Monday, March 6, 2023


By Kevin Sieff and Leo Sands
The Washington Post

MEXICO CITY — A woman sits on the ground next to a white Chrysler Pacifica minivan. It’s wedged against a red Chevrolet. The driver’s side window appears to have been punctured by a bullet; the tires are deflated. Close by, three other individuals lie immobile on the road.

Then armed men wearing protective vests force the woman to the back of a white pickup. The three others are dragged to the truck, trailing what appears to be blood on the ground. A fifth person, apparently injured, lies on a sidewalk.
Video and photographs verified by The Washington Post capture a chaotic scene at an intersection in the border city of Matamoros, Mexico, just three blocks from the United States, where officials from both countries say four U.S. citizens were fired on and abducted last Friday.

The four remained missing Monday; the FBI offered a $50,000 reward for their safe return and information leading to the arrests of those responsible.

  Four U.S. citizens remain missing after they were kidnapped in Mexico. The Americans came under fire shortly after crossing the border from into Matamoros. ( Rich Matthews/The Washington Post)

The Americans came under fire shortly after they crossed the border Friday into the city of Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Tex., the FBI said in a statement Sunday. The Americans were traveling in a white minivan with North Carolina plates.

“All four Americans were placed in a vehicle and taken from the scene by armed men,” the bureau said.

Officials do not believe the victims were targeted before the encounter. There was no evidence they were linked to organized crime in Mexico, U.S. officials said; none of the four have criminal records.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the Americans had “crossed the border to buy medicine in Mexico” when they were caught in a crossfire “between groups.” Ken Salazar, the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, said an “innocent Mexican citizen” was killed.

Oliver Rich, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s San Antonio Division, said the bureau was seeking assistance from the public in identifying the kidnappers. The FBI did not release names of the victims. The bureau is investigating the kidnapping alongside Mexican law enforcement agencies.

The San Antonio Division declined to provide more details Monday. The State Department and Mexican police did not respond to requests for further comment.

The White House said that President Biden had been briefed and that it was “closely following the assault and kidnapping” of the Americans.

“These sorts of attacks are unacceptable,” White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said in a news briefing. “We stand ready to provide all appropriate consular assistance.” She said U.S. law enforcement and the State and Homeland Security departments would “continue to coordinate with Mexico and push them to bring those responsible to justice.

Matamoros, home to 580,000 people, is the second-largest city in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, across from Texas’s southern tip. Tamaulipas is one of six Mexican states to which the State Department advises Americans against traveling, citing the risk of crime and kidnapping.

“Criminal groups target public and private passenger buses, as well as private automobiles traveling through Tamaulipas, often taking passengers and demanding ransom payments,” the State Department says. Heavily armed members of criminal groups often patrol border regions in the state.

On the day of the kidnapping, the U.S. Consulate in Matamoros said it had received police reports of a deadly shooting in the city and ordered U.S. government officials to avoid the area in the vicinity of Calle Primera and Lauro Villar. There was no immediate indication that the incident was connected to the kidnapping.

Tamaulipas is among the most dangerous states in Mexico, largely because of violent conflict between armed groups warring for territory. Some of those groups in recent years have used kidnapping as a revenue stream, at times abducting migrants waiting along the border.

But security in Matamoros has improved in recent years, with fewer high-profile attacks like the one that preceded Friday’s kidnapping. Many Americans who live across the border in Brownsville walk or drive to Matamoros for lunch or to see a doctor. In January, Texas Monthly published a list of the city's best taquuerias.

Matamoros is firmly in the hands of the Gulf Cartel, but fractures within that group have led to waves of violence elsewhere in Tamaulipas state. Analysts have expressed concern that if similar fissures emerge in Matamoros, the city’s relative peace could be disturbed.


BobbyWC said...

To say there is a lot of confusion about this story is an understatement. The FBI has put out confusing and conflicting statements.

A national report I have worked with in he past called me and asked if I had any inside information. Well I did on an important tape which has not surfaced yet. I made a lot of calls to help her out. If the person with the tape is going to release it she will know in the morning.

I have no idea what is on it, I just know it exists.

THE STRANGE PART - after a source gave me a strange claim about what happened, although it can be half true even though it makes no sense. Now ask yourself you are here and a Haitian with permission to go back and forth to Mexico, are you going to stay in Brownsville now that you have permission to be here, or leave Texas? As a Haitian I think you are leaving for a place with a lot more Haitians, but I could wrong. Anyway shortly after my last contact, I get a call from Mexico with a young woman calling me saying I needed to go get her or they will kill her. I ask her who she is and she says "Bob you are my dad, you have to come get me or they will kill me" One, I have no children and if I did they would never be allowed to called by my first name. Also everyone who knows me calls my Bobby. I tell her I have no children and she says "Bob you have to come get me or they will kill me."
Again I say I have no children and an older man takes the phone and curses me out and then hangs up. The unsettling issue is they knew my name. Without that I would have just thought of it as a scam to try and get money out of me over a fake kidnapping. So watch out for these calls. It could be a new scam. But the fact she knew my name was a bit unnerving.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Juan, relying on this out of town newspaper for a local story?

get your ass over to Mata and report, ese!

and now you also rely on BobbyWC to patch up your holes?

No, pos, no.

Anonymous said...

Can we get rid of this BoobyWC clown? He's not only annoying but I've seen photos of him and the guy is too ugly to be here!

This not a GAY website, dude.

- A real veteran

Anonymous said...

Jan, go check Matamoros trash dumpsters!

That's a popular dropoff point for cartel victims, lid or no lid!

Anonymous said...

As a person who lives in Brownsville and crosses occasionally into Matamoros, for leisure. This story brings me such sadness. I love my heritage, and city. We just got done celebrating Charro’s Day. A local holiday for both Brownsville and Matamoros. With festivals, carnivals and concerts. My prayers go out to the families of the 4. I hope they are returned to you quickly and safely!

- Vince Valdez

Anonymous said...

Lo que digo yo es que todo mundo sabe de esto y nada se hace para derrumbarlo. Me pregunto: Esto es lo que quiere Mexico?

pos, parece que si.

Anonymous said...

"Are you feelin' yoself?"

"Yes, I'm feelin' muhself."

Anonymous said...

First question?
Why was there Drone reconnaissance on this particular vehicle?
2.)Why are there no specific details about the individuals that were allegedly kidnapped?
3.) Was this vacation trip, or a covert-Op?

(rest of the story will shock you.)

Anonymous said...

BS It's a daily occuance and some as- ho-- racist republican got a hold or purchased the video and mailed it to all the news companies. Its happened before and it will happen again. Look at the dates near an eletion.
end of story

Anonymous said...

Arturo Treviño says it’s safe to cross into Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much she saved on the tummy tuck.

Anonymous said...

where's 15,16,19, 25? BISD grad? or local police academy?

Anonymous said...

Yeah let me go get liposuction after 6 kids and bring 3 male friends sure

Anonymous said...

tummy tucks are charged by the oz and the size of the spread...

Anonymous said...

How to Plan (and Pack) for the Perfect Getaway to Matamoscas.
buy LIFE insurance

Anonymous said...

My theory is the victims were snitches working for us govt
That's why FBI offered the reward that's why the cover up about a medical procedure and that's why they were kidnapped instead of just left on the street

Anonymous said...

A protest is planned by the victims of violent crimes on blacks, this sunday at the Island. Everybody is welcome and bring your own alcohol and drugs.

Anonymous said...

March 7, 2023 at 2:03 PM
Its BISD can't count they think that 9 months equals 12 months ooooooooooopppppps its in the contract that they know...
