Saturday, April 22, 2023


(It seems the public needs a program to know who the players are in this continuing saga of the "Nat and PAC Faulty Construction" Play, so I will attempt to provide the details. These facts are taken from the April 12, 2023 School Board meeting.)
By Tomas Montemayor
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

2017- March 14, 2022 Dr. Nate Carman employed by SBCISD
Nov. 2018 - $40 million bond issue passed
Jan. 2019 - Joseph Palacios, Brighton Company, Hired as Project Manager
Nov. 2019 - Davila Construction Company, Inc. hired as construction manager of Nat and PAC
March 2, 2022 - Foundations of Nat and PAC poured
March 21, 2022 - Theresa Servellon hired as SBCISD Supt.

Davila Construction Company, Inc.: Poured the foundations.

ROFA Architects: The firm whose inspectors, since back in March, 2022, were the first persons to find "discrepancies in where the Geopiers were actually located vs where they should be, which is under the foundation, " as presented at the April 12, 2023 school board meeting.

Mr. Mike Alex: ROFA representative to the board when Orlando Lopez asks, "Why wasn't it (the misplaced foundation) addressed then?" Mr. Alex responds, "I don't know. I don't know why y'all weren't notified then. I can't explain that." Later he said, "We have stopped work on both buildings. We want to make sure we didn't build vertically anymore and then have to take things down." So citizens, who should have notified the district that there were issues with the foundation back in March of 2022?

Mr. Ivan Garcia: Professional Land Surveyor, brought in by the district, showed proof where the Geopiers are not under either of the foundations. Geopiers don't shift.

Hinojosa Engineering: Structural Engineers Main supporting columns of the building, very critical beams supporting the roof were checked and same thing was found.

Mr. Kyle Workman: Forensic Accounting on Construction. He is a construction expert that testifies in legal matters, evaluates conditions on projects, examined some of the matters brought forth by Davila Construction.

1. Mr. Workman reviewed the Davila cost escalation claim in the amount of over $1,000,000 and he says, "documents do not bear out the position Davila has taken "in its request for over $1 million dollars. Attorney Weller asked if the documents bear out Davila's claim needing an additional $1 million? Answer: "Not that I've seen, No."

2. Time and Delay claim made by Davila. Mr. Workman reports, "not able to identify where a procurement delay or reconstruction delay of foundation elements resulting from the failure related to the construction of foundation would have impacted the project. Need to continue our investigation of the information provided (by Davila)."

3. Mr. Workman was asked what he saw on the pay applications. “Pay application submission process is Not in accordance with the prime contract of Cost plus guarantee maximum price. (Cost plus fee, not just percentage complete) Contract is very prescriptive. The Package is to include all the necessary supporting information, invoicing, petty cash, expenses, payroll reports, the kind of things in order to justify every amount that's being billed. 

"That was not taking place until one of the most recent transactions after this was identified (to be a problem). It seemed Davila Construction tried to recreate the supporting information of previous payment applications. There are some discrepancies there. There appear to be some things that appear to be duplicative. Going forward, we need to make sure the payment amounts match the costs that have been incurred in the project and that they are compensable. The contract is not wide open in terms that not just any cost they incur on the project is compensable, There are limitations attributable to the contract.” 
Weller: “We brought this issue up with Davila, we noted it and that we have concerns with it. There is no debate, there is no dispute. The applications were not submitted as the contract calls for.”

Board member Orlando Lopez asked who approved the pay applications. Answer: Approved by ROFA and (Joseph Palacios of) Brighton.

Vocabulary term-“Shift”: Doesn't mean the Geopiers are moving or that the foundation is moving due to weight or weathering. Ariel Cruz and Rudy Corona kept asking about the piers shifting. Mr. Garcia and Mr. Alex made it clear that the Geopiers can’t shift. “Shift” is an industry term meaning that the foundation was poured not directly above the Geopiers, but had been shifted over to areas not above the Geopiers. After Ariel again asked about Geopiers moving, or shifting, Mr. Alex again stated, "The Geopiers do not shift. They are not in the right location and the foundations are not in the right location."

Vocabulary term- “Foundational Discrepancies”: Mr. Mike Alex defined, "Beams not being in the correct location. Honeycombing happening at foundations where we've had to take foundations out, all that happened in 2022."

Conclusion: Mr. Alex from ROFA Architects clarified for Orlando Lopez, that back in March 2022, their inspectors were the first persons to find discrepancies in where the Geopiers were actually located vs. where they should be, which is under the foundation “since back in March, 2022."

Mr. Alex: “Our focus is primarily investigative. We are trying to figure out how pervasive the problem is, the degree and scale of it. The problem could be vast or it could be small. We will certainly get to the point of how this happened and who is responsible, I need everyone on board to work together. From contractor, to engineers to you guys. I need communication. I need 2 weeks to come up with solutions. There are a number of piers that are off their intended target, we need to look at every one of the piers."

Well, citizens, let's see what happens in the next few weeks. I'll keep you posted, or better still, watch the meetings yourself. It’s a learning experience and it affects your tax dollars.


Anonymous said...

They learn fast el RATISMO es como una fiebre. Being next to the most corrupt city in Texas they have to pick up some moivdas chuecas, of course.

Anonymous said...

The School board has educated board members. Like what happened? Most go in with good intentions but are quickly influenced by others on the board and those that go them elected. U have one school board candidate that pays no school taxes cause he lives with is mother and doesn’t contribute to the school pot. But he wants to get elected and make decisions with other peoples money. Yes I can see why San Benito is in trouble now.


Anonymous said...

Bottom line is there are issues with the FOUNDATION. Where were the inspectors who observed and made sure that every phase of the project was correct when the foundation was being built? Quit pointing fingers at who is at fault and take the shit down. If this shit were to collapse imagine the number of VICTIMS who could get hurt or killed. This project was funded by the San Benito Independent School District land grant monies which involved many money hungry wanna be's whose main interest is the MONIES and deep pockets. Every one of these players involved in this FAULTY construction should be held accountable from beginning to end for results of the Stupidity. Also, the SBISD leaders who dreamed this cover-up, they should be held liable and should pay with their own monies for such disgusting results. The main issue is that the public now knows of such waste of money and who the main players are and who to go after if this building collapses. Even for the ones who knew of this default and kept quiet about it. These monies spent on these failures should not be paid by us taxpayers.
This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

No one here cares a short shit about that dusthole San Bene, home of some of the ugliest Mexicans in Texas.

Local news, ese!

Local news.

Anonymous said...

Stay in your own dirty hometown, you elderly Pachuco! San Bene does not need your ass.

- Rockford Galvan

Anonymous said...

In reference to the 10:02 comment if this building does collapses due to this intentional, purposely, willingly, knowingly, malicious and conspiracy committed by these idiots it will MEET ALL THE ELEMENTS TO COMMITING INTENTIONAL CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE. This is not just a San Benito issue idiote its SBICD grant monies that is being wasted on idiots como tu penjos. It's not just San Benito residents who will be invitees to the faulty Performing Acts Center. You need to get the corn cob out of your ass before you jump to such stupidity.

Anonymous said...

rockford wanna be white coco but can't esta mas prieto que un mayate-pendejo.
sanbene wanna be white pero los gringos no los dejan

Anonymous said...

actually muskies wanted to sent someone from el cenote to mars. couldn't they all wanted to go mamones y lambiscones.

Anonymous said...

the bottomless pit el cenote del valle sanbene full of cocos wanna be white but can't they are all prietos hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

The legislation in mississippi creates a new court system in a part of the city known as the Capitol Complex Improvement District. The new judges will be appointed by the white chief justice of the Supreme Court and the new prosecutors by the white state attorney general. The Capitol Police is run by a white chief who answers to a white public safety commissioner who answers to a white governor.

So what, this has been going on here in texas ever since it became part of the US, NOTHING NEW HERE, only that meskin don't give a shit about their freedom and whitey knows this...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bottom line is there are issues with the FOUNDATION. Where were the inspectors who observed and made sure that every phase of the project was correct when the foundation was being built?

Good question. It was a chain of command and communication that broke down.

The inspectors trusted the employees, the employees followed the plans, the designers, the structural engineers worked together as a TEAM.

Finally the construction company guys finally had to solve all the issues by themselves:
Echale aqui, muevelo pa alla, echale mas agua, etc Pregunale aquel, nombre ese ya se fue etc.

The inspectors failed to see the problem. These are expert people in the construction business... they are not rookies.

Anonymous said...

I hear harlincon is going to built a wall along side the sanbene city limits THEY DON'T WANT YOUR ASSES THERE CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? EL PRIETO TOWN AND HARLINCHO IS PURO WHITE.

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2023 at 1:41 PM

Mexicans do care. That is why some families have a strong hold on their kids.
Some members of the family do not behave and the whole family goes down the drain.

Tough love is difficult for moms, dads, and grandparents.

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2023 at 10:09 AM
buy the herald estupido get your mama to taloniar downtown so you can buy the herald joto.

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2023 at 10:09 AM

Hey pendejo this is not a newpaper guey

Anonymous said...

using a gringo hame ain't NEVER gonna make your ass white it will be brown FOREVER y apestoso cocos learn

Anonymous said...

Tanto pedo
Tantos millones
How many Olympians have we produced from rgv swim

1- from texas ATM thry mission TX is which has no natatatorium

Bird builds theirs years ago for 5 millions and now its 40

Pave the roads stop the pot holes get us bus shelters
Stop trying to be round rock or Cibolo or austin
We are not

Anonymous said...

Juan another scam or scandal cant be as big as ours in Brownsville, $140 to $175 million, and once again our local DA mr bigote grande cara de raton wont lift a finger either. time to change out that shitty da diaper.

Anonymous said...

Only one uno candidate touched on all our request and that is castro. People make fun of this person for a reason THEY ARE AFRAID! Seriously he makes a lot of sense the only question here is will he do it or is he capable to come through? Well that goes for all the candidates as well.
We need new blood here not "do nothing candidates" that we already know they will not do anything but help themselves. Re-Elect is out of the question here, unless we want the same results. RATISMO, COMPADRISMO, CRONISM AND YOU KNOW THE REST.
first and foremost is to hold BPUB accountable the sitting candidates are against it. WHY?


Anonymous said...

Don't they know cenotes don't have foundations.

Anonymous said...

Is the school board going to take legal action ? Let’s get the ball rolling on this cause it’s going to cost the taxpayers. Oh but no hurry cause one board member and a wanna be board member don’t pay school taxes cause they rent or live with mommy.Set the goal high. REMEMBER UNITED AND PROUD SAN BENITO.

Anonymous said...

Never Trust anyone who shows teeth when they smile. That is not natural. Fake

Anonymous said...

April 24, 2023 at 8:12 AM

how can you pendejos be proud of a cenote BABOSOS.
