulipas.

El gobernador Américo Villarreal dijo que uno de los ciudadanos estadounidenses sobrevivientes resultó herido y el otro no.

El FBI había informado el domingo que estaba buscando con las autoridades mexicanas a los estadounidenses desaparecidos, quienes fueron secuestrados el viernes. Un familiar de uno de los estadounidenses dijo el lunes que los cuatro habían viajado juntos desde Carolina del Sur para que uno de ellos pudiera hacerse una abdominoplastia con un médico de Matamoros.

“De los cuatro, dos están muertos, una persona está herida y la otra está viva”, dijo Villarreal, y agregó que las ambulancias y otras autoridades estaban en camino para brindar apoyo a los sobrevivientes.

Poco después de ingresar a México el viernes, quedaron atrapados en el fuego cruzado de grupos de cárteles rivales. Un video mostró que hombres armados los cargaban en la parte trasera de una camioneta.

Villarreal confirmó las muertes por teléfono durante una conferencia de prensa matutina del presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, y dijo que los detalles sobre los cuatro estadounidenses secuestrados habían sido confirmados por los fiscales.

“De los cuatro, dos están muertos, una persona está herida y la otra está viva”, dijo Villarreal, y agregó que las ambulancias y otras autoridades estaban en camino para brindar apoyo a los sobrevivientes.

El gobernador no compartió ningún detalle adicional sobre dónde o cómo fueron encontrados. Se esperaba que compartiera más información en su propia conferencia de prensa diaria programada para el martes por la tarde.

Anonymous said...

Americans getting killed on the streets of Matamoros and Barton has a funny Charlie Clark billboard. La finite cut off his nuts and made Luzon stew. What a drag it is getting old

Anonymous said...

Fuck Eric Garza the worst sheriff in Cameron county history

Anonymous said...

Se lo buscaron. You only go to Matamoros if you are looking for trouble.

Anonymous said...

They applied for a load on the products these meskins sell and couldn't pay up. This happens all the time. The local money loan companies sometimes do the same, but the local companies don't take your life they take your home.

Anonymous said...

The State Department has had a Level 4 travel advisory for the Mexican state of Tamaulipas for some time yet people tend to ignore it. Being that these individuals were black, they probably became belligerent and confrontational causing their own deaths. A further advisory should be issued to all Blacks informing them that the Mexican cartels do not comply with BLM ,WOKE or LGBTQ BS!

Anonymous said...

Get shot in style in Mata by driving one of our brand new carro, dale gas, and tell em' grandma sent you...

Anonymous said...

Mi Matamoscas Querido !

Anonymous said...

Tens of thousands of people cross to Matamoros every month. Black Americans cross and snap! They're shot at? C'mon man! Coincidence? I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

Wow the government paying rewards for criminals !

This aren't military members MIA like jessica and bo in Afghanistan these are Criminals!

Anonymous said...

Stories are being changed first they were here to buy medication to a butt lift three your tummy tuck I don't think that's what they were here for investigate and say the truth mistaken an identity don't believe that too come on FBI

Anonymous said...

Haitians? buying drugs!! with what money? I owe yous?
I think the doctors are the ones, competition is getting out of hand in matamoscas. jus sain' my ugly now pretty girl friend tulmeeee.

Anonymous said...

A protest is planned by the victims of violent crimes on blacks, this sunday at the Island. Everybody is welcome and bring your own alcohol and drugs.

Anonymous said...

Glad they found them, but why was this made a big deal and when 3 Ameericans from Progreso also were abducted and killed in Matamoros a few years back nothing was done? What's the difference?

Anonymous said...

The federal police, the local matamoscas police, los federales, guardia nacional, ministerial federal policias, policia judicial federal, Agencia Federal de Investigación, AFI, Vicente Fox, Mexico city police, delegacioes federales de policias, secretaris de gobernacion, policia estatal and El Banco De Mexico, have contributed to the investigation of four us citizens sequestered and they have broken the case wide open. Vicente Fox talking in the Disney channel reiterated that no stone had been left unturned to come to this conclusion (he was given a free ticket to Disneyland in Florida. FACT

Anonymous said...

Netlix has started to lay the ground work to start a movie on the incidents that occured during the kidnapping. The following famous movie stars have been contacted for a possible role in this movie: Richard Burton, Burt Lancaster, Clint Eastwood, Gregory Peck, John Wayne, Charles Bronson, Paul Newman and Spencer Tracy...
we'll be waiting

Anonymous said...

Hablenle a la chota del sheriffe Almanza el sabe todo. Son amigos

Anonymous said...

The Americans were found in El Ejido El Tecolote.
The FBI offered a 40,000 reward for information.
The FBI agents are in the Matamoros Consulate. That is the reason the 4 Americans were found. The Mexican government did not pay attention to any of this ( the Governor of Tamaulipas was on a field trip, the Mexican President is talking about the USA trying to control Mexico) nor informed the citizens of Matamoros of the situation. The official story is that the Americans were from Haiti and there was a confusion. The guys on the video do not look confused, they knew what they were doing. The big error was that a Mexican lady was killed.

Now the RunRun is that the 4 Americans were part of the Drug lords and were in Matamoros to do a drug deal. Maybe the FBI will find out the truth.

Who knows the truth?

Anonymous said...

They all had criminal records. US news media may not report this.


Anonymous said...

There certainly is more to this story. First it was reported that these NC folks had come to MX to buy prescription drugs. Hmmm, they could have gone to Canada (much closer-look at the map) for same. Then it was reported that, no, they had come down for cosmetic surgery...really?? On the other hand, come down to MX to buy drugs? Don't think so...the Cartel will deliver the load to you in NC and there you pay up...smooth transaction. One of these days the truth will come out. In the meantime, wait for the TV version.

Anonymous said...

Cops up north are goin' who we gonna shoot now, they all left to meskco?
