Monday, March 27, 2023



Anonymous said...

UVALDE: A dark, dark day for Texas law enforcement. Day of The Coward Badge.

Thanks for keeping it alive, Monty.

(Have you considered drawing your own toons, so that you wouldn't have to take stuff from others?)

Anonymous said...

To Serve and Protect not Run like Hell

Anonymous said...

If that school shooter had been prosecuted for animal cruelty , he wouldn't have bern able to buy those high end AR15s.

I'm tempted to bond this guy out to make dog food out of him.

Anonymous said...

It is easy to call law enforcement officers cowards when you are an actual coward who is too afraid to become a law enforcement officer. Uvalde was a sad incident that no one could predict what was going to happen. We need to learn from this and be prepared for future horrible incidents like Uvalde. It is very easy to play Monday night quarter back when you aren’t even out on the field. Every incident is unique and all we can ask is that everyone does their best. Please stop criticizing law enforcement officers who work hard to do their job.

Anonymous said...

Freaking sad!
And ima gun toting resident
It's not about taking sides
Just what is morally correct

Anonymous said...

Nothing but tyrants, PERIOD, and with a badge and a gun.
look at the first amendment auditors on face book you will see the real cops as they really are, ready to kill.

Anonymous said...

Its easy , very easy to call these Uvalde( responding) law enforcement officers COWARDS. The key words here are Uvalde ( responding) officers, not ALL law enforcement officers!! Don’t add confusion to the comments. We are talking the facts here. Personally I support law enforcement officers but what happened in Uvalde was a tragic travesty( clusterfuck) . Furthermore choosing to become a law enforcement officer is a CALLING and has nothing to do with having fear in becoming one. ITS A PERSONS CHOICE!! The police motto is : TO PROTECT AND SERVE but unfortunately in the Uvalde tragedy it was STAND BY FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS ( for more than 1 hour) while innocent children/teachers were being murdered. These senseless mass shootings have become the norm in our country with no end in sight. And to all those officers who every day put their lives on the line for us : THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE AND GOD BLESS. Thats my opinion thanks

Anonymous said...

1:58 Yes I agree that every situation is different but in the Uvalde tragedy, absolutely nothing was done to alleviate or put an end to the situation. Nothing/ Nada Even non - law enforcement could see the total failure of law enforcement in Uvalde. Experts across the country and the world agreed with this assessment. Now let’s look at the Nashville shooting , TEXT BOOK !!! This is what we expect from our officers!! Kudos to these brave officers. Can you see now 1:58 why we feel the way we feel about the officers in Uvalde. If we were in court I would say : “I REST MY CASE” Sadly, whether its Uvalde or Nashville, the worst part of all this mess is the senseless loss of innocent lives . MAY THEY ALL REST IN PEACE.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:58
The brutal fact is that the Uvalde law enforcement officers (Police, State Troopers, Border Patrol, etc) failed miserably. Innocent young lives, and 2 Teachers, were lost because of, simply put, COWARDICE! No one can put a positive spin on this debacle. If your calling, or your choice, is to become a law enforcement officer, the first box you must check off is VALOR. If you cannot do that, choose another profession. Law Enforcement is just not about riding around in a car, indescriminitely harassing and bullying people, hiding your cowardice behind the badge, and, yes, geting fat. It is much more than that but, above all, you must have courage. You are not a hero just because of the uniform. Kudos for the Nashville PD. This is how it's done. Hopefully all law enforcement officers learn from this.
