Friday, April 28, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The 13th Court of Appeals has denied Brownsville Independent School District board member Minerva Peña's appeal of a district court ruling that void\ed her 2020 victory against Marisa F. Leal and ordered a new election. 

The court issued its ruling on Peña's appeal Thursday.

The trials court found that the  margin of victory was eight votes and that the irregularities in the election process accounted for 24 and exceeded the margin of victory. 

The appeals court found that the trial court had not erred in determining that the outcome of the election was materially affected and that  it was not necessary for the trial court to determine how the individual voters voted.

Additionally, they ruled that the trial court was not required to follow Peña’s proposed formula, which depended on a determination that a percentage of the twenty-four illegal votes went to a certain candidate. 

"Therefore, the trial court did not abuse its discretion when it declared the election void," the ruling stated. "We overrule Peña’s sole issue."

In her appeal, Peña claimed that the trial court’s had erred in its judgment favor of  Leal declaring the 2020 general election for the board of trustees, Place 6, of the BISD void and ordering a new election. , Peña contended that the trial court used the wrong formula in determining that twenty-four illegally cast votes “were equal to or greater than the number of votes necessary to materially affect the outcome of the election."

The appeals court affirmed the trial court's ruling on the issue. 

On the November 3, 2020 the election was held and three candidates ran for the position, including Peña and Leal. Eventually, Peña was declared the winner of the election. She won by eight votes. 

Leal sued contesting the result of the election. A bench trial was held. The trial court ruled in favor of Leal, declared the election void, and ordered a new election. In its order, the trial court stated, “The Court further finds that the twenty-four (24) illegal votes cast in this election is equal to or greater than the number of votes necessary to change the outcome of the election.” 

The trial court found that several of the votes were illegal as follows: 
(1) sixteen mail-in voters used the same single address that was clearly not the residence of all sixteen mail-in voters;

(2) three mail-in ballots had improper signatures on the envelope of the mail-in ballots; and 

(3) five voters received unlawful assistance when they voted. Peña filed a motion for new trial claiming that “the minimum number of votes needed to change the outcome of the election was over 100 votes.” Peña argued that the trial court’s “error comes from [its] failure to analyze the distribution of the votes that are deducted from each of the three (3) party’s vote count.” 

The trial court denied Peña’s motion for new trial and she appealed.

The appeals court disagreed and ruled that the trial court acted within its discretion and declared that they could not reverse the judgment simply because we might have reached a different result. 

Further, it stated that "a trial court is not required to determine 'for whom an illegal vote was cast,' and instead, “the code provides that ‘if the tribunal finds that illegal votes were cast but cannot ascertain how the voters voted, the tribunal shall consider those votes in making its judgment."

(El Rrun-Rrun is indebted to blogger Robert Wightman-Cervantes for his assistance in providing the appeals court ruling.)


BobbyWC said...

The 13th Court of appeals may have the highest reversal rate of any court of appeals. In their opinion they do not even reference the argument there was on evidence even one disqualified ballot was caste in the BISD election. Why?

if the election stood by itself the case law is correct but wrong. It basically says the loser can be responsible for all the disqualified ballots and get a new election because they still not steal enough ballots.

I have no use for Pena, but I believe in our democracy. there is no evidence one disqualified ballot was caste in the BISD election.

We shall see what the Texas Supreme Court does.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Ratas R US

Anonymous said...

Pena BISD Secretary
Elected: 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020
Position 6
Retired Department of Public Safety Sergeant/Trooper

Anonymous said...

Please, how about all the people that voted for Pena and want to change their vote after all this.

I want to change my vote. No more Minerva Pena.

Anonymous said...

Local activists want an investigation against Mayor Trey Mendez
its juan, juan, he's not a gringo pendejo news company. de a donde saca trey idiota coco mamon.

Anonymous said...

Minnie mouse ya se te acabo el PEDO.

Anonymous said...

she's good and i see why people love her.

Wicho said...

The system is broken she's already served 3 years or terms almost over and now you're saying she lost the f****** system screwed up out of there

Anonymous said...

Todavia está peleando la chiche esta señora?? Se comporta como una vieja loca. No se cansa de hacer teatro y drama donde quiera que va. Y si hay comida gratis es la primera. Que no come en su casa??? Ya suelte la chiche señora y retirese. No le da vergüenza que todos la critiquen. Es obvio que no . Ya estamos cansados de lo mismo— que la religión, que fue trooper y que fue a la Porter. Es como un disco rayado. Ese tiempo ya paso, y a nadie le importa.

Anonymous said...

lost electricity last night at midnight just came back at 9:30am I guess they were all at the bank withdrawing the 150 million they stole from the citizens. Y EL D A QUE???? PINCHE MAMON O PERO LOS BORRACHOS SE LOS ECHA DE VOLADA PORQUE? PORQUE SON POBRES, THE RICH AND FAMOUS GET AWAY WITH ANY CRIME HERE PINCHE MAMON


Anonymous said...

Perdites para que lo haces de tanto pedo? You lost NOW GET LOST...

Anonymous said...

Cabbage Patch has been on the BISD Board too long on and off
Term limits need to be in place to prevent the same BOZOS from running again and again
I can't believe that Elizondo was elected again. Why was he even allowed to run again with his shady past history.

Anonymous said...

THE SIGN ONCE READ, this is dedicated to my local bank.

Anonymous said...

Enough with this disgruntled candidate. Let's move on. She didn't make a difference while on the school board anyway. Please help this individual find a job if she doesn't have one.

Anonymous said...

You ain't seen nothing YET look at the port and see what they do with OUR taxes. You haven't seen REAL RATAS AND REAL MAMONES YET
You can't dive on hwy 48 at 5pm WHY? TRUCKS AND 1000'S OF WORKERS FROM THE PORT GOING BACK TO THEIR HOME IN MATAMOROS. FACT..........................


Anonymous said...

Seriously, why does marisa leal want this position so bad? Is there something she has promised by some vendors and she has to get elected to collect? By the way word on the street is that marisa leal has breast cancer, hoping it is not true.

Anonymous said...

Please no more about this lady, we are tired of seeing her everywhere looking for a free meal. Wobbling into every function to tell everyone how great she was at Porter high and as a state trooper . ENOUGH ALREADY. This lady is old news, there are more important and worthwhile things to talk/write about!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Minerva doesn’t appeal the ruling and runs again for BISD. She has been a consistent board member, advocating for staff and the students. She will win again in 2024. She is an advocate for the people. Que dios te bendiga Minerva.

Anonymous said...

At least go on a diet por favor!

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous individual that is asking why Marisa Leal wants this position and questioning her integrity for the position. Assuming she has vendors which on the record was the ONLY running candidate NOT to accept vendor money (public record) look it up, you might educate yourself. Instead ask yourself why Mrs peña has lost 3 cases and counting and yet she keeps appealing a case she will continue losing (again public record). Plus she was LITERALLY caught accepting a bribe (again public record). Turned out she's just an mini version of Atkinson and we ALL know how that turned out. Let's not forget Nepotism. If you are going to question motives and integrity for a position, do us a favor and do NOT turn the blind eye. So next time make sure your opinion is unbiased, and do your due diligence on potential candidates. Remember this is for the district, it's employees and especially for the kids benefit. NOT for the board members benefits. If you want change, Marisa Leal will bring that change.

Anonymous said...

Really post May 4, 2023 at 11:29 a.m.! Marisa Leal will bring change? How? As far as you accusing people of taking a bride, give us facts. Marisa Leal appears to be in it just so her hubby Louie can be the actual board member and Marisa will be just the mouth piece. You apparently know the Leal family well and how much they love to party on weekends at local party drinking establishments. Marisa is not for helping the community. Marisa and her hubby Louie are wicked people. Don’t believe that, just look at how that Louie guy loves to dress as the santa muerte. How bad is this family? You want them on the school board making decisions for your children? Seriously? Not Good!

Anonymous said...

May 6th 1:50 am post? Really? 1:50 in the morning? Assuming the Leal's like to party, but here you are commenting at 1:50 in the morning. Did you get enough liquid courage to spew all the BS you just let out? First off, Community people; they have done way more for the Community than Minerva and more than likely you have COMBINED! Let's look at Minerva's track record shall we? She was in FACT caught accepting a bribe while on the board it's LITERALLY ON RECORD. Mrs peña even tried to use her STATE TROOPER uniform in court for leverage which the judge sent her home regarding it. Now, if you want to look into more scams then you should really look into Minerva's Pony League. If that doesn't open your eyes then you are pretty much a loss cause as basic common knowledge is NOT your strong suit. Now, since you referenced her husband Louie, let's go there. Mr Leal has taught for BISD for 30+ years, so Mrs Leal running for school board at this point in his career is pretty much irrelevant. Mr Leal has a track record of doing phenomenal things for kids with the limited tools the district provides. As for wicked people, give me some FACTS that show they are wicked and no NOT the gimmick Mr Leal did of the grimm reaper (not the Santa muerte, but you would know who that was). The Grimm reaper was a stand up to the district for it's non existent ways of taking care of kids and it's employees during covid at its PEAK, there was no plan in place to insure the or at least to attempt to prevent the spread of covid. It was so bad that some teachers retired early, also FACT. Everything I have stated thus far has FACTUAL evidence due to PUBLIC RECORDS. Look them up, use them, educate yourself instead of using baseless assumptions that trigger you to respond after the lights come on, on your last call. Not a good look for you or your compare. So to answer your question, yes, Marisa Leal WILL bring change. Something peña couldn't do in 10+ years. By the way, IF you are looking out for the district and not Minerva then you should be upset at the fact the she hasn't paid the $40k+ money back for losing the recount. Not once, not twice, but THREE times and counting! I leave with this final question. Why is Minerva STILL fighting a battle she keeps losing appeal after appeal because she voted fraud. Once again PUBLIC RECORD. Now ask yourself, why is she fighting so hard to keep her a NON PAYING POSITION? But you said Mrs Leal got vendor money? Looks like Minerva might be up to her chins in I O U's with her vendors. If none of y'all see this, then you are part of the problem.
